
Items tagged with: LibreOffice

(((Arthur Schiwon)))
8 years ago from Feed
heise-Angebot: Workshop: LibreOffice in der Firma
#LibreOffice #Office-Suite

Workshop: LibreOffice in der Firma

An alle, die die freie Software LibreOffice in der Firma einsetzen wollen, wendet sich der eintägige Workshop. Bis zum 2. November gilt noch der Frühbucherrabatt.
heise online (inoffiziell)
8 years ago from Feed
heise-Angebot: Workshop: LibreOffice in der Firma
#LibreOffice #Office-Suite

Workshop: LibreOffice in der Firma

An alle, die die freie Software LibreOffice in der Firma einsetzen wollen, wendet sich der eintägige Workshop. Bis zum 2. November gilt noch der Frühbucherrabatt.
8 years ago from Diaspora

I love Free Software Day 2016

on my pc, on my phone, on my laptop, at home or at work: every single software i use is a free software The only non free os i use is android, waiting for ubuntu touch. No troubles, no worries, i take care of my privacy. My children and family use also mostly free software. I'm also organizing install parties to help ordinary people to understand, choose and use free software. The road is long but the goal is clear and the travel joyful.

#ilovefs #gnu #gimp #libreoffice #gnomeencfs #koka #kdenlive #firefox #calibre #webtrees #scribus #gramps #digikam #xsane #filezilla #vlc #xbmc #kde #linux #ubuntu #firefoxos #OpenWRT #tor and so many other

I ♥ Free Software - Valentine's Day 2016 - FSFE

Björn Schießle
9 years ago from GNU social
Awesome stuff is going on! #Collabora and #ownCloud work together to bring #LibreOffice to ownCloud!

Collabora brings LibreOffice Online to ownCloud |

ownCloud provides universal access to your files via the web, your computer or your mobile devices — wherever you are.
It also provides a platform to easily view & sync your contacts, calendars and bookmarks across all your devices and enables basic editing right on the web.
Through apps, you can extend ownCloud Server and make it your own!
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