
Items tagged with: WebApp

Martín V
9 years ago from Diaspora

Diaspora Native WebApp Update 1.7.3

Hello Diaspora!

I have just published a small update that fixes some crashes on the previous update (1.7.2).

Follow the #DiasporaNativeWebApp tag to keep informed about future updates and news.

If you like this app, please consider leaving a 5 star rating and review on Google Play, sharing it with your friends or buying me a beer. I would really appreciate it:

Thanks!#DiasporaNativeWebApp #Diaspora #Android #WebApp


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Martín V
9 years ago from Diaspora

Diaspora Native WebApp Update 1.5.1

Hello folks!

I have just published an update (it might take a couple of hours to be availabe) with the folllowing changes:
  • Now the "back" button only goes back in the browsing history. Previously it also called the "exit app" function when you were on the main stream. The problem with that was that when you were, for example, in a second or third "page" of the (mobile version of the) main stream, you had no way of going back to the previous page, because the exit confirmation dialog was called.
  • The "Exit App" option from the menu will be displayed in the ActionBar whenever there is room available (so that people don't freak out when they see that they can no longer exit the app by pressing the "back" button).
  • Fixed a few unescaped characters in the FR translation.
  • Removed the warning shown when using mobile Internet because it was a little anoying.
If you like this app, please consider leaving a 5 star rating and review on Google Play, share it with your friends or make a small donation on the link below. I would really appreciate it.



Google Play:


Manually download the APK from GitHub:

More info:

#DiasporaNativeWebApp #Diaspora #Android #WebApp


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