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Items tagged with: fsfe

Are you at #38C3 and looking for new cool meaningful clothes? We got you covered!

Check out our new #FSFE :fsfe: zipper hoodies and t-shirts?

#freesoftware #softwarefreedom

Es war sehr lustig heute beim Lichtenberger Lichtermarkt am Stand von der #agqueer und der #fsfe. Lustigerweise waren auch paar @cbase Member da. Wir hätten vielleicht noch mehr Werbung für unsere #glühmate machen sollen, aber diejenigen die eine geholt haben waren alle happy.

Vielen Dank auch nochmal ans @afra für die geliehene Heizplatte und ans #kieztreff_undine für den Topf

#berlin #lichtenberg

Today evening beginning at 19:00 Kai of Zerocat will present the Zerocat Mini Machine at the meeting of the FSFE local group at xHain in Berlin.

Zerocat Mini Machine: Put the fun back into hardware development!

In respect to electronic hardware development, fun is gone as soon as the tools and the development process take your freedoms away, and bind you to proprietary concepts and business models. Zerocat Mini Machine will be different! While being an interesting hardware project by itself, targeting 100% integrity of text processing towards encrypted morse code, it offers a rock-solid free license concept right from the start.

All software tools of the development chain, e.g. 3D-CAD, Electronic Design Automation (EDA), PCB layout editing, and so on are fully qualified free software, provided in reproducible environments by means of the GNU Guix System.

#FSFE #Berlin #xhain #maker #OpenHardwar

🔗🤝 The partnership with ITS Academy Last and the Edulife Foundation continues!

📢ITS second year students participated in @sfscon 2024 with official greetings & recommendation of talks to attend by the FSFE Team.

💻And soon, the first year students will engage in a series of online lessons to further develop their learning of basic legal concepts such as copyright law and licensing.

#SFSCON #SoftwareLibero #Edulife #FSFE #ITSLast #freesoftware

I had a great weekend full of review, discussion and planning as a member of the #FSFE General Assembly. I'm heading home with new angles to support our work, and new ideas to refine in the coming months. It was a fruitful weekend for me and for the FSFE!

‼️ The Free Software Foundation Europe needs your help ‼️

The EU Commission aims to remove funding from free software projects which are crucial to our digital lives.

We spoke with the #FSFE to learn more.

Please share this post with your friends to spread the message and rally support for free software! 📣

#freesoftware #opensource #eu #europe #freedom

♻ @kirschner: Read about the 10th edition of the @fsfe's Legal and Licensing Workshop 2017: #FreeSoftware #licensing … Liked it! #fsfe

In zwei Wochen (5. Juli) gibt es endlich den Vortrag von @Max Mehl in #Frankfurt. Thema: “Public Money, Public Code†

#fsfe #fsferm #rheinmain #pmpc

Legal and Licensing Workshop 2017: Its 10th edition "restarts" debates in Free Software licensing #fellowship - #news # fsfe

♻ @ivana_isadora: Thank you, FSFE, for always caring about the people who support you. … #fsfe

FSFE provides #FreeSoftware #Git hosting for its supporters and volunteers. Give it a try and leave feedback! … #Gitea #fsfe

New European Interoperability Framework calls on public sector to contribute to Free Software #fellowship - #news # fsfe

Am 13. Juli findet wieder das monatliche Treffen der FSFE Localgroup Zürich statt. Dabei geht es darum, an bisherigen Projekten weiterzuarbeiten und neue zu besprechen und zu konzipieren. Mehr Informationen dazu im FSFE-Wiki unter #fellowship - #event #fsfe

â™» @3albers: May the source be with you. And Free Software. #ILoveFS #MFB17 @fsfe am Stand 32 #fsfe

♻ @3albers: Danke für das große Interesse und den schönen Tag auf der #Makerfair #Berlin. Morgen ist die @fsfe wieder am Stand 32 #ILoveFS #MFB17 #fsfe

â™» @3albers: Besuch die @fsfe auf der #Makerfair #Berlin, Stand 32. Um 14 Uhr gibt es hier auch eine live #FreeYourAndroid Installation. #MFB17 #fsfe

♻ @pottcasts: WDR 5 Politikum - An der Leine von Apple oder Google? - Ein Gespräch mit Björn @Schiessle von der @fsfe - … #fsfe

We rely on @gnupg every day to support our mission to further Free Software! Our work would not be possible without it. … #fsfe

Am kommenden Wochenende werden wir einen kleinen Stand auf dem Bended Realities 2017 haben. Motto der Veranstaltung diesmal: KONKRETOPIA

Kommt vorbei, Eintrit ist frei!

#fsfe #fsferm #offenbach #bendedrealities

Mal ein Fall für den Backup-Account: Cryptospora ist leider seit Tagen mit Pod-Aktualisierungen beschäftigt.

Am 8. Juni findet wieder das monatliche Treffen der FSFE Localgroup Zürich statt. Dabei geht es darum, an bisherigen Projekten weiterzuarbeiten und neue zu besprechen und zu konzipieren. Mehr Informationen dazu im FSFE-Wiki. #fellowship - #event #fsfe

♻ @ingenieriainv: Muy bien organizado este año la #OpenExpo2017, no podíamos faltar. @fsf @fsfe @OpenExpoES #FreeSoftware #fsfe

Use. Study. Share. Improve. Software that gives us these Freedoms allows a more meaningful interaction with our computers and - more importantly - with our fellow human beings. What makes Free Software so fascinating and how Free Software may make the world a better place, the FSFE Fellowship Muich tries to convey in a workshop on Friday, June 2nd 2017 (starting 18:00) at WikiMUC; Angertorstr... - #event #fsfe

♻ @[url=]Max Mehl[/url]: At @[url=]Free Software Foundation Europe[/url] we're constantly improving our tech infrastructure, e.g. by containerisation. Interested? Join us! … @jonaso #fsfe


Because people already asked, Matthias Kirschner's talk about LiMux at the OpenSuse Conference is online #LiMux #FSFE #openSuse

â™» @sysrich: It's begun, Matthias from @fsfe talking about LIMUX at @openSUSE conference 2017 #fsfe

At the openSUSE conference 2017, Matthias Kirschner will give a keynote about Limux and discuss what the Free Software community can learn from it. The openSUSE Conference is the annual openSUSE community event that brings people from around the world together to meet and collaborate. The keynote takes place from 10:00 to 11:00 at the main hall in Z-Bau, Frankenstraße 200, Nürnberg. #fellowship - #event #fsfe

Matthias Kirschner will participate at a panel discussion how data, code, and algorithms are influencing our live and the economy. What will happen if just a few companies control who can change source code, modify, or share it? This will be discussed from 11:00 to 12:30 at the Church Day at Festung Mark, Kulturwerkstatt, Hohepfortewall 1, Magdeburg. #fellowship - #event #fsfe

Matthias Kirschner will participate at a panel discussion how data, code, and algorithms are influencing our live and the economy. What will happen if just a few companies control who can change source code, modify, or share it? This will be discussed from 11:00 to 12:30 at the Church Day at Festung Mark, Kulturwerkstatt, Hohepfortewall 1, Magdeburg. #fellowship - #event #fsfe

♻ @mxmehl: At @fsfe we're constantly improving our tech infrastructure, e.g. by containerisation. Interested? Join us! … @jonaso #fsfe

Der Corso Leopold ist ein zweimal jährlich stattfindendes Straßenfest auf Münchens Leopoldstraße mit mehreren 100.000 Besuchern. Weil Freie Software wichtig für eine Freie und Offene Gesellschaft ist, wird das Münchner FSFE-Fellowship wieder - in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der Münchner Wikipedia-Community - mit einem Stand beim Corso Leopold vertreten sein. Wir freuen uns auf vielen interessant... - #event #fsfe