
Items tagged with: cloud

(((Arthur Schiwon)))
7 years ago

Parteien, Ministerien und Uno ließen Daten ungeschützt im Netz - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Wenn Verwahrlosung eine IT Strategie ist.
Zusammengefasst: AfD, Grüne und die Uno nutzen völlig veraltete Cloud-Server zum Speichern bestimmter Daten. Warnungen durch das Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) haben sie bislang ignoriert und die Sicherheitslücken immer noch nicht geschlossen.

Das Notfallteam Cert des BSI wurde von Nextcloud selbst auf die Sicherheitslücken aufmerksam gemacht und verschickte daraufhin seit Ende Januar Sicherheitswarnungen.

#nextcloud #cloud #bsi #it

Sicherheitslücke: Parteien, Ministerien und Uno ließen Daten ungeschützt im Netz - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Netzwelt

Politiker warnen vor Hackerangriffen, handeln selbst jedoch mitunter fahrlässig: Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen behoben Parteien kritische Sicherheitslücken auch nach behördlicher Aufforderung nicht. Besonders schlimm ist es bei der AfD.
Carol Chen
7 years ago
#ManageIQ has released Euwe for GA! Lots of improvements for #Containers Management, Public #Cloud Providers, #OpenStack, Service UI, and much more.

We also have a very interesting edition of "Last Week in ManageIQ" journeying through #middleearth
In the land of ManageIQ where the heisenbugs lie. One blog post to rule them all, One blog post to find them, One blog post to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. In the land of ManageIQ where the heisenbugs lie

Next year there'll be a Fine release, I'm sure ;)

#opensource #community #redhat #euwe
(((Arthur Schiwon)))
8 years ago from pod_feeder

Datenleck in der Telekom-Cloud ermöglicht Zugriff auf fremde Adressbücher

#adressbu #auf #cher #cloud #datenleck #der #ermo #fremde #glicht #telekom #zugriff

Datenleck in der Telekom-Cloud ermöglicht Zugriff auf fremde Adressbücher

Durch eine Datenpanne konnte ein Nutzer des Hosted-Exchange-Angebots der Telekom tausende Kontakte aus den Adressbüchern anderer Kunden einsehen. Das Angebot richtet sich vor allem an Unternehmen.
heise Security (inoffiziell)
8 years ago from pod_feeder

Datenleck in der Telekom-Cloud ermöglicht Zugriff auf fremde Adressbücher

#adressbu #auf #cher #cloud #datenleck #der #ermo #fremde #glicht #telekom #zugriff

Datenleck in der Telekom-Cloud ermöglicht Zugriff auf fremde Adressbücher

Durch eine Datenpanne konnte ein Nutzer des Hosted-Exchange-Angebots der Telekom tausende Kontakte aus den Adressbüchern anderer Kunden einsehen. Das Angebot richtet sich vor allem an Unternehmen.
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago
jospoortvliet Poortvliet wrote the following post:
I just published a blog with an overview of the #Nextcloud conference program! It'll be a great event, share the news ;-)

#privacy #selfhosting #security #Nextcloud #ownCloud #cloud #Dropbox #googledrive #google #seeallthosetags #berlin
I just published a blog with an overview of the #Nextcloud conference program! It'll be a great event, share the news ;-)

#privacy #selfhosting #security #Nextcloud #ownCloud #cloud #Dropbox #googledrive #google #seeallthosetags #berlin
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago from Diaspora

#NextCloud 10 is out ✔️😎

@jospoortvliet Poortvliet The nextcloud community manager reports here in #Diaspora about the new #release of NextCloud.
* Two Factor #Authentication * User #Monitoring * Automatic file #taggingImage/photo
[url=]view full size

#Owncloud #cloud #Libre #freedom #privacy #Linux #FOSS #opensource

Share the good news: #nextcloud 10 is out with a brand new monitoring app, extensive workflow handling, usability improvements and much m...

Share the good news: #nextcloud 10 is out with a brand new monitoring app, extensive workflow handling, usability improvements and much more. I'm certain there are interesting features in there for each and every one of you!
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Yes, it is time to upgrade and let us know what you think!
Learn more in my blog post. (
We've also published a blog explaining an use case for the File Access Control app for home users, read it here (
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Pavithran S
8 years ago from Diaspora

#NextCloud 10 is out ✔️😎

@jospoortvliet Poortvliet The nextcloud community manager reports here in #Diaspora about the new #release of NextCloud.
* Two Factor #Authentication * User #Monitoring * Automatic file #taggingImage/photo
[url=]view full size

#Owncloud #cloud #Libre #freedom #privacy #Linux #FOSS #opensource

Share the good news: #nextcloud 10 is out with a brand new monitoring app, extensive workflow handling, usability improvements and much m...

Share the good news: #nextcloud 10 is out with a brand new monitoring app, extensive workflow handling, usability improvements and much more. I'm certain there are interesting features in there for each and every one of you!
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Yes, it is time to upgrade and let us know what you think!
Learn more in my blog post. (
We've also published a blog explaining an use case for the File Access Control app for home users, read it here (
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Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago from Diaspora

ownCloud | 9.0 is the biggest ownCloud release so far | Frank Karlitschek_ | blog [de]

I’m super happy to report that ownCloud 9.0 is released today. This is the biggest and most important ownCloud release so far with a ton of performance improvements, bug fixes, cleanup but also new features.

Especially exiting is that fact that more people have contributed to this release then ever before. We also collaborated more with partners then ever. Examples are CERN and AARNET. This is possible because of the open and community oriented development process of ownCloud.

#ownCloud #cloud #internet #CERN #AARNET
8 years ago from Diaspora

ownCloud | 9.0 is the biggest ownCloud release so far | Frank Karlitschek_ | blog [de]

I’m super happy to report that ownCloud 9.0 is released today. This is the biggest and most important ownCloud release so far with a ton of performance improvements, bug fixes, cleanup but also new features.

Especially exiting is that fact that more people have contributed to this release then ever before. We also collaborated more with partners then ever. Examples are CERN and AARNET. This is possible because of the open and community oriented development process of ownCloud.

#ownCloud #cloud #internet #CERN #AARNET
Michael majestyx (redrat)
9 years ago from Diaspora
#fsfe #cloud #spread !!

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