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Items tagged with: linuxMobile

I've lost my PinePower ( at #FrOSCon2024

It was last seen around around 18:00 at the FOSS on Mobile booth.

lost+found hasn't turned anything up yet.
The spot on my desk where it used to sit feels very empty now,
so please reach out if you stumble upon it ;)

#FrOSCon19 #LinuxMobile

Plasma Dialer 24.08 based on Qt6 is out! Big thanks to @aa13q and others for their work on this release.

#kde #linuxMobile

@mrdev023 reworked the media controls in the Plasma Mobile drawer to let you change the song position.

This will be part of the Plasma 6.2 release.

#kde #plasmaMobile #linuxMobile

@espidev did a visual refresh for the Plasma Mobile lock-screen. This work will be part of the Plasma 6.2 release!

#PlasmaMobile #LinuxMobile

@l_prod completely overhauled the task switcher gestures. Now with 2D gestures handling and taking in count the velocity of the gestures.

This is coming in Plasma 6.2.

#plasmaMobile #kde #linux #linuxMobile

Weekly GNU-like #MobileLinux Update (27/2024): Two Days Late

#LinuxMobile #PinePhone #Librem5 #postmarketOS #SailfishOS #UbuntuTouch #FuriLabsFLX1

While @suraj_sloth is working on the #UnifiedPush connector side in #Chatty I got a chance to add the code for registering/unregistering #Matrix push gateways in #libcmatrix and Chatty (with this I can readily round trip messages up to the UP distributor):

#phosh #LinuxMobile #adwaita #gtk

We released the Librem 5 hardware layouts under GPLv3 (as original PADS and converted KiCad projects), joining the schematics that were already available from the start!
#librem5 #linuxmobile #kicad #openhardwar

Weekly GNU-like #MobileLinux Update (26/2024): #Phosh 0.40.0 and other good news

#LinuxMobile #Librem5 #PinePhone #postmarketOS #Mobian #SailfishOS #UbuntuTouch