
Results for: P2P

Sam Tuke
9 years ago from Diaspora

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Call for papers for the Free Society Conference

The Free Society Conference (FSCONS) are looking for speakers to come to Sweden in November. Perhaps someone here might be interested in going? The deadline for proposals is July 15th.

The topics of the tracks this year are: Conference info: Submit a proposal:

More about the conf:

#FSCONS is a non-profit, progressive, and intimate conference that was founded by Free Software groups in 2007 and has taken place in Universities around Gothenburg every year since.

Around 300 people usually participate. In the past hot topics were #cryptocurrency taxation, secure digital democracy, open source #ecology, and distributed communications. Past keynotes have included Richard Stallman and Glyn Moody.

Keynotes this year are Ken MacLeod (Scottish Science Fiction Author) and Birgitta Jónsdóttir (elected Icelandic Pirate Party MP). Werner Koch of #GnuPG will also speak. #CallForPapers #CallForProposals
Sam Tuke
9 years ago from Diaspora

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Call for papers for the Free Society Conference

The Free Society Conference (FSCONS) are looking for speakers to come to Sweden in November. Perhaps someone here might be interested in going? The deadline for proposals is July 15th.

The topics of the tracks this year are: Conference info: Submit a proposal:

More about the conf:

#FSCONS is a non-profit, progressive, and intimate conference that was founded by Free Software groups in 2007 and has taken place in Universities around Gothenburg every year since.

Around 300 people usually participate. In the past hot topics were #cryptocurrency taxation, secure digital democracy, open source #ecology, and distributed communications. Past keynotes have included Richard Stallman and Glyn Moody.

Keynotes this year are Ken MacLeod (Scottish Science Fiction Author) and Birgitta Jónsdóttir (elected Icelandic Pirate Party MP). Werner Koch of #GnuPG will also speak. #CallForPapers #CallForProposals
Klaus Weidenbach
10 years ago from Red Matrix
Twister on heise
How come that finds something like Twister and writes an article about it. How they get their topics? o_O :facepalm

Twister: Twitter-Alternative sichert Privatheit und Anonymität zu
Die vielversprechende Software Twister macht Anleihen bei Bitcoin und BitTorrent, um eine dezentralisierte Infrastruktur für verschlüsselte Peer-to-Peer-Kommunikation und Microblogging aufzusetzen.
twister | P2P microblogging platform
twister is the fully decentralized P2P microblogging platform leveraging from the free software implementations of Bitcoin and BitTorrent protocols. Because twister is completely decentralized no one can censor you. No one can remove your posts. Your account cannot be blocked. Private communication (Direct Messages) are protected with end-to-end en...
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
A P2P-based social network framework by the University of Paderborn
Forgot to visit them at CeBIT. I think they are already working/researching since 5-6 years, but they still don't have public available code.

P2pframework: A Toolbox for Building P2P-based Social Networks

Enormous application range, secure and competitive, no operating costs Digital social networks promise to activate the social participants and to support them in their interactivity patterns. Private relationships evolve to friendships, professional contacts define competence networks and political opinions emerge to revolutionary trends. Social ne...
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
A P2P Digital Self with TeleHash
This is a really interesting presentation by Jeremie Miller about The Locker Project from the strangeloop conference.

InfoQ: InfoQ: A P2P Digital Self with TeleHash

#P2P #Kademlia #decentralized #DHT #LockerProject
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