
Items tagged with: socialweb

Guido Arnold
7 years ago

The federation new design is live!

Hey everyone! My work on the-federation website redesign is done. It's the first step to offer a better vision of our beloved social network. It was a pleasure to work with @Jason Robinson on this project. If you find any bug please report it on github.

This new website brings new features, including a responsive design, a page for each project ( #diaspora, #friendica and #hubzilla) and for each node! This means you now have a list of nodes for each project, and charts for project (like users, posts... only for diaspora* for example). You also have new charts with interesting ratios, and (very) improved performance (no more freeze for you, #firefox).

Among the new features you can expect in future improvements will be versions information (how many pods, how many users are up-to-date). If you have any feedback please share!

#thefederation #protocol #socialweb #datamining #sharingiscaring

the federation - a statistics hub

Podlist and statistics for The Federation (diaspora*, Friendica, Hubzilla).
7 years ago

The federation new design is live!

Hey everyone! My work on the-federation website redesign is done. It's the first step to offer a better vision of our beloved social network. It was a pleasure to work with @Jason Robinson on this project. If you find any bug please report it on github.

This new website brings new features, including a responsive design, a page for each project ( #diaspora, #friendica and #hubzilla) and for each node! This means you now have a list of nodes for each project, and charts for project (like users, posts... only for diaspora* for example). You also have new charts with interesting ratios, and (very) improved performance (no more freeze for you, #firefox).

Among the new features you can expect in future improvements will be versions information (how many pods, how many users are up-to-date). If you have any feedback please share!

#thefederation #protocol #socialweb #datamining #sharingiscaring

the federation - a statistics hub

Podlist and statistics for The Federation (diaspora*, Friendica, Hubzilla).
Jason Robinson
8 years ago from Diaspora

Welcome to The Federation - The Federation Lists

#thefederation #socialweb

So, finally got a planned mailing list up and running. Basically the idea is to provide a place for discussion regarding the federated social web. Mailing lists are the most neutral way to do this since most of the federated social web doesn't federate between different platforms, with the exception of #diaspora*, #Friendica and #Hubzilla.

I'd like to not only provide a place for discussion, but also provide a place for information - for example a wiki with information regarding various projects, their team, protocols - and so on. This all would be around the hopefully-not-too-far-to-be-renewed site.

Let's see where this goes. If you are interested, check out my mailing list intro email from the archives and talk to you on the list!
Jason Robinson
8 years ago from Diaspora
So who are the #federated and #decentralized #socialweb people coming to #FOSDEM? Would love to meet! Also dinner/drinks?

#diaspora #friendica #hubzilla #gnusocial #xmpp #salut-a-toi #movim #pumpio #thefederation #mediagoblin #owncloud #indieweb

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