
Results for: python

Carol Chen
7 years ago

Socialhome HQ

#django #python #decentralization #thefederation #diaspora
"Socialhome is a #federated home page builder application with social network features."

My little project has reached the phase where I've set up a public demo server. Feel free to play around if you like - feedback would be highly appreciated! Just do realize it's a bit alpha still.

Socialhome HQ

Jason Robinson
7 years ago

Socialhome HQ

#django #python #decentralization #thefederation #diaspora
"Socialhome is a #federated home page builder application with social network features."

My little project has reached the phase where I've set up a public demo server. Feel free to play around if you like - feedback would be highly appreciated! Just do realize it's a bit alpha still.

Socialhome HQ

Guido Arnold
7 years ago

My Company (in Berlin, Germany) is Hiring

Hello D* - in case you or someone you know is looking for a job in either of the following two positions here in Berlin, Germany: * DevOps/SRE (Hadoop, Python, Spark, Grafana, InfluxDB, MongoDB, Scylla, virtualization, Ansible, and so on and so on) * System Administrator (both Debian- and Redhat families, Python, virtualization, wiki and git and so on, monitoring and alarming, backups, small local DC, no network management (routers, switches, firewalls), some offsite stuff at customer installations, and so on )

Goodies: interesting but not over-the-top levels of complexity, you get to play with interesting technologies, international team (English is business language), free fruit and veggies, admin your own notebook (you can install Linux if you like), small company ( < 30) but due to the ownership structure of the company you can get into a corporate pension plan if you want, and the pay check is totally on time every month.

#jobbörse #jobmarket #berlin #devops #sysadmin #python #hadoop #linux
7 years ago

My Company (in Berlin, Germany) is Hiring

Hello D* - in case you or someone you know is looking for a job in either of the following two positions here in Berlin, Germany: * DevOps/SRE (Hadoop, Python, Spark, Grafana, InfluxDB, MongoDB, Scylla, virtualization, Ansible, and so on and so on) * System Administrator (both Debian- and Redhat families, Python, virtualization, wiki and git and so on, monitoring and alarming, backups, small local DC, no network management (routers, switches, firewalls), some offsite stuff at customer installations, and so on )

Goodies: interesting but not over-the-top levels of complexity, you get to play with interesting technologies, international team (English is business language), free fruit and veggies, admin your own notebook (you can install Linux if you like), small company ( < 30) but due to the ownership structure of the company you can get into a corporate pension plan if you want, and the pay check is totally on time every month.

#jobbörse #jobmarket #berlin #devops #sysadmin #python #hadoop #linux
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago from Diaspora

After a year of using #NodeJS in production | Geek for Brains


Good write-up on the NodeJS ecosystem.

After a year of using NodeJS in production | Geek for Brains

This is a follow-up to my original “Why I’m switching from Python to Node.js” post. I wrote it just over a year ago in response to myfrustrations with Python...
Jason Robinson
8 years ago from Diaspora

After a year of using #NodeJS in production | Geek for Brains


Good write-up on the NodeJS ecosystem.

After a year of using NodeJS in production | Geek for Brains

This is a follow-up to my original “Why I’m switching from Python to Node.js” post. I wrote it just over a year ago in response to myfrustrations with Python...
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago from Diaspora
#freiesMagazin 04/2016 erschienen - - - Inhalt der Ausgabe 04/2016
  • Der März im Kernelrückblick
  • Domainserver für kleines Geld und große Ansprüche
  • #Inkscape für Einsteiger – Teil I: Grundlagen
  • #Emacs – Moderne Antike
  • #VirtualBox 5.0 – Der Einstieg
  • #Pacman – Der Paketmanager von #Arch #Linux
  • Rezension: Datenanalyse mit Python
  • Rezension: R for Dummies
  • Hacks für die Digitale #Fotografie
  • Leserbriefe und Veranstaltungen

freiesMagazin 04/2016 erschienen -

9 years ago from Diaspora
on all our production servers.

#python #thefuck

thefuck 3.2 : Python Package Index

Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command
CSX 6400
9 years ago from Diaspora

Really strange behavior QML/PyOtherSide/Python

I don't know where to put this really so I thought I'd share it here.

I'm rewriting my #scalefish app to a python version (so no update yet unfortunately) when I noticed this strange behavior. I have this python code in a file named
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import pyotherside

def ran_func():
return "Hello World!"

So far so good ... Then in the QML file in the same folder i have this:
import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import io.thp.pyotherside 1.4

Page {
id: page
TextArea {
Python {
id: python
Component.onCompleted: {
importModule('random', function() {});
function ran_func() {
return call_sync('random.ran_func', []);
Component.onCompleted: {
// Notice the empty TextArea

Nothing suspicious I'd say. When the Component page has instantiated it should log Hello World! to the console. And indeed, running this gives the result:
[D]onCompleted:42 - Hello World!

But now it gets strange. When I removed the (property-less) TextArea, it throws an Error:
[D]QPythonPriv::formatExc:612 - "PyOtherSide error: Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<string>", line 1, in <module>

NameError: name 'random' is not defined
[W]QPython::emitError:380 - Unhandled PyOtherSide error: Function not found: 'random.ran_func' (Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<string>", line 1, in <module>

NameError: name 'random' is not defined
[D]onCompleted:53 - undefined

And I don't understand why. Even stranger is the fact it will only run correctly when you use the TextArea object. Replace it with e.g. Button, or Rectangle it won't succeed and gives the same error. Anyone an idea?

#qml #pyotherside #python #sailfishos #jolla #linux
We Distribute
9 years ago from redmatrix

Diaspora merges Social Relay feature

Two years of discussion revolving around public post federation hit a new milestone yesterday, as a Pull Request by @Jason Robinson got merged into the main #Diaspora repository. The Social Relay feature will allow hosted relay servers to help the main network with sharing public contents across all pods.

A few concepts have been put together regarding how the relays work:
  • Social-Federation is a Python library that aims to abstract multiple federated social networking protocols under it. Currently it only supports the Diaspora protocol and only relevant parts of it. Fully implemented is parsing a status_message message which covers public posts.
  • Social-Relay is a Python Flask application that will aim to cover this proposal, using the social-federation library. It handles public post receiving and storing to Redis. It is currently receiving all public posts from the pod
  • Change to Diaspora deferred_dispatch worker to make public posts be sent out to a relay

Public post federation

The lack of public post federation in Diaspora is IMHO a make or break feature. The whole network is a little broken as small pods are cut of most of the posts on the network due to the way current federation works.

Here is my proposal for solving this issue, please see [wiki post here](

It is not a comprehensive solution that can just be implemented now. It is a high level suggestion for going forward with talking about such a feature.
Arthur Schiwon
9 years ago from Diaspora
A fresh how-to on writing an #sailfishOS app in #python

Creating a Sailfish OS application in Python - -


Creating a Sailfish OS application in Python -

Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
Good to have already a note taking program for #jolla that syncs with my #ownCloud.

Benoît HERVIER : ownNotes 1.0.3

Benoît HERVIER (Khertan) Developer Web Site : Maemo/Harmattan/Debian addict, Open Source Advocate, Python Qt fan and developper
Categories: Jolla [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Does someone use MediaGoblin with Apache? Somehow I don't understand how this should work. Tried yesterday 3hours to get it working, but I don't understand how it should work. When I read the documentation I thought that the MediaGoblin python lazyserver should do everything and also connect to the PostgreSQL database and just the output is brought by FastCGI to the Apache. MediaGoblin runs with an unprivileged user and has access to the database, but when I access it trough Apache and FastCGI the Apache user wants to connect to the database.
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Python and CentOS
Trying to install #python, django, gearman, etc. on #CentOS. Doesn't seem to be the right distro for that, or I just don't know enough about all these python things.
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