
Items tagged with: fail

9 years ago from Diaspora
9 years ago from Diaspora
Buaahaha. Der Trojaner kam in die Bundestags IT, weil die Mitarbeiter auf einen Link in einer vermeintlichen Mail von Merkel persönlich geklickt haben! Kann man sich nicht ausdenken!

#computer #it #sicherheit #politik #fail

Trojaner-Angriff auf Bundestag: "Merkel-Mail" leicht erkennbarer Fake

Eine angeblich von der Bundeskanzlerin verschickte Mail verleitete Bundestagsabgeordnete dazu, auf einen Link zu klicken und ihren zu Rechner infizieren. Dabei war die Fälschung leicht zu durchschauen.
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
OpenX schon wieder offen...
Diesmal mit einer Hintertür in den Downloadarchiven. Das SVN scheint nicht betroffen gewesen zu sein.

Achtung: Anzeigen-Server OpenX enthält eine Hintertür

In den offiziellen Downloads vom OpenX-Server hat heise Security eine Hintertür gefunden, die offenbar seit fast einem Jahr vorhanden ist und bereits aktiv für Angriffe auf Anzeigen-Server genutzt wird.
#fail :headbang
Categories: Security [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
It's 2013 and still not able to support IMAP
M$ Outlook 2013 really fucked up #IMAP support. They removed the possibility to set sent and trash folders and only rely on Outlook to figure them out automatically. Also some eMails are just missing that are available through webmail and iOS. #fail
Categories: Micro$oft [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
When I first read about this it sounded quite interesting. But what is this?
Brackets is an open source code editor for the web. It's built with JavaScript, HTML and CSS by web developers like you.
The current builds of Brackets are only supported on Windows and OSX. We need help bringing Brackets to Linux.
o_O WTF? Looks like Adobe knows how the web is working.
:headbang #fail
Categories: Webdesign [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
Wusste noch gar nicht, dass jetzt schon ein Bundesminister das Grundgesetz neu definieren darf. Beeindruckend...

Friedrich erhebt Sicherheit zum "Supergrundrecht"

Während der Bundesinnenminister auf den Spuren Otto Schilys wandelt und der Sicherheit Vorrang vor allen anderen Grundrechten einräumt, halten andere CSU-Politiker den Datenschutz für romantisch verklärt.
:headbang :headbang :headbang
Ja wo ist denn der Verfassungschutz schon wieder? Kann den mal jemand stoppen?!? o_O

Mal sehen was bisher im Grundgesetz stand:
Erste Vorkommen: Freiheit Artikel 2, Sicherheit Artikel 13
Vorkommnisse in den Grundrechten: Freiheit 8x, Sicherheit 2x

Ja, Sicherheit war bestimmt das #Supergrundrecht welches das #Grundgesetz sichern sollte. #FAIL
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
Security by Obscurity
Ein wunderschönes Beispiel, vor allem wie versucht wird mit völlig unbrauchbaren Lösungen etwas zu "reparieren". #fail

Gastbeitrag: Security by Obscurity bei Netgear-Switches » Linux-Magazin

Im Linux-Magazin 10/2012 beschrieb der Autor Sven Anders seine Erlebnisse mit dem Netgear-Switch GS108E, einem relativ preisgünstigen Modell des Herstellers. Das Gerät bietet aber die Möglichkeit, VLANs zu verwenden oder auch einen Port zu spiegeln. Da...
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
What a totally broken page on a tablet. o_O #esc2013 #fail

The official website of the Eurovision Song Contest (Malmö 2013), featuring the latest news, photos, videos, information about the contestants, the show, the contest's rich history and more.
Categories: Webdesign [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Today is a good day to remember why you should not use Micro$oft products. This is just annoying and there is no reason why this is not working still. The provided solution works, but only for some minutes, then it stops working again. #fail

The Spiceworks Community: 578:0x000004DC:0x0000001D Send-As permission with Outlook 2010 Exchange 2007

All, I'm piloting our Office 2010 deploy. We have a number of generic accounts people use to send email "from.&quo... | 6 replies | Microsoft Exchange
Also somewhat embarrassing when you search for help online and most of the results are only available when you register or pay. No wonder why these products stay damaged and limited as they are.
Categories: Micro$oft [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
eBay fail
When did #eBay actually start changing saved searches? So annoyed about all these SPAM mails with products that I am not searching for. I made a search that worked well for months, but then they just dropped the categories and now I only get SPAM. Getting the urge to close my eBay account every day I get another message with totally useless offers. No I am not interested in dental drills and all the other things! #fail
Categories: Rant [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Too many "experts"
Oh yes, we must put national borders around solutions for walled gardens. Isn't this a bit schizophrenic? #fail

Digital Backyards

Are there any alternatives to an increasingly centralized internet landscape as cultivated by Google and Facebook? It is hard to imagine, but there are. The resources for such alternatives lie dormant in Europe’s diversity itself: tinker garages, corporate hotbeds, grassroots hubs, institutional labs, hacker bedrooms, editorial outposts etc. In those digital backyards innovators have been silently pursuing their work. Now they come together from all over Europe to explore synergies and common interests.
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago from Friendica mobile web
confused about gmail
This afternoon I got really confused and also shocked about googlemail web client. Haven't used it for some time and I had really problems with the way messages get grouped and answeres are written and the whole usability. I still don't know yet if I replied to the right eMail in a conversation. #fail
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago from Friendica for Android
What is wrong with this basin? ;-)

Изображение / Фото
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Browser and OS, a bad combination
Always unbelievable to see how a crashing browser tab can reboot the whole #Android tablet. #fail
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
obfuscate everything
Oh I hate all this stupid #OXID #PayPal et al. #ZendOptimizer source code #obfuscation and #PHP version incompatible bullshit! o.O

If you are so afraid that someone will laugh about your source code, better stop programming! :-P
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
What a big cut down. If you reach your home fibre transfer volume (300GB) you should get limited from your 200MBit/s to only 384 kBit/s. #fail

heise online | Telekom drosselt Glasfaseranschlüsse

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