
Items tagged with: FreeSoftware

Pirate Praveen** (j4v4m4n)
8 years ago from mobile

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#minidebconf #minidebconfindia #minidebconfpune #debconf #debian #FreeSoftware

Debian packaging session day 1. I guided them to package buftok gem. Tomorrow they will choose one gem each.
Katharina Nocun
8 years ago from Diaspora
Heyda - die #FSFE braucht mal eben Eure Hilfe & Feedback: #freesoftware

FOSSA - Now we need feedback by the real experts

The goal of the "Free and Open Source Security Audit" (FOSSA) pilot project is to increase security of Free Software used by the European institutions. The FSFE has been following the project since the early beginning in 2014. I am concerned that if the project stays on its current course the Europe...
Alexander Ross
8 years ago from Diaspora
At last! The crowdfund, i‘ve been waiting for my next laptop. I want to buy all, if not, most of my future devices from this company/brand/standard. There goodies are going to be #earth and #freesoftware friendly, made by an #indie . With #ethical design at its heart. #EOMA68 is here:

Whitepaper: with story examples to help illustrate what this means:

#ilovemyeoma #eomaidea an #eomadevice Had some ideas for devices and added them to the idea page. i like the #projector one and the ravox - #rave boom box- too :) or what about a FOX, a file server box for non-raid file storage or a MOX for a media centre or a camera or a guitar effects box arr heck if i list any more ideas this will become a great big list, just have a look at the wiki page ;)

Tons of info buried on the website:

Yea the website isn’t super sparkly, they work as hard as they can and put most of there efforts into the product. if you can help with managing the website, smarting it up,etc then feel free to join the mailing list and get an account on the wiki :) . so don't be dishearten and think failed or struggling project, cus your wrong hes been at it working towards this point for ages. Laying the ground work, developing a standard that is to last for around the next 10years. So its taken his time in getting it right initially but after this crowdfund things can ramp up and speed up :D ill looking forward to the quad core 2x faster new future brain/cpu card and i look forward to getting the tablet, heck even games console too heh :)

#ethicaldesign #foss #computer #hardware #laptop #crowdfund #libre #eco #environment #solutions #product #ecoproduct #moneywhereyourmouthis #hacker #freehardware #copylefthardware #openhardware #opensource #tech #gadget #earthfriendly #earthday #oshw #allwinner #sunxi #education #alternative #lawyer #cyberpunk #innovation #zeitgeist

Earth-friendly EOMA68 Computing Devices

Easily Upgrade and Fix Your Own Computer
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago from Diaspora
ch3 wrote the following post:
Normally, I don't like posting jobs in this context. But with this one I have no bad feelings:

#osmocom #sysmocom #job #haraldwelte #berlin #freesoftware #gsm

Developers wanted for Osmocom GSM related work

Right now I'm feeling sad. I really shouldn't, but I still do.
Many years ago I started OpenBSC and Osmocom in order to bring Free
Software into an area where it barely existed before: Cellular
8 years ago from Diaspora
Normally, I don't like posting jobs in this context. But with this one I have no bad feelings:

#osmocom #sysmocom #job #haraldwelte #berlin #freesoftware #gsm

Developers wanted for Osmocom GSM related work

Right now I'm feeling sad. I really shouldn't, but I still do.
Many years ago I started OpenBSC and Osmocom in order to bring Free
Software into an area where it barely existed before: Cellular
Wolfgang Romey
8 years ago from Diaspora
Am 30.04.2016 findet (auch) in Mülheim an der ruhr wieder der Linux Presentation Day statt. Die Ankündigung mit Programm findet sich hier:

#lpd #freesoftware #freiesoftware #linuximalltag


Diego* (
8 years ago from Diaspora

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I love Free Software Day 2016

Muestra tu amor por el Software Libre. :)

#freesoftware #softwarelibre #ilovefs
8 years ago from redmatrix
a big Thank You for all the people in the Federation especially those who made, contributed to, or helped someone in any way with Redmatrix, Hubzilla, Friendica, Diaspora,, GNUsocial and all involved with anything that shares the visions of open federation and user freedom

and to all the users too - for spreading the word and giving it a go and helping the networks grow!

#ilovefs #friendica #redmatrix #hubzilla #diaspora #pumpio #gnusocial #federation #freesoftware

I ♥ Free Software - Valentine's Day 2016 - FSFE

8 years ago from Diaspora

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Thank you #FreeSoftware contributors!
Fairphone could not exist without you.

#ilovefs #WeAreFairphone #FSFE #FSF #open-source #linux #gnu #computing #Internet
Jure Repinc
9 years ago from Diaspora
A roundtable discussion on the need (or lack of need) for compromise in Free Software. Hosted by Bryan Lunduke with panelists including: Richard M Stallman, Aaron Seigo, Swapnil Bhartiya, and Stuart Langridge.

#Software #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #IT #Computers #Technology

Compromise In Free Software : Bryan Lunduke : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

A roundtable discussion on the need (or lack of need) for compromise in Free Software.  Hosted by Bryan Lunduke with panelists including: Richard M Stallman,...
Srikar Arepalli
9 years ago from mobile
Ones interested in helping #schools in adopting free technology platforms, please contact me. #gnu #linux #freedom #openhardware #trisquel #freesoftware #opensource #foss
Wolfgang Romey
9 years ago from Diaspora
Der #Linux-Presentation-Day (LPD) in Mülheim an der Ruhr war ein (großer?) Erfolg. Ca. 90 Personen waren da. Ich selbst habe was zu "Sicherer Bewegen im Internet" angeboten, wobei es um Sachen wie #noscript und #tor ging. Daß so viele Leute gekommen sind, liegt wohl zum einen daran, daß der Organisator Wolf-Dieter Zimmermann in Mühlheim an der Ruhr sehr gut vernetzt ist, sicher aber auch daran, daß der Tag unter die Überschrift "#Linux im Alltag" gestellt wurde. - Weitere Informationen zum LPD und zu weiteren Aktivitäten zur Verbreitung Freier Software finden sich hier:

#freiesoftware #freesoftware

LPD 2015

Cristóbal Gallardo Lüttecke
9 years ago from Diaspora

The importance of COMMENTING

Translated from Spanish into English. Thanks to @Diego* ( for the original post. I've written this post to Exercise my English abilities. Generally I translate in the other sense (English/Spanish); so I request you to apologize me grammatical errors.
"If you have and apple and I have an apple, and we exchange these apples, then You and I will still each have one apple. But, if you have an Idea and I have an Idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas." George Bernard Shaw

There are several differences amongst #Diaspora and other traditional #socialnetworks. But; obviously there is one that everyone can distinguish with a simple view: the user's posts quality

Permanently, we can see/read excellent posts about many subjects: #art, #traveling, #gnulinux #freesoftware #libresoftware, #security, #privacy, etc. The list can grow and grow. However; the posts can't generate by themselves: We have this richness of stuff by the effort of #Diaspora User Community. They put on their posts their time, their work (for example, formatting text in #markdown) to publish things that like, love or interest them.

The Magic Word is #Sharing

The strength of #Diaspora belongs to its Community. The Community shines by itself, spreading light to each part of Diaspora and make us feeling it alive. Who signs up and walks its first steps on #Diaspora is reaching a environment where kindness and coolness have their realm. But Diaspora is too much. It means a way of life, almost a life philosophy. It's all about #freedom. The freedom to have the choosing power to share whatever you want with those ones you wish. And it is a fantastic thing, because this social network fills itself with interesting stuff.

The key is #interaction

Every social network commentary final purpose is the #interaction that the members make amongst them. If we are here is because we want sharing things and interact with people. When someone shares something, Diaspora gives us the tools to participate with that post. We would add it to our favorites, clicking on "#Like" (or the famous #heart if you are on mobile version), we would reshare it and our third option: we could make some comment

We need to be honest here: We made some commentary on the posts that we read/saw a few. We are not accustomed to leave comments. The many of us are clicking on "#Like" or "#Reshare" as our better option; in a mechanic way. Without know it or ignoring it, we are losing all the fun that the Diaspora social network can provide us. Of course, people have their reasons to don't leaving comments. Let's check them out.

Reasons because We don't comment

  • Because We agreed with the things what we had read.

    "Why Do I need to leave some comment? When you agreed with something, it doesn't appear necessary adding more stuff, It's all said.. !!
  • Because, We didn't agree with the post content, but We didn't how to say our thoughts/opinions

    I didn't want to start a discuss with people who I didn't know. Besides; Why should I say that I didn't agree with the things those I was reading? Perhaps, It could mean anyone would answer me, starting a discuss. A lot of work. My best option is to keep silence saying anything.
  • Because when sometimes I commented a post leaving my thoughts, I never received a reply (T.T)

    I remember the time when I was a full time Diaspora active member, but I didn't receive any reply. So, I decided no losing time writing comments.

Why commenting is an Important thing?

Please ; watch out the following graphic:Image/photo

This summarize the thing that I want to tell you. Give a thought and receive another. It's all about creating communication, to show us amongst ourselves; and; to support/help us to ourselves. This is the core/essence of a community. I could say this is the core of all communities.

Commenting is an important thing because:

  • It creates a mutual relationship in several sensesWe feed and benefit with comments amongst us. It's a interesting thing knowing how the other people are thinking about particular matters. It's necessary to get started a communication in two both senses, and, to get that other users will answer your commentary.
  • Sharing your thoughts with others is a good way to get new relationshipsWhen you discover a publishing that you like or interest you, you will ever find to say some things on the text what you have read. Searching people whose have the same thought isn't easy, but finding people who discusses a matter on a healthy way (without trolling, for example) is really, really hard. However it is greatly pleasing, and it could give you some personal satisfaction.
  • You can know wonderful peopleThe commentaries are our first step to get started a community, I don't talk of posting activity; I am talking about the people, it is about the community that can be born around Diaspora Users. We are making a great space here to share and talk. It would be the first point to start a friendship with people who commenting and would have same interests with you. Open your mind and believe in this possibility, I said you it for experience ;)
  • You can find people who help youWith commentaries we are making the place to us, a place in where exists the possibility to have kindness and wonderful conversations. We don't have the sames thoughts or opinions. We don't need them. However, the thing that the many have is the wish to learn, teach or talk. The experience and the possibility to request help to people who live in different parts of the world, it's so cool.
  • It's a way to acknowledge the author for its work writing that post.
If you find useful the information or if you like what you had read; commenting transforms itself on a way to say "thanks" to its author and show her/him that exists someone who finds useful the information.

For this; besides publishing your own posts, you could participate on the other user posts. Comment and get started some discuss. It will make a richness commentary "rain" to two both; who comments it and- who answers it. :)

If you liked this post, please share and comment it :)
#diaspora #newhere #community #en #translating

comentar La importancia de COMENTAR Si hay algo que distingue a diaspora* de las demás red...

La importancia de COMENTAR
Si hay algo que distingue a diaspora* de las demás redes sociales, sin dudas es la calidad de sus publicaciones. Permanentemente vemos excelentes posts de diversos temas: #arte, #fotografía, #viajes, #música, #salud, #linux, #softwarelibre, #seguridad, #privacidad, etc. La lista puede hacerse interminable. Esa riqueza de contenido la tenemos gracias a los usuarios de la comunidad, que con esmero y dedicación comparten día a día las cosas que les gustan, que les apasionan, que les interesan.
La palabra mágica es compartir
Justamente, lo más destacable de diaspora* es su comunidad. Quienes se registran y comienzan a dar sus primeros pasos dentro de la red social, se encuentran con un ambiente cordial y ameno, donde abunda el altruismo y la buena onda. Pero diaspora* es más que eso. Es casi una filosofía de vida. Es tener la libertad de poder (por fin) elegir y compartir lo que quieras, con quien quieras...
Fellowship-Gruppe Rhein/Main
9 years ago from Diaspora
Auf unseren Treffen kommt immer wieder das Thema #Mutterware Party hoch. Das ist sowas.

Wer macht mit?

#mutt #party #freesoftware #email #frankfurt #rheinmain
KDE Community
9 years ago from Diaspora

KDE Plasma 5.4 Released

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New in this release

This release of Plasma brings many nice touches for our users such as new fullscreen application launcher, much improved high DPI support, KRunner auto-completion and many new beautiful Breeze icons. It also lays the ground for the future with a tech preview of Wayland session available. We're shipping a few new components such as an Audio Volume Plasma Widget, monitor calibration tool and the User Manager tool comes out beta.

More: KDE Plasma 5.4 Released

#KDE #Plasma #Desktop #Linux #BSD #UNIX #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #Software #IT

KDE - KDE Ships Plasma 5.4.0, Feature Release for August

KDE Homepage,
9 years ago from Diaspora

Extremadura no se hipoteca con Microsoft: Ubuntu es la apuesta » MuyLinux

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Extremadura se había hipotecado con Microsoft, pero el nuevo Gobierno da marcha atrás y la comunidad autónoma permanecerá como “referente a nivel mundial” en la implantación de software libre en la educación, indican las fuentes.
Según informan la Consejería de Educación y Empleo extremeña paralizó finalmente la mesa de contratación impulsada por el expresidente José Antonio Monago a destiempo, que comprometió 38 millones de euros a 12 días de las elecciones. Así, tras reunirse con quienes “no habían sido consultados previamente a la publicación del concurso”, en referencia a los profesionales TIC que trabajan en entornos educativos, se han tomado varias medidas.
leer mas

#gnu #linux #gnu-linux #gnulinux #España #Extremadura #Ubuntu #opensurce #freesoftware #codigoabierto #softwarelibre
Fellowship-Gruppe Rhein/Main
9 years ago from mobile
Richard Stallman redet nun in der Uni #Frankfurt

#rms #fsfe #fsferm #freeSoftware
Max Mehl
9 years ago from Diaspora
Ach übrigens: Ich bin #NeuHier und bin an #freesoftware #privacy und #politics interessiert. Im IT-Bereich sind #linux #hosting und #security meine Favouriten. Weitere Tags wären #fsfe #scouting #guitar
KDE Community
9 years ago from Diaspora

Interview with Lydia Pintscher: Akademy 2015 Community Keynote Speaker


Lydia Pintscher, our very own KDE e.V. Board President and a gem of a person; will be giving the Community Keynote Talk at Akademy 2015, in A Coruña, Spain. This is just a tiny peak into her brain for all that is in store for you in her talk.

More: Interview with Lydia Pintscher: Akademy 2015 Community Keynote Speaker

#KDE #Akademy #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #Linux

Interview with Lydia Pintscher: Akademy 2015 Community Keynote Speaker

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