
Items tagged with: Tor

(((Arthur Schiwon)))
7 years ago

[tor-dev] Tor in a safer language: Network team update from Amsterdam

We didn't fight about Rust or Go or modern C++. Instead, we focused on identifying goals for migrating Tor to a memory-safe language, and how to get there. With that frame of reference, Rust emerged as a extremely strong candidate for the incremental improvement style that we considered necessary. We were strongly advised to not use cgo, by people who have used it extensively.

The #Tor project goes #Rust


[tor-dev] Tor in a safer language: Network team update from Amsterdam

Guido Arnold
7 years ago

Anomalous keys in Tor relays

published analysis of ten years worth of archived #Tor relay RSA keys

(via @Cryptie**)

Anomalous keys in Tor relays

Carol Chen
7 years ago
diasporist wrote the following post:

Tor at the Heart: Qubes OS Qubes OS is a security and privacy-oriented free and open source operating system that provides you with a safe platform for communications and information management. Its architecture is built to enable you to define different security environments (or "qubes") on your computer to manage the various parts of your digital life, including safely using Tor. #qubes #qubesos #tor #torattheheart #privacy #opensource #OS #security #edwardsnowden #anonymity #whonix #vm #virtualization

Tor at the Heart: Qubes OS | The Tor Blog

8 years ago

Tor at the Heart: Qubes OS Qubes OS is a security and privacy-oriented free and open source operating system that provides you with a safe platform for communications and information management. Its architecture is built to enable you to define different security environments (or "qubes") on your computer to manage the various parts of your digital life, including safely using Tor. #qubes #qubesos #tor #torattheheart #privacy #opensource #OS #security #edwardsnowden #anonymity #whonix #vm #virtualization

Tor at the Heart: Qubes OS | The Tor Blog

For those in or around Munich, Meredith L. Patterson, a developer, writer, blogger, and journalist, currently contributing e.g. to the Tor project, will be giving a talk next week.

view full size

Hosted by the Ethereum Meetup group on Tuesday, the 20th of September.

(We, the Bitcoin Meetup group, originally wanted to co-host, but our usual location is not available on that date, so we'll do an additional event with a different program the next day.)

#event #meetup #ethereum #blockchain #security #privacy #cryptography #tor #muc #munich

Meredith L. Patterson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago

Firefox verbessert den Schutz der Privatsphäre - Qbi's Weblog

In den #Mozilla #Firefox werden nun (einige?) der Patches vom #Tor Browser Projekt eingepflegt :)

Firefox verbessert den Schutz der Privatsphäre - Qbi's Weblog

8 years ago from Diaspora

I love Free Software Day 2016

on my pc, on my phone, on my laptop, at home or at work: every single software i use is a free software The only non free os i use is android, waiting for ubuntu touch. No troubles, no worries, i take care of my privacy. My children and family use also mostly free software. I'm also organizing install parties to help ordinary people to understand, choose and use free software. The road is long but the goal is clear and the travel joyful.

#ilovefs #gnu #gimp #libreoffice #gnomeencfs #koka #kdenlive #firefox #calibre #webtrees #scribus #gramps #digikam #xsane #filezilla #vlc #xbmc #kde #linux #ubuntu #firefoxos #OpenWRT #tor and so many other

I ♥ Free Software - Valentine's Day 2016 - FSFE

8 years ago from Diaspora
Dear #linux Pros,

I am looking for an easy way (proven howto) to run a #debian from RAM. I know there is ubuntu based #puppy linux around but I was searching for a way to easily put an existing debian (minimal without desktop) into ram with the ability to persist changes (package updates etc) so they survive a reboot. I have a box with 8GB of RAM and 1TB disk and only small footprint of apps ( #tor relay, samba server & ajenti ). I want to run it from ram to enhance the lifetime of the harddisk as this machine will run 24/7 Does anyone has a standard debian running from ram?
Thanks folks

#debian #tmpfs #linux from ram
Michał "rysiek" Woźniak
8 years ago from Diaspora
-- it's beautiful, and enlightening. Something I'd love to have on display on my wall. #Tor


Data flow in the Tor network
Wolfgang Romey
9 years ago from Diaspora
Der #Linux-Presentation-Day (LPD) in Mülheim an der Ruhr war ein (großer?) Erfolg. Ca. 90 Personen waren da. Ich selbst habe was zu "Sicherer Bewegen im Internet" angeboten, wobei es um Sachen wie #noscript und #tor ging. Daß so viele Leute gekommen sind, liegt wohl zum einen daran, daß der Organisator Wolf-Dieter Zimmermann in Mühlheim an der Ruhr sehr gut vernetzt ist, sicher aber auch daran, daß der Tag unter die Überschrift "#Linux im Alltag" gestellt wurde. - Weitere Informationen zum LPD und zu weiteren Aktivitäten zur Verbreitung Freier Software finden sich hier:

#freiesoftware #freesoftware

LPD 2015

James Valleroy
9 years ago from Diaspora
You can use apt-transport-tor to download #debian packages over #tor. Good for #privacy, #security, and #anonymity.

Just run:apt install apt-transport-tor
Then in your /etc/apt/sources.list, just put "tor+" in front of the http:// URLs, like this:deb tor+ unstable main

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