
Items tagged with: gnu

Free Software Foundation Europe
7 years ago from mobile
Die Süddeutschen Zeitung veröffentlicht einen Leserbrief zu LiMux von Martin Krafft.

#LiMux #München #FreieSoftware #GNU #Linux
Björn Schießle
7 years ago from mobile
Die Süddeutschen Zeitung veröffentlicht einen Leserbrief zu LiMux von Martin Krafft.

#LiMux #München #FreieSoftware #GNU #Linux
Pavithran S
7 years ago
You can in diaspora use tags like #linux #gnu #fsfe #munich or even #münchen . If reposted via Diaspora*
  • Feel free to liberally use tags
  • Use markdown to better format posts
  • Probably even mention people if they have accounts
Doing all this will improve the visiblity of the post and spread it far.
(((Arthur Schiwon)))
7 years ago
#Antergos Linux : The beauty built on Arch #gnu #linux #archlinux

Antergos Linux : The beauty built on Arch

Antergos linux is based on Arch linux. Antergos was first released by the name Cinnarch. Antergos Linux uses gnome desktop environment. Antergos 17.2 released. Antergos uses AUR.
#Antergos Linux : The beauty built on Arch #gnu #linux #archlinux

Antergos Linux : The beauty built on Arch

Antergos linux is based on Arch linux. Antergos was first released by the name Cinnarch. Antergos Linux uses gnome desktop environment. Antergos 17.2 released. Antergos uses AUR.
7 years ago

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Linux : Slimbook présente un notebook fonctionnant sous KDE

#GNU #Linux #KDE #Slimbook
To get #weather #forecast for your location call from #gnu #linux #console




to define town.
8 years ago from Diaspora

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Thank you #FreeSoftware contributors!
Fairphone could not exist without you.

#ilovefs #WeAreFairphone #FSFE #FSF #open-source #linux #gnu #computing #Internet
8 years ago from Diaspora

I love Free Software Day 2016

on my pc, on my phone, on my laptop, at home or at work: every single software i use is a free software The only non free os i use is android, waiting for ubuntu touch. No troubles, no worries, i take care of my privacy. My children and family use also mostly free software. I'm also organizing install parties to help ordinary people to understand, choose and use free software. The road is long but the goal is clear and the travel joyful.

#ilovefs #gnu #gimp #libreoffice #gnomeencfs #koka #kdenlive #firefox #calibre #webtrees #scribus #gramps #digikam #xsane #filezilla #vlc #xbmc #kde #linux #ubuntu #firefoxos #OpenWRT #tor and so many other

I ♥ Free Software - Valentine's Day 2016 - FSFE

8 years ago from Diaspora
Das Freie Software Fotobuch

Das Ziel dieses Projekts ist es, das Thema Freie Software zu verbreiten. Im Fotobuch werden Menschen portraitiert, die Freie Software in ihrem Alltag nutzen. Das Fotobuch ist zusätzlich in gedruckter Form wie auch als PDF verfügbar. #linux, #fsfe, #gnu, #windows, #apple, #android, #schweiz, #

Das Freie Software Fotobuch

Fotobuch - Das Freie Software Fotobuch
Srikar Arepalli
8 years ago from mobile
Ones interested in helping #schools in adopting free technology platforms, please contact me. #gnu #linux #freedom #openhardware #trisquel #freesoftware #opensource #foss
9 years ago from Diaspora

Extremadura no se hipoteca con Microsoft: Ubuntu es la apuesta » MuyLinux

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Extremadura se había hipotecado con Microsoft, pero el nuevo Gobierno da marcha atrás y la comunidad autónoma permanecerá como “referente a nivel mundial” en la implantación de software libre en la educación, indican las fuentes.
Según informan la Consejería de Educación y Empleo extremeña paralizó finalmente la mesa de contratación impulsada por el expresidente José Antonio Monago a destiempo, que comprometió 38 millones de euros a 12 días de las elecciones. Así, tras reunirse con quienes “no habían sido consultados previamente a la publicación del concurso”, en referencia a los profesionales TIC que trabajan en entornos educativos, se han tomado varias medidas.
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#gnu #linux #gnu-linux #gnulinux #España #Extremadura #Ubuntu #opensurce #freesoftware #codigoabierto #softwarelibre
Akshay S Dinesh
9 years ago from Diaspora
Microsft sent legal notices to many schools in my city claiming that they're using unlicensed Windows. They're threatening these schools to buy license at big prices.

I visited one of the schools, showed them Edubuntu, and they were all impressed. But when the computer dealer (who's a friend of mine) visits them they still are looking for ways to buy MS license by paying as little as possible.

How do you remove this anxiety in people of switching away from what they're used to? How do you convince schools to start using Free Software?

#education #gnu #linux #libre #schools
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