
Items tagged with: ubuntu

(((Arthur Schiwon)))
7 years ago

#Canonical sharpens post-Unity axe for 80-plus #Ubuntu spinners • The Register

The Canonical founder is cutting numbers after an external assessment of his company by potential new financial backers found overstaffing and projects that lacked focus. Projects have been cut as a result of the restructuring, notably the long-promised but never realised Unity 8 convergence project for device and desktop.

Killing #Unity et. al. does not seem to be so much of a voluntary move now.

Canonical sharpens post-Unity axe for 80-plus Ubuntu spinners

Shuttleworth returns as CEO
(((Arthur Schiwon)))
8 years ago
Jason Robinson wrote the following post:
Finally getting the #ownCloud -> #Nextcloud move done. Went for a fresh install, wanted to move deployment to #Ansible anyway and switch servers. If interested, check out this role which worked out quite nicely (tuned a bit in my own fork).

Kinda surprised to see that there is no #Ubuntu client available yet. I mean the ownCloud client works fine, but still, I would have expected one be packaged by now :P

Otherwise looking really good so far. If someone wants to test #federation, drop me a share at :)


install_nextcloud - Ansible role for installing an 'all in one' nextcloud server.
Jason Robinson
8 years ago
Finally getting the #ownCloud -> #Nextcloud move done. Went for a fresh install, wanted to move deployment to #Ansible anyway and switch servers. If interested, check out this role which worked out quite nicely (tuned a bit in my own fork).

Kinda surprised to see that there is no #Ubuntu client available yet. I mean the ownCloud client works fine, but still, I would have expected one be packaged by now :P

Otherwise looking really good so far. If someone wants to test #federation, drop me a share at :)


install_nextcloud - Ansible role for installing an 'all in one' nextcloud server.
Gaukler Faun
8 years ago from mobile
Da hier doch einige #Lehrer und viele #Linux Nutzer sind. Hier eine #Frage:

Hat es schon jemand geschafft das Programm #ActivInspire unter #Ubuntu 14.04 so zu installieren, dass es funktioniert?

#Schule #Unterricht
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago

Hands on with the Nextcloud Box | Jason Bayton

Another review of the #Nextcloud Box
The Nextcloud Box is a big step forward for the IoT (Internet of Things) arena and I’m really impressed with the first iteration of what I anticipate to be a very popular product.
Nextcloud are all about empowering people to take back their data. With the Nextcloud Box being simple to build, simple to setup and most importantly, simple to use, they’re taking this vision to the next level.

#ubuntu #snappy #wdl

Hands on with the Nextcloud Box

If you’ve been here before you’ll have no doubt seen any one of several mentions I’ve made of Nextcloud; it’s a fantastic self-hosted platform and my go-to when recommending…
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago from mobile
On the flexibility of the Nextcloud Box

#nextcloud #nextcloudbox #ubuntu #snap

I took a circular saw to the Nextcloud box and you won’t believe what happened next!

Ok, ok.. sorry for the click-bait headline – but It is mainly true.. I recently got a Nextcloud box , it was pretty easy to set up and here are some great instructions. But this box is not ju…
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago

First setup of my Nextcloud Box - Hagen Graf

Last Saturday at Nextcloud conference in Berlin the Nextcloud Box was announced. [..] It gives you the possibility to store your data (files, documents, photos, calendars, notes, newsfeed, contacts, music files, video files and everything the can be stored in a file) in your own Nextcloud Box. [..] The complete Nextcloud Box contains a hard disk, an operating system, and open source software. [..]

#nextcloud #nextcloudbox #wd #ubuntu

First setup of my Nextcloud Box - Hagen Graf

Last Saturday at Nextcloud conference in Berlin the Nextcloud Box was announced. Frank said it’s a part of his promise/desire to make the world a better place by bringing your data home. How can the world be a better place with Nextcloud Box? What is Nextcloud Box? Nextcloud Box is a project between Western Digital Labs, … Continue reading "First setup of my Nextcloud Box"
Carol Chen
8 years ago

Nextcloud Conference: Keynote Speakers and Launch Event | Nextcloud

We’re very excited to announce our keynote speakers for the Nextcloud Conference, scheduled to start on September 16 at the Technical University Berlin. On Saturday, Jane Silber, CEO of Canonical will open our event while Sunday Karen Sandler, Executive Director at the Software Freedom Conservancy will speak. Both are well known in the open source community and we look forward to hearing them share their experiences and ideas! Friday evening, after our Focus day around enterprise and large scale Nextcloud usage, we organize a ‘launch event’ which will feature a new Nextcloud product we have developed together with two partners.

#nextcloud #ubuntu #canonical #sfc #foss #berlin

Nextcloud Conference: Keynote Speakers and Launch Event | Nextcloud

Nextcloud is an open source, self-hosted file sync and share and communication app platform. Access & sync your files, contacts, calendars & communicate and collaborate across your devices. You decide what happens with your data, where it is and who can access it!
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago

Nextcloud Conference: Keynote Speakers and Launch Event | Nextcloud

We’re very excited to announce our keynote speakers for the Nextcloud Conference, scheduled to start on September 16 at the Technical University Berlin. On Saturday, Jane Silber, CEO of Canonical will open our event while Sunday Karen Sandler, Executive Director at the Software Freedom Conservancy will speak. Both are well known in the open source community and we look forward to hearing them share their experiences and ideas! Friday evening, after our Focus day around enterprise and large scale Nextcloud usage, we organize a ‘launch event’ which will feature a new Nextcloud product we have developed together with two partners.

#nextcloud #ubuntu #canonical #sfc #foss #berlin

Nextcloud Conference: Keynote Speakers and Launch Event | Nextcloud

Nextcloud is an open source, self-hosted file sync and share and communication app platform. Access & sync your files, contacts, calendars & communicate and collaborate across your devices. You decide what happens with your data, where it is and who can access it!
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago from Diaspora
mjg59 | Circumventing Ubuntu Snap confinement • • I've produced a quick proof of concept of this. Grab XEvilTeddy from git, install Snapcraft (it's in 16.04), snapcraft snap, sudo snap install xevilteddy*.snap, /snap/bin/xevilteddy.xteddy . An adorable teddy bear! How cute. Now open Firefox and start typing, then check back in your terminal window. Oh no! All my secrets. Open another terminal window and give it focus. Oh no! An injected command that could instead have been a curl session that uploaded your private SSH keys to somewhere that's not going to respect your privacy.
#Ubuntu #snappy #snap #security #xorg #x #Mir #Wayland
- via Diaspora* Publisher -

mjg59 | Circumventing Ubuntu Snap confinement

Mikaela Suomalainen
8 years ago from Diaspora
mjg59 | Circumventing Ubuntu Snap confinement • • I've produced a quick proof of concept of this. Grab XEvilTeddy from git, install Snapcraft (it's in 16.04), snapcraft snap, sudo snap install xevilteddy*.snap, /snap/bin/xevilteddy.xteddy . An adorable teddy bear! How cute. Now open Firefox and start typing, then check back in your terminal window. Oh no! All my secrets. Open another terminal window and give it focus. Oh no! An injected command that could instead have been a curl session that uploaded your private SSH keys to somewhere that's not going to respect your privacy.
#Ubuntu #snappy #snap #security #xorg #x #Mir #Wayland
- via Diaspora* Publisher -

mjg59 | Circumventing Ubuntu Snap confinement

8 years ago from Diaspora

I love Free Software Day 2016

on my pc, on my phone, on my laptop, at home or at work: every single software i use is a free software The only non free os i use is android, waiting for ubuntu touch. No troubles, no worries, i take care of my privacy. My children and family use also mostly free software. I'm also organizing install parties to help ordinary people to understand, choose and use free software. The road is long but the goal is clear and the travel joyful.

#ilovefs #gnu #gimp #libreoffice #gnomeencfs #koka #kdenlive #firefox #calibre #webtrees #scribus #gramps #digikam #xsane #filezilla #vlc #xbmc #kde #linux #ubuntu #firefoxos #OpenWRT #tor and so many other

I ♥ Free Software - Valentine's Day 2016 - FSFE

9 years ago from osbnbot

PHP 7, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server und ownCloud: Was zu beachten ist

PHP 7 verspricht bei der ownCloud einen ziemlichen Performance-Gewinn. Blind zu aktualisieren, ist jedoch falsch, da nur ownCloud 8.2 unterstützt ist.

The post PHP 7, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server und ownCloud: Was zu beachten ist appeared first on Linux | Spiele | Open-Source | Server | Desktop | Cloud | Android. Weiterlesen »

#ubuntu #linux #OpenSource #osbn

PHP 7, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server und ownCloud: Was zu beachten ist

PHP 7 verspricht bei der ownCloud einen ziemlichen Performance-Gewinn. Blind zu aktualisieren, ist jedoch falsch, da nur ownCloud 8.2 unterstützt ist.
9 years ago from Diaspora
freiesMagazin 11/2015 erschienen

Heute ist die Novemberausgabe von #freiesMagazin erschienen und bringt viele spannende Artikel aus den Bereichen Linux und #OpenSource mit. Inhalt der Ausgabe 11/2015
  • Eine Geschichte von #Linux
  • Der Oktober im Kernelrückblick
  • WPS #Office im Test
  • #I2P unter #Ubuntu auf dem #Raspberry Pi 2 installieren
  • #Rezension: Software-Dokumentation mit #Sphinx
  • Rezension: #Software Testing – Concepts and Operations
  • Rezension: Entwurfsmuster von Kopf bis Fuß
  • Rezension: Let's Play #Minecraft: Dein Redstone-Guide
  • Leserbriefe und Veranstaltungen
9 years ago from Diaspora

Extremadura no se hipoteca con Microsoft: Ubuntu es la apuesta » MuyLinux

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Extremadura se había hipotecado con Microsoft, pero el nuevo Gobierno da marcha atrás y la comunidad autónoma permanecerá como “referente a nivel mundial” en la implantación de software libre en la educación, indican las fuentes.
Según informan la Consejería de Educación y Empleo extremeña paralizó finalmente la mesa de contratación impulsada por el expresidente José Antonio Monago a destiempo, que comprometió 38 millones de euros a 12 días de las elecciones. Así, tras reunirse con quienes “no habían sido consultados previamente a la publicación del concurso”, en referencia a los profesionales TIC que trabajan en entornos educativos, se han tomado varias medidas.
leer mas

#gnu #linux #gnu-linux #gnulinux #España #Extremadura #Ubuntu #opensurce #freesoftware #codigoabierto #softwarelibre
9 years ago from Diaspora
#freiesMagazin 06/2015 erschienen

Heute ist die #Juniausgabe von freiesMagazin erschienen und bringt viele spannende Artikel aus den Bereichen #Linux und #Open #Source mit.

Inhalt der Ausgabe 06/2015

#opensource #open-source #e-zine #ezine #download #pdf #epub #free
Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)
9 years ago from Diaspora
Important Linux Kernel Vulnerability Patched in All Supported Ubuntu OSes #ubuntu #linux

softpedia: Important Linux Kernel Vulnerability Patched in All Supported Ubuntu OSes (Marius Nestor)

All Ubuntu users are urged to update immediately In a recent security notice, dated May 5, Canonical announced the immediate availability of a new kernel update for all of its supported Ubuntu Linux operating systems, including Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet), Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn), Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr), and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin).
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