
Results for: decentralized



diaspora* es una red federada y descentralizada con más de 170 pods (servidores) activos. A modo de experimento, veamos hasta dónde puede llegar este post y cuántos pods podemos alcanzar.

Si lo estás viendo, por favor comparte este post para generar la mayor dispersión posible. Para medir esa dispersión utilizaremos Diaspora ReShare Graph, una herramienta para seguir las publicaciones compartidas.



diaspora* is a federated and decentralized social network with more than 170 active pods. As an experiment, let's see how far this post can go and how many pods we can reach.

If you are viewing it, please reshare this post to generate as much dispersion as possible. To measure this dispersion we will use Diaspora ReShare Graph, a tool to follow the reshared publications.

Thank you!
#diaspora #hola #newhere #español #english #federated #federación #redeslibres #redsocial #socialnetwork #social #network #softwarelibre #freesoftware #pods #reshare #experimento #experiment
Guido Arnold
7 years ago


diaspora* es una red federada y descentralizada con más de 170 pods (servidores) activos. A modo de experimento, veamos hasta dónde puede llegar este post y cuántos pods podemos alcanzar.

Si lo estás viendo, por favor comparte este post para generar la mayor dispersión posible. Para medir esa dispersión utilizaremos Diaspora ReShare Graph, una herramienta para seguir las publicaciones compartidas.



diaspora* is a federated and decentralized social network with more than 170 active pods. As an experiment, let's see how far this post can go and how many pods we can reach.

If you are viewing it, please reshare this post to generate as much dispersion as possible. To measure this dispersion we will use Diaspora ReShare Graph, a tool to follow the reshared publications.

Thank you!
#diaspora #hola #newhere #español #english #federated #federación #redeslibres #redsocial #socialnetwork #social #network #softwarelibre #freesoftware #pods #reshare #experimento #experiment


diaspora* es una red federada y descentralizada con más de 170 pods (servidores) activos. A modo de experimento, veamos hasta dónde puede llegar este post y cuántos pods podemos alcanzar.

Si lo estás viendo, por favor comparte este post para generar la mayor dispersión posible. Para medir esa dispersión utilizaremos Diaspora ReShare Graph, una herramienta para seguir las publicaciones compartidas.



diaspora* is a federated and decentralized social network with more than 170 active pods. As an experiment, let's see how far this post can go and how many pods we can reach.

If you are viewing it, please reshare this post to generate as much dispersion as possible. To measure this dispersion we will use Diaspora ReShare Graph, a tool to follow the reshared publications.

Thank you!
#diaspora #hola #newhere #español #english #federated #federación #redeslibres #redsocial #socialnetwork #social #network #softwarelibre #freesoftware #pods #reshare #experimento #experiment
Guido Arnold
7 years ago

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The slides and the video of my talk about #diaspora at the #fosdem2017 are now available on the fosdem website, direct links at the bottom of the page.

I would like to thanks all the diaspora* contributors and users I met during the weekend and and the staff of the #decentralized internet devroom to brought this topic at the #fosdem

Of course, everything is under Creative Commons BY so feel free to share, modify, use, redistribute, and give talks about diaspora* all over the world! Sharing is caring, and we need a respectful social network to discuss and improve the world.
Carol Chen
7 years ago
Fla wrote the following post:

view full size

The slides and the video of my talk about #diaspora at the #fosdem2017 are now available on the fosdem website, direct links at the bottom of the page.

I would like to thanks all the diaspora* contributors and users I met during the weekend and and the staff of the #decentralized internet devroom to brought this topic at the #fosdem

Of course, everything is under Creative Commons BY so feel free to share, modify, use, redistribute, and give talks about diaspora* all over the world! Sharing is caring, and we need a respectful social network to discuss and improve the world.
7 years ago

view full size

The slides and the video of my talk about #diaspora at the #fosdem2017 are now available on the fosdem website, direct links at the bottom of the page.

I would like to thanks all the diaspora* contributors and users I met during the weekend and and the staff of the #decentralized internet devroom to brought this topic at the #fosdem

Of course, everything is under Creative Commons BY so feel free to share, modify, use, redistribute, and give talks about diaspora* all over the world! Sharing is caring, and we need a respectful social network to discuss and improve the world.
7 years ago
My #diaspora talk is over! You can access the slides of the presentation and (hopefully soon) the video recorded on the fosdem page.

#fosdem #fosdem2017

FOSDEM 2017 - [diaspora]The state of diaspora* and the decentralized social world

diaspora* HQ
7 years ago
So like last year we will be at the fosdem at Brussels this weekend! Come to our stand if you want to talk with us. There will also be a talk about the state of diaspora* and the decentralized social world on Sunday morning at 9:30am.

If you attend the fosdem and want to help represent diaspora* please join the loomio discussion.

We can't wait to meet all of you!

#fosdem #fosdem2017 #diaspora #brussels #event

FOSDEM 2017 - Home

Jason Robinson
8 years ago from Diaspora

FOSDEM 2017 - Accepted developer rooms

I see there is a "Decentralized internet" room for the first time, great news! Anyone from #Diaspora, #Friendica, #Hubzilla, #GNUSocial, #Pumpio, #Mediagoblin or other #decentralized social network project peeps planning to submit talks? Doesn't look like the call for proposals is out yet for this room. Will be sure to spend some time in this room in any case.

@MediaGoblin (Christopher) - maybe a good chance to push out #ActivityPub if you're planning to attend this year, hmm?

#FOSDEM #decentralize #internet #thefederation

FOSDEM 2017 - Accepted developer rooms

Jason Robinson
8 years ago from Diaspora
So who are the #federated and #decentralized #socialweb people coming to #FOSDEM? Would love to meet! Also dinner/drinks?

#diaspora #friendica #hubzilla #gnusocial #xmpp #salut-a-toi #movim #pumpio #thefederation #mediagoblin #owncloud #indieweb

Klaus Weidenbach
10 years ago from Red Matrix
Twister on heise
How come that finds something like Twister and writes an article about it. How they get their topics? o_O :facepalm

Twister: Twitter-Alternative sichert Privatheit und Anonymität zu
Die vielversprechende Software Twister macht Anleihen bei Bitcoin und BitTorrent, um eine dezentralisierte Infrastruktur für verschlüsselte Peer-to-Peer-Kommunikation und Microblogging aufzusetzen.
twister | P2P microblogging platform
twister is the fully decentralized P2P microblogging platform leveraging from the free software implementations of Bitcoin and BitTorrent protocols. Because twister is completely decentralized no one can censor you. No one can remove your posts. Your account cannot be blocked. Private communication (Direct Messages) are protected with end-to-end en...
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
A P2P Digital Self with TeleHash
This is a really interesting presentation by Jeremie Miller about The Locker Project from the strangeloop conference.

InfoQ: InfoQ: A P2P Digital Self with TeleHash

#P2P #Kademlia #decentralized #DHT #LockerProject
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
♲ JC John Sese Cuneta (謝施洗)
I wonder how many more #Friendica instances are out there who haven't made their presence known, not because they are not federating (ie. in private mode), rather because they chose not to list themselves in the global-public directory.

If no user choose to get listed in the global-public directory, no one will know they exist until someone reshare one of their post by well-connected federated users or their friends (of friends), or they post in a public group with federated members.

The media <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">should</span> must understand that concept before they assume Friendica (or any other #DDFON ) only have few users and/or few instances/nodes/pods. Because in the #decentralized, #distributed, #federated, #open, #social network world, it is not about numbers, it is about #freedom, #ownership, and #privacy.

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