
Results for: ownCloud

(((Arthur Schiwon)))
7 years ago

Open Source und die Update-Resistenz | OSB – Open Source Business Alliance

Die Grünen erklärten beispielsweise, dass es sei nur ein unwichtiger Server mit altem Wahlkampfmaterial betroffen. Das zeigt offenkundige Unwissenheit darüber, wie solche Angriffe ablaufen. Und eine sträflich nachlässige Haltung gegenüber der IT-Sicherheit. Organisationen und Privatleute verwenden Nextcloud und Owncloud, weil sie den Public-Cloud-Speicherangeboten misstrauen, Datenverluste oder ein Ausschnüffeln ihrer Privatsphäre befürchten. Daraus sollte eigentlich selbstverständlich folgen, dass Anwender auch Maßnahmen treffen, um solche Angriffe auf ihre eigenen Cloud-Speicher zu verhindern. Updates sind dafür unverzichtbar. Allerdings sind da nicht nur die Anwender in der Pflicht.

#foss #security #it #nextcloud

Open Source und die Update-Resistenz

Nextcloud hat entdeckt, dass hunderte private Cloud-Speicher angreifbar sind, weil sie auf überholten Versionen aufsetzen. Das Drumherum um diese Meldung zeigt viel Gutes – und eine Schwachstelle.
Von Ludger Schmitz*

Diesmal ist nicht ein gefährlicher Bugs in aktueller Open-Source-Software das Problem. Vielmehr hat sich herausgestellt, dass zigtausende private Cloud-Server mit alten Versio ...
(((Arthur Schiwon)))
7 years ago from Feed
Owncloud und Nextcloud: Parteien und Ministerien nutzen unsichere Cloud-Dienste -
#Nextloud #BSI #Owncloud #Server #Applikationen #Security

Alte Owncloud und Nextcloud-Versionen: Parteien und Ministerien nutzen unsichere Cloud-Dienste -

Das BSI warnt Organisationen und Parteien vor Schwachstellen in ihren Cloud-Diensten. Viele haben bis heute nicht darauf reagiert. konnte entsprechende Warnungen
Golem (inoffiziell)
7 years ago from Feed
Owncloud und Nextcloud: Parteien und Ministerien nutzen unsichere Cloud-Dienste -
#Nextloud #BSI #Owncloud #Server #Applikationen #Security

Alte Owncloud und Nextcloud-Versionen: Parteien und Ministerien nutzen unsichere Cloud-Dienste -

Das BSI warnt Organisationen und Parteien vor Schwachstellen in ihren Cloud-Diensten. Viele haben bis heute nicht darauf reagiert. konnte entsprechende Warnungen
Founder of #nextcloud and #owncloud is worried about #us in the age of #goldenDawnald #trump w/ pro-back doors views
(((Arthur Schiwon)))
7 years ago
Happy Birthday #ownCloud #nextcloud

Happy Birthday ownCloud

Nextcloud continues ownCloud - started 7 years ago, the original team is still working to bring privacy-protecting software to you!
Happy Birthday #ownCloud #nextcloud

Happy Birthday ownCloud

Nextcloud continues ownCloud - started 7 years ago, the original team is still working to bring privacy-protecting software to you!
(((Arthur Schiwon)))
8 years ago

Nextcloud Client 1.4.0 für Android ist verfügbar - Unterstützt SD-Karten

Der Nextcloud Client 1.4.0 für Android ist verfügbar. Im Moment kannst Du die App im Google Play Store herunterladen. Bis zum Ende der Woche soll der Nextcloud Client 1.4.0 für Android aber auch via F-Droid herunterladbar sein.

[ #Owncloud #Nextcloud ]

Nextcloud Client 1.4.0 für Android ist verfügbar - Unterstützt SD-Karten

Nextcloud Client 1.4.0 für Android bringt Unterstützung für externe SD-Karten und Auto Upload für Android 7 Nougat. Ein Upgrade lohnt sich.
8 years ago

Nextcloud Client 1.4.0 für Android ist verfügbar - Unterstützt SD-Karten

Der Nextcloud Client 1.4.0 für Android ist verfügbar. Im Moment kannst Du die App im Google Play Store herunterladen. Bis zum Ende der Woche soll der Nextcloud Client 1.4.0 für Android aber auch via F-Droid herunterladbar sein.

[ #Owncloud #Nextcloud ]

Nextcloud Client 1.4.0 für Android ist verfügbar - Unterstützt SD-Karten

Nextcloud Client 1.4.0 für Android bringt Unterstützung für externe SD-Karten und Auto Upload für Android 7 Nougat. Ein Upgrade lohnt sich.
icaro 440
8 years ago
is it available for owncloud 10?
(((Arthur Schiwon)))
8 years ago
I published v0.9.1 of the #bookmarks app for #Nextcloud, so it won't be missing when you are testing Nextcloud 11 RC :)



bookmarks - :bookmark: Bookmark app for Nextcloud & ownCloud
Pavithran S
8 years ago
Comparing with #owncloud is nasty 😆
(((Arthur Schiwon)))
8 years ago
Jason Robinson wrote the following post:
Finally getting the #ownCloud -> #Nextcloud move done. Went for a fresh install, wanted to move deployment to #Ansible anyway and switch servers. If interested, check out this role which worked out quite nicely (tuned a bit in my own fork).

Kinda surprised to see that there is no #Ubuntu client available yet. I mean the ownCloud client works fine, but still, I would have expected one be packaged by now :P

Otherwise looking really good so far. If someone wants to test #federation, drop me a share at :)


install_nextcloud - Ansible role for installing an 'all in one' nextcloud server.
Jason Robinson
8 years ago
Finally getting the #ownCloud -> #Nextcloud move done. Went for a fresh install, wanted to move deployment to #Ansible anyway and switch servers. If interested, check out this role which worked out quite nicely (tuned a bit in my own fork).

Kinda surprised to see that there is no #Ubuntu client available yet. I mean the ownCloud client works fine, but still, I would have expected one be packaged by now :P

Otherwise looking really good so far. If someone wants to test #federation, drop me a share at :)


install_nextcloud - Ansible role for installing an 'all in one' nextcloud server.
Carol Chen
8 years ago
@michele I guess you're refering to the SailfishOS owncloud client, yeah it hasn't been updated for a long time. let's hope that with more people using Nextcloud/owncloud on SailfishOS the dev will be encouraged to update the client.
Michele Santullo
8 years ago
Isn't the app they recommend in that guide abandoned? At least I didn't recall any updates or comments for the months I had been using it. It was released as beta software and didn't get any attention. I finally uninstalled the app and stopped using owncloud in favour of mega.
Nikos Roussos
8 years ago from Diaspora
So if I offer @Nextcloud storage to other people, what measures should I take so they don't have to put their complete trust on me and (most importantly) the VPS provider? I know that #NextCloud's server-side encryption is mostly valuable for external remote storage. Any ideas on how to ensure better security regarding the files storage?

One idea I can think is to use EncFS, so at least the files would be protected in a hardware ceased case.
Pavithran S
8 years ago
We’ve already added a number of large customers

There are many unis in deutschland still using owncloud? Do you recommend them a stable release which is already packaged in upstream distro?
(((Arthur Schiwon)))
8 years ago

We migrated to Nextcloud 10.0.1 – Tech and Me

As the headline says, we migrated to Nextcloud today, mostly because of the above reasons and that we felt that the time was right. Nextcloud has matured very much in just a few months.
There are bugs in the ownCloud tracker that are several years old, and suggestions of enhancements that never happen, it just feels like it kind of died when Nextcloud arrived.

#nextcloud #foss
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago

Operation OwnedCloud: Exploitation and Post-exploitation Persistence - Rhino Security Labs

At the time of writing this, NextCloud has patched the authentication bypass vulnerability, while OwnCloud has chosen not to.

#nextcloud #owncloud

Security advisory at Nextcloud:

Attention Required! | CloudFlare

Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago

ownCloud -> Nextcloud – NOVATREND Blog

Wenn du, so wie ich, eine ownCloud Installation betreibst, stellt sich natürlich die Frage: „Was nun?“ Die meiner Meinung nach genauso einfache Antwort heisst: „Ruhe bewahren und auf Nextcloud updaten“.

Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago from GNU social
Björn Schießle
8 years ago from GNU social
Free Software is a real feature & everybody deserves it, not only home users! This is a good reason to switch from #ownCloud to #Nextcloud like the Danish research and education network #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #Enterprise

The Danish research and education network moves from ownCloud to Nextcloud | Nextcloud

Nextcloud is an open source, self-hosted file sync and share and communication app platform. Access & sync your files, contacts, calendars & communicate and collaborate across your devices. You decide what happens with your data, where it is and who can access it!
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago
jospoortvliet Poortvliet wrote the following post:
I just published a blog with an overview of the #Nextcloud conference program! It'll be a great event, share the news ;-)

#privacy #selfhosting #security #Nextcloud #ownCloud #cloud #Dropbox #googledrive #google #seeallthosetags #berlin
I just published a blog with an overview of the #Nextcloud conference program! It'll be a great event, share the news ;-)

#privacy #selfhosting #security #Nextcloud #ownCloud #cloud #Dropbox #googledrive #google #seeallthosetags #berlin
8 years ago
do u know by chance how to migrate from owncloud to nexcloud??
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago
Yesterday night I published the Bookmarks 0.9 release, supporting #Nextcloud 9 and 10.


Bookmarks Community Portal and Apps for ownCloud
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago from Diaspora
Aug 23rd 2016

FLOSS Weekly n.400


Image/photo #audio #nowplaying

FLOSS Weekly 400 Next Cloud | TWiT.TV

Nextcloud, the next generation Enterprise File Sync & Share, was started by ownCloud inventor Frank Karlitschek to empower users to take control over their data and communicati…
Fubar de Coketown
8 years ago from Diaspora
Aug 23rd 2016

FLOSS Weekly n.400


Image/photo #audio #nowplaying

FLOSS Weekly 400 Next Cloud | TWiT.TV

Nextcloud, the next generation Enterprise File Sync & Share, was started by ownCloud inventor Frank Karlitschek to empower users to take control over their data and communicati…
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago from Diaspora

#NextCloud 10 is out ✔️😎

@jospoortvliet Poortvliet The nextcloud community manager reports here in #Diaspora about the new #release of NextCloud.
* Two Factor #Authentication * User #Monitoring * Automatic file #taggingImage/photo
[url=]view full size

#Owncloud #cloud #Libre #freedom #privacy #Linux #FOSS #opensource

Share the good news: #nextcloud 10 is out with a brand new monitoring app, extensive workflow handling, usability improvements and much m...

Share the good news: #nextcloud 10 is out with a brand new monitoring app, extensive workflow handling, usability improvements and much more. I'm certain there are interesting features in there for each and every one of you!
alt text
Yes, it is time to upgrade and let us know what you think!
Learn more in my blog post. (
We've also published a blog explaining an use case for the File Access Control app for home users, read it here (
alt text
Pavithran S
8 years ago from Diaspora

#NextCloud 10 is out ✔️😎

@jospoortvliet Poortvliet The nextcloud community manager reports here in #Diaspora about the new #release of NextCloud.
* Two Factor #Authentication * User #Monitoring * Automatic file #taggingImage/photo
[url=]view full size

#Owncloud #cloud #Libre #freedom #privacy #Linux #FOSS #opensource

Share the good news: #nextcloud 10 is out with a brand new monitoring app, extensive workflow handling, usability improvements and much m...

Share the good news: #nextcloud 10 is out with a brand new monitoring app, extensive workflow handling, usability improvements and much more. I'm certain there are interesting features in there for each and every one of you!
alt text
Yes, it is time to upgrade and let us know what you think!
Learn more in my blog post. (
We've also published a blog explaining an use case for the File Access Control app for home users, read it here (
alt text
Pavithran S
8 years ago
No "Google" pictures please. Ask RH guys to give you owncloud space 😆
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago

#Nextcloud Improves Security, Adds Enterprise Support

Nextcloud Improves Security, Adds Enterprise Support

Nextcloud, a fork of the popular open-source ownCloud storage project, takes its next steps.
8 years ago
Je ne comprends que doit on faire ? Switcher de Owncloud à Nextcloud?
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago from Diaspora

Erste Version von #Nextcloud veröffentlicht | heise open

Erste Version von Nextcloud veröffentlicht

Die erste Version von Nextcloud bringt bereits erste neue Features und einen eigenen Android-Client. Die Nextcloud GmbH will Support für den OwnCloud-Fork leisten.
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago
@Tors10: Read the article :) This is based on ownCloud 9.For a full changelog compared to 9.0.2 see
8 years ago
Where is the difference to owncloud 9? I have several problems with locked files and/or deleting files bigger than 1 GB... in OC.
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago from hubzilla

What's going on with OwnCloud?

The recent announcement of the OwnCloud Foundation followed by the announcement of fork of OwnCloud is bound to raise more than a few eyebrows. What happened? How did things get to this point?

Catching the Next Cloud
Earlier today, Frank Karlitschek, co-founder of #OwnCloud, made an announcement about the formation of a new project. Five weeks prior, he had left the company that he had helped start, and some of the core development team have followed him to their new project, NextCloud.

view full size

Frank describes a vision for what he wants out of this new project and its respective community: a project that does development out in the open, without any contributor agreements or dual-licensing schemes, with a new trademark held by an independent foundation. A better company culture where shares are equally held by employees, with the hand of development decisions guided by the community-at-large rather than a disconnected small team.

To paraphrase Frank, the best parts of OwnCloud are to be extended to fully support what the community has been asking for: better apps, with features that previously only existed for enterprise customers. In his own words:
We will release a drop in replacement for ownCloud in a few weeks so that users and customers can easily upgrade to Nextcloud to benefit from the new bugfix and security improvements and features. Nextcloud GmbH will provide free support for all current ownCloud customers to simplify a transition.

The OwnCloud Foundation
"One of Frank’s criticisms concerned the need to strengthen the Community. In this regard, we have been working on the creation of the ownCloud Foundation, the formation of which we announced earlier this week."

Recently, the OwnCloud project announced that it was setting up a foundation. While this is a welcome event for any Free Software project, it immediately raised eyebrows. Some of the main criticisms were focused on the nature of the board itself (only 2 seats are elected by the community - the other four are coporate), whereas others have pointed out that only OwnCloud Inc itself appears to have any sponsorship in the foundation.

Meanwhile, a handful of developers of the OwnCloud platform announce that they are leaving their projects. Their announcements can be found on Planet KDE. The general theme appears to be that OwnCloud is putting its corporate needs above its community needs.

The OwnCloud Foundation's had this to say on the matter:
Today’s announcement by our former colleague Frank Karlitschek, that he intends to launch a competitive product to ownCloud into the market using recently poached developers, has both surprised us and – admittedly – disappointed us. In the past, Frank has made a wealth of contributions to the development of the ownCloud Community Edition. With today’s announcement, he is no longer related to the ownCloud project and has started a competing community.

This ends on a particularly strange note, as OwnCloud finally concludes that it has to close its doors after their main lenders cancelled their credit. 8 employee contracts were terminated in the process, and the company will be forced to close its doors. Paradoxically "The ownCloud GmbH is not directly affected by this and the growth of the ownCloud Foundation will remain a key priority."

We Distribute
8 years ago from hubzilla

What's going on with OwnCloud?

The recent announcement of the OwnCloud Foundation followed by the announcement of fork of OwnCloud is bound to raise more than a few eyebrows. What happened? How did things get to this point?

Catching the Next Cloud
Earlier today, Frank Karlitschek, co-founder of #OwnCloud, made an announcement about the formation of a new project. Five weeks prior, he had left the company that he had helped start, and some of the core development team have followed him to their new project, NextCloud.

view full size

Frank describes a vision for what he wants out of this new project and its respective community: a project that does development out in the open, without any contributor agreements or dual-licensing schemes, with a new trademark held by an independent foundation. A better company culture where shares are equally held by employees, with the hand of development decisions guided by the community-at-large rather than a disconnected small team.

To paraphrase Frank, the best parts of OwnCloud are to be extended to fully support what the community has been asking for: better apps, with features that previously only existed for enterprise customers. In his own words:
We will release a drop in replacement for ownCloud in a few weeks so that users and customers can easily upgrade to Nextcloud to benefit from the new bugfix and security improvements and features. Nextcloud GmbH will provide free support for all current ownCloud customers to simplify a transition.

The OwnCloud Foundation
"One of Frank’s criticisms concerned the need to strengthen the Community. In this regard, we have been working on the creation of the ownCloud Foundation, the formation of which we announced earlier this week."

Recently, the OwnCloud project announced that it was setting up a foundation. While this is a welcome event for any Free Software project, it immediately raised eyebrows. Some of the main criticisms were focused on the nature of the board itself (only 2 seats are elected by the community - the other four are coporate), whereas others have pointed out that only OwnCloud Inc itself appears to have any sponsorship in the foundation.

Meanwhile, a handful of developers of the OwnCloud platform announce that they are leaving their projects. Their announcements can be found on Planet KDE. The general theme appears to be that OwnCloud is putting its corporate needs above its community needs.

The OwnCloud Foundation's had this to say on the matter:
Today’s announcement by our former colleague Frank Karlitschek, that he intends to launch a competitive product to ownCloud into the market using recently poached developers, has both surprised us and – admittedly – disappointed us. In the past, Frank has made a wealth of contributions to the development of the ownCloud Community Edition. With today’s announcement, he is no longer related to the ownCloud project and has started a competing community.

This ends on a particularly strange note, as OwnCloud finally concludes that it has to close its doors after their main lenders cancelled their credit. 8 employee contracts were terminated in the process, and the company will be forced to close its doors. Paradoxically "The ownCloud GmbH is not directly affected by this and the growth of the ownCloud Foundation will remain a key priority."

Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago from Diaspora
Q&A Hangout with Bryan Lunduke, Frank Karlitschek and Jos Poortvliet starts in a minute:


Live Q&A: ownCloud contributors create Nextcloud - Google+

Ask questions in a live Nextcloud Q&A Hangout with Frank and Jos, moderated by Bryan Lunduke (that's me!) at 18:00 PM Berlin/Amsterdam/Paris time, 10:00 AM Pacific time.
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago from Diaspora

OpenNews: Основатель и ключевые разработчики ownCloud создали форк проекта

#nextcloud #lang ru

OpenNews: Основатель и ключевые разработчики ownCloud создали форк проекта

Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago
@Jesse Yes, Frank and most top core contributors are involved,

using ownCloud 8.0 you need to go first to 8.1 and subsequently to 8.2 (which are all major releases) before you can upgrade to 9.0. Versioning scheme is one thing to be reconsidered as well.
8 years ago
herzlichen Glückwunsch. Ich habe mich schon über deinen ich verlasse owncloud und bleibe dabei post gewundert gehabt. Ich wünsche euch auf alle fälle viel Erfolg. Ich finde euer Loge sehr gut, den namen aber nicht so, habe ich schon geschrieben glaube ich. aber jetzt seid ihr ja public. Hattet ihr über LibreCloud als Namen nachgedacht?
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago
One of the main concerns, as pointed out in the blog posts, was the disbalance between community and commercial matters, that made Frank act. And others to join. Nextcloud got some substanital funding by Niels Mache, who is an open source businessman for long time and interested (like the others) in a sustainable undertaking. Nextcloud will need to have commercial success at some point, indeed, nevertheless a long breath is given. I do not worry about disappearing. Also, the majority of core contributors moved to Nextcloud, which gives it a serious base.

How long it is going to take until the code bases are differing too much cannot be answered seriously. Due to still being open source, ownCloud commits can also be merge into Nextcloud (if reasonable) so that the chance is not too bad to keep compatibility up. This affects apps as well, additionally to the rule that public APIs are stable for 3 years.
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