
Results for: KDE

Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
Creating sieve scripts with KMail
These improvements look really nice to create sieve scripts. Still need to port several local filters to sieve.

What's in my mind » News in kdepim 4.11: Improve sieve support (2/2)

When we want to create a script sieve, we need to know Sieve language, and we don’t use all days this language so it’s easier to create typo and error. So I decided for 4.11 to create an assistant to generate sieve code. By default end user prefers to use GUI to create filters (as sieve script is using for filter mainly). In KMail filter GUI is...
Categories: KDE [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
10 years ago from Red Matrix
Ein interessantes Interview mit dem ehemaligen Opera CEO.

Jon von Tetzchner: "Opera hätte viel mehr erreichen können"

c't sprach mit Ex-Opera-Chef Jon von Tetzchner über seine alte und seine neue Firma. Er kritisiert, Opera habe die Interessen der Nutzer aus den Augen verloren und denke zu kurzfristig.
Ist es nur Zufall, dass das neue Projekt genau so heisst wie das KDE Vivaldi tablet? o_O
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
What a day of wonderful releases...
#KDE SC 4.10 and #Openfire 3.8.0 got released today!

Was already wondering the last days if the HTTP 500 for the Openfire Roadmap site was a sign. Quite surprised to see this release today.

KDE's improvements are really impressive. Nice work on Nepomuk and PIM.
Categories: KDE [remove] , Release [remove] , Openfire [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago

KDE's wonderful usability

KDE is what I consider the most usable desktop environment there is. But what makes it so?One thing that makes it so is it's configurability, which is often the target of criticism. Another is the way
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
KDE Telepathy and Slackware
@Linux Group has someone tried building #Telepathy for #Slackware already? I tried it some time ago, but it had so many dependencies and packages. I had not enough time to go through all of this. :-(

Now it has also Kopete log migration and I would really like to switch.

Davidedmundson: KDE Telepathy 0.6 Beta Released | David Edmundson's Web Log

Today we released a beta of 0.6.0 of KDE Telepathy KDE's instant messaging client. KTp now imports logs from Kopete accounts into our log format. For new KTp users this will be asked if they wish to import when they create an account, existing users can also import logs by opening the log viewer. We had some feedback to improve the notifications of...
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
A new virtual life?
This evening I have reactivated my first and so much loved mobile computer as a virtual machine. Impressive how easy this is with some tools and #VirtualBox. It's a HP omnibook xe4500 <3 and I got it from my parents around 2003. It is a really amazing machine and I have learned a lot about Linux and OpenSource with it and spent really A LOT of time with it! I have compiled and experienced so many and some of the most amazing free and opensource software on this machine. It never had any failures, very solid and I really treated it bad and used it very intensively. Working every day on it for programming, entertainment, communication, studying, gaming, running 29days 8h8min with Linux 2.6.12-rc2 since Fri May 13 16:11:41 2005, transport in a bag while running, I took it two years to Norway and traveling to Indonesia and Norway, completely disassembled and setting it together again several times, etc. Only the battery died after some years and it only survived few minutes, but then the final death was a problem with the power jack that got more and more unreliable. :'( Damn I really need to disassemble it completely again and fix that! There must be a shrine in our new house for it. :sigh The only bad thing about this notebook was that the fan was terrible loud.

Some quick notes how to recover an old PC, for sure I will need this again:
Plug the HDD into an external USB connector for ATA and SATA HDDs.
$ ddrescue /dev/sdX /tmp/hp.img /tmp/hp_ddrescue.log
No read error at all after 10years! IBM Travelstar (Model: IC25N030ATCS04-0) 30GB from JUN-02. Man I have already recovered so many HDDs and machines that did not get treated that hard over such a long time.
$ VBoxManage convertfromraw /tmp/hp.img /opt/VirtualBoxHDDs/hd.vdi --format VDI --variant Standard
Create a new virtual machine and use this VDI HDD and power it up. That's it basically.

It boots directly into runlevel 4 after run fsck after 629 days without being checked. Only had to delete my xorg.conf that I put together in many sleepless nights and I had my full desktop back. #Slackware 12.2 and the great #KDE 3.5.10 and my desktop was loaded with a nice green KDE wallpaper. It presented me all my open browser tabs, konsole and kwrite sessions and even opened eMails again that I was still writing! I love this feature from KDE!!! And I got greated from hundreds of reminders from KOrganizer.

There is still bit work left, like cleaning up some omnibook kernel modules and hdparm settings, changing the network and sound drivers, installing the VirtualBox guest additions, but that should be no big deal anymore.
Categories: nostalgia [remove] , HOWTO [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago

Vivaldi Tablet: Erste Prototypen fertig » Linux-Magazin

Aaron Seigo hat in einem Video-Podcast erste Versionen der Hauptplatine seines mit KDE betriebenen Tablet-PCs gezeigt. Die Spezifikation der Hardware liegt offen, zudem sollen die einzelnen Komponenten teilweise austauschbar sein.
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Even more new branding and names
Changing names again in the TYPO3 community:
#FLOW3 => TYPO3 Flow 
#Fluid => TYPO3 Fluid

Let's see if they will reveal the final name for Phoenix at T3CON12DE this week.

Now it is only missing to brand TYPO3 as the community as #KDE did it some time back. ;-) 

A Brand New Way -

TYPO3 is a free, feature-rich Enterprise class Open Source Web CMS based on PHP with a vast international community of developers and supporters. is the official resource for TYPO3 and offers tutorials, downloads, an extension repository and information about the TYPO3 community like mailing lists, blog, events
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago from Red Matrix
Marble gets bicycle routing
#Marble is a really impressive program!

KDE Commit-Digest for 15th December 2013
Marble adds support for bicycle routing, showing journey duration for OSRM routing
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Too bad no #KDE SC 4.9.1 tonight for my desktop. rsync is just telling me after 1 1/2 hour to-check=332/601. Something is way too slow tonight.

Categories: Slackware [remove] , KDE [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
10 years ago from Red Matrix
Really nice progress in #sieve support.

What's in my mind » New in kdepim 4.13: SieveEditor
As usual I try to improve sieve support in KMail. In 4.9, I fixed the dialogbox  for managing them. In 4.10, I added a good text editor with highlighting and auto-completion. In 4.11, I added a dialogbox for generating sieve code directly (like kmail filter dialogbox) In 4.12 I added sieve script parsing and an UI to create sieve script even if yo...
Klaus Weidenbach
10 years ago from Red Matrix
Open Hardware for KDE
Interesting article about #Improv and Open Hardware in general.

Open Hardware for KDE
From its beginning, KDE has been a leader in innovation in free (libre) and open source software (FLOSS), but there is a threat to that leadership in one of the fastest growing areas of technology. The advantages of free and open development and use are clear for software; now closed and proprietary strategies have become standard in other kinds of technology. The need for technology freedom has moved from software to other more corporate-controllable areas—notably hardware and the Internet. As was the case when KDE started, community-developed, freedom-oriented technology is necessary to break the stranglehold of large companies that are more committed to managers and investors than to users. But this won’t be easy and it can’t be left to a few people. The entire KDE Community has a stake in the outcome. For that matter, this should be a concern to anyone who develops free and open software, anyone who uses it, anyone who benefits from it. And that includes just about everyone using technology today. New hardware has been announced that addresses the need for openness beyond software. Community help is needed to support a generous, far-sighted open hardware project involving mostly KDE people and certainly following KDE principles. Please consider contributing financially to open hardware for KDE.
Nice quote:
The opposite of "open" is "theirs".
David Weinberger
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Getting impressed by KDE again and again. The upcoming KDE SC 4.9 will be a real amazing release. I would love to attend #Akademy next time and meet the people from the community.

Btw, someone interested from #Indonesia to organise a #KDE SC 4.9 release party? I should be in Indonesia around that time and would love to meet other KDE enthusiasts.

Kde: Promo/Events/Release Parties/4.9 - KDE Community Wiki

This page is for KDE SC 4.9 release party listings. Please follow the following template for readability and keep it sorted. ...
Categories: KDE [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
Sound with Amarok
I must be doing something wrong. When I use the MPlayer phonon backend Amarok does not play ogg nor mp3 files, it just runs through the playlist The Xine backend only seems to play mp3 files, but no sound gets out and after every track Amarok crashes. GStreamer plays only ogg files and jumps over mp3 files. o_O

Most of my files are ogg-files or are Oggcasts, so there was never a problem, but now I want to listen to an mp3 podcast. :-(

I have Slackware current with KDE 4.10 and Amarok 2.7.
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
A really interesting blog post by Aaron Seigo about communities and the influence of companies.

♲ Aaron J. Seigo
you can't control the most powerful things
Note: This is a follow up to my earlier blog entries "founding philosophers" and "the age of pragmatists". If you have not read that one yet, please do so before continuing here.

The most powerful things in the world can not be controlled. At best they can be influenced.

This can be written another, less catchy, way: a) there is a limit to the number of things that can be effectively managed simultaneously by a unit of management effort; b) management is a finite resource that demonstrates diminishing returns when scaled up in a purely vertical fashion; c) and there is a relationship between the power of a system and the size of the system. In that interplay there exists a threshold where the system loses the attribute of "controllable" as it increases in influence, and vice versa. This can be seen by analogy in natural systems like hurricanes and more literally in the complex interplay within biological ecosystems. It's simply an attribute of large dynamic systems.

Social movements attempt to shift the expectations and behaviors of people in large human systems, and they face the control/power challenge quite directly: they can't be tightly controlled if they are powerful, at best they can be influenced.

Through processes of social evolution, humans stumble upon culture and custom as a pretty decent way to manage this issue. Shared values, common expectations and communal goals allow individual actors within a large society to move in a generally coordinated fashion without requiring each to be directly managed.

Culture becomes a way to define, refine, transmit, reinforce and reassure each other of the precepts of the system. Art and ritual, governance and tradition .. they allow us to influence ourselves at uncontrollable scales. This allows hugely influential social structures to emerge that also have some measure of stability to them. On the down side, it's a slow process that is not overly efficient and can seem to work against pragmatic goals at times.

What does this have to do with Free software? It started with people defining common expectations and communal goals. To take one example: the GPL is a formulation of this in the form of a legal text. Participants communicated these social artifacts to each other, and this gave rise to a large, successful, somewhat uncontrollable movement that showed itself to have great effectivity and strength. Some pragmatic membership of some Free software communities, looking more at the costs of such an approach than the benefits, have over time steered towards mechanisms that are ultimately more manageable and controllable but far less powerful.

A common pragmatic approach is one that focuses on balance sheets alone. I was told by one well-known Free software company founder and self-appointed community leader that they invested significant amounts of money in a particular Free software project per year and then asked rhetorically "What do we have to show for it?" They were referring to a combination of community control and corporate profitability, two things they were still searching for. What they had actually gotten from it was more and better Free software and membership in the society that creates it, but that escaped them.

This kind of thinking is the result of optimizations done for the perceived benefits of the individual actors. The culture, is not being measured as part of the success or failure, and so suffers as a result. As this is a prime mechanism of ensuring stability and forward movement of large systems, this is concerning. It is also self-defeating, as without stability it is hard to build successful structures.

An interesting manifestation of this approach has been the rise of a new job position: the community manager. Managing a community is a polite way to say "We're trying to exert influence over this system of people and bring some control to it." The community manager positions currently around Free software are not community developers, community coordinators or even community "engineers" (whatever that might mean) .. they are "managers", and they are beholden not to the community but to the employer.

As such, it is not uncommon to witness a community manager repeat dubious ideas that are slanted towards and which attempt to justify their employer's interests; to see divisions created as much as unity; for the installment of systems based on loyalty-based conviction (fanaticism) that encourage highly partisanship approaches.

This is not an indictment of the individuals who hold these positions. Community managers are not somehow "bad people". I know a number of of them personally and will attest that their hearts and minds are in the "right" place. It's a systems issue: no matter who was placed in that position the result would be the same. The measurements and incentives that come with these positions create the often unfortunate results we see, all in the name of hoping to construct and manage a group of people in support of the company's interests. And everyone's heart is in the right place the whole time.

The pragmatic nature that has overtaken Free software has increasingly left behind the idea of influence by idea and replaced it with the management of economics (monetary and otherwise). If the goal is to create a new economic model for technology, we've become focused on the right things. However, if it is to create a new model for technology in society, to ensure that technology aids humanity rather than erodes it, it probably isn't, because that requires systems so powerful they can only be influence and not controlled.

Building community on ideas that tie individual actors together, and letting those communities of individual actors interact freely, guided and driven by those ideas is critical. Free software needs to find a way back to the "age of philosophers" in some fashion without losing the power of the pragmatists. We need both, with each influencing from its strengths.

I believe it is unrealistic to ask others to do that which we are not willing to do ourselves. It can also be helpful to adjust the rules of the game slightly so that the desired behavior is rewarded more strongly. Which brings me to the useful conclusion of this blog entry series.

I've written about a bunch of history and a little philosophy in these three related blog entries, the next one will wrap it all up and be about the pragmatic results that this train of thinking has led to. In particular, I will introduce two key components of Make·Play·Live that were directly influenced by this train of thought: the add-ons content system and the partner network that was recently announced.
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
digiKam is violating FB privacy policy? :-D
KDE's photo management application #digiKam got a bug report from FB that they are violating FB's privacy policy and they got 7 days to fix it.

Bug 299776 – Violation: Privacy Policy

Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
KDE Plasma Netbook
Nice article about #KDE #Plasma Netbook in Linux Magazine. It is great to see how all the ideas from KDE4 getting into shape and how modular and flexible it is. Just take a look also on Plasma Active for tablets. :-)

Linux Magazine: KDE Plasma Netbook Revisited - Linux Magazine Online

With Unity, Cinnamon, and Gnome 3 getting all the buzz, it's easy to overlook other interesting projects that attempt to rethink the traditional desktop metaphor. Case in point, the KDE Plasma Netbook interface. Despite its moniker, the KDE's alterna...
Categories: KDE [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
KDE May updates released
Nice work on the Kontact Suite. Updating tonight :-)

Kde: KDE - KDE Ships May Updates to Plasma Workspaces, Applications a

May 4, 2012. Today KDE released updates for its Workspaces, Applications, and Development Platform.
These updates are the third in a series of monthly stabilization updates to the 4.8 series. 4.8.3 updates bring many bugfixes and translation updates...
Categories: KDE [remove] , updates [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Decentralize content stores
I love the idea to run your own content stores to provide controlled and own content to your family or at schools. #decentralization

♲ Home
Sneak Peek into Vivaldi's Content Store
Hello Everyone,

With the release of the Vivaldi Tablet approaching, the community is beginning to see some glimpses of the finalized product that most have been anticipating. Here we see a preview of the content store:

The content-store will use a point system similar to the other popular content stores such as the Xbox 360 Marketplace. Aaron explains the reasoning behind its setup in a video on his blog ( There will be the ability to use the main content store and also host your own content on your own instance of the content store, allowing you to control the content available. The school reference is nice, and I bet it can be adjusted so one could set it up to where "x" value of points can see a certain level of content, say to divide up different grades. Interesting stuff if I do say so.

At this time the price of points is unknown. More information will likely be announced closer to the official release date.

Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
The design of the KDEdu homepage is really cute. One of the nicest I have seen.

Kde: The KDE Education Project - The KDE Education Project

We make free educational software for children and adults, students and teachers. We make software for you....
Also very impressive list of available educational applications.
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
Lessons to learn
Two very intersting post-mortems about the trouble with from last weekend and what you could learn about backing up Git repositories.

Jefferai: Too Perfect A Mirror - Me, my blog, and my Johnson (Jeff Mitchell)

How KDE's 1500-repository Git system was nearly destroyed, and how we're preventing it from happening again.

Jefferai: "Screw The Mirrors" - Me, my blog, and my Johnson (Jeff Mitchell)

Backing up huge numbers of Git repositories isn't as simple as you might think. Here's why.
Categories: Git [remove] , KDE [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
So many updates this morning
~friendica ~friendica, KDE SC, libreoffice, horde, owncloud
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
KDE Mirrors on an OpenStreetMap map
This is a really interesting visualization of KDE's mirror servers I think.


#KDE #mirror #OSM
Categories: KDE [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
Gleich mal updaten...

KDE SC 4.11 bringt neue PIM-Funktionen und bessere Performance

Mit der KDE Software Compilation 4.11 haben die KDE-Entwickler ein großes Update für ihre Desktop-Umgebung veröffentlicht. Die KDE-PIM-Suite Kontact wurde mit neuen Funktionen ausgestattet, die Performance verbessert.
Categories: KDE [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
KDE SC 4.8.2
Time to upgrade my #Slackware machine to #KDE SC 4.8.2 :-)
Categories: Slackware [remove] , KDE [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Plasma Active 3
Still waiting for a Vivaldi, but no news when it will be available. Maybe should buy an Archos 80 G9 so I can start using #PA3.

Kde: KDE - Plasma Active 3 Improves Performance, Brings New Apps

KDE has released the 3rd stable version of Plasma Active, KDE's device-independent user experience. The Plasma Active user interface is touch-friendly and works well across a range of devices. Its Activities function gives users a natural way to organize and access their applications, files and information. Plasma Active Three noticeably improves the user experience with its enhanced and expanded set of apps, improved performance and a new virtual keyboard.
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Encrypted and password protected activities will be a really amazing feature. #vivaldi #kde #tablet

♲ Aaron J. Seigo
vivaldi ordering delay
We had expected to be able to pull the lever on orders for Vivaldi by a couple of days ago. Last month there were some developments that have consequently pushed back the project by about a month. I'll be sending out emails tomorrow to individuals catching them up with this, but thought I'd let people know via my blog as well.

We are still on track to deliver, however a number of things in our supply chain through to retail have ended up taking longer than expected. When I look back at the delays I can see a good reason and ways we will have benefited in the near term from each of them, but that does not make them any more fun to endure.

In more happy news, development of the Plasma Active Mer OS that will appear on the device is progressing nicely with things like hardware buttons, file management and more starting to really slot in. Thanks to the extended timeline to delivery, we will also likely be shipping from day one with the ability to set activities as private and have them locked with encryption behind a password.
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
KDE SC 4.9rc1
I have just updated #Slackware current that will become soon Slackware 14.0 and updated #KDE SC 4.9rc1 from Alien's ktown-repository.

Just had a small problem that plasma-desktop was crashing when logging in with my user. Other users had no problems. After deleting all ~/.kde/share/config/plasma* files I could login without a problem. All my sessions have been still there, so everything was allright. Just had to customize the desktop widgets a bit again.

KDE SC 4.9 really rocks! Activities work really amazing now and you have much more control over it. Also contact synchronisation with #ownCloud works again. Had some problems since the ownCloud 4.0 update. The desktop feels really responsive, quick and smooth. I <3 it!

Too bad Slackware 14 won't ship KDE SC 4.9. :-(
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Plasma Active

Froscon: froscon2012: FrOSCon Program

The world needs Free devices. KDE's Plasma team has set out to deliver a device that is Free, open and hackable, and which puts the user in full control of its hardware and software. Plasma Active is a Free software system built to support a spectrum of devices. It is based on a well-known Free software stack, and aims at providing a user experienc...
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Can't wait to get my #Vivaldi tablet. Everything around this just sounds to be right.

♲ Aaron J. Seigo
forums, bodega client code, partners :)
So this is becoming a one-a-week blog, which is certainly a sign of how busy things have been for us. Among other things, here's what we've been up to:


We were contacted by Matthias Lee, owner of, a couple weeks back. Since then, they have put together forums for Vivaldi and have started posting news and information about our efforts.

I know some of you will ask "What about" Plasma Active forums and related KDE discussions will continue there, while will focus on our specific tablet (and other) future products. This is the beauty of open participation: everyone gets to add their own flavour.

We're really excited about as it is one more piece of the community support and interaction puzzle being filled in by the community itself.

Device Image and Mer Progress

We've been working with new OS images this week at a somewhat frantic pace. Mer now has NetworkManager packages, allowing us to use that instead of connman where it makes sense. This really shows the progress of Meego as a community project in my opinion. Kudos to the people who have made that happen, including our own Lamarque who has worked on all sorts of KDE and NetworkManager bits.

We've updated KDE PIM and other relevant packages as well to catch up with various fixes and improvements to improve performance and reliability. This comes along with updates from Plasma Active itself such as the new file manager and encrypted activities.

With newer images, I'm now getting ~7 hours of continuous usage on the device. Again, this depends on what I'm doing, but while flipping between activities, launching apps, doing some web browsing .. you know, the usual stuff .. the battery is serving us well. It is still possible to kill it quicker with more aggressive usage (true on all devices in my experience), this is quite reasonable. I'm hoping we can deliver with these kinds of lifetimes on the battery.

Image creation has started to creep into the publicly visible area as can be see on the Vivaldi page on the Mer wiki. Our collaboration with Mer, both on the technical as well as organizational level, continues to be excellent with Mer being put on ever more solid ground. And a non-profit organization is not far away, it seems, so we can help provide for the technical needs of the community. :)

Add On App

I've talked about the Add On app previously as said we were getting close to releasing code. We have been working in a private git repository trying various things, not all of which were successes along the way, looking for what we could utilize well as our add-ons delivery application. We still have a fair amount of work to do on the client side, but today I put together a git repository containing the current client side work and put it up on You can grab it with a `git clone kde:scratch/aseigo/bodega-client`. Eventually, assuming all works out as planned, this will move through the usual review process and find a home alongside the other Plasma Active repos. This repository is where we will be working from this point forward on the client side, and we welcome others to join in.

Right now there are two parts in the repository: the library which is a Qt-only C++ wrapper around the json API which makes it easy to use in an async way, and a QML application which integrated nicely with the KDE Platform by using Plasma QML Components and things like KWallet.

On the non-technical side, one of the really exciting things we're doing is what amounts to profit sharing with app developers, via the points give away experiment we're doing with pre-orders. I really need to write some more publicly about this, but the concept is pretty straight-forward: we take some of the proceeds, turn them into points in the store, give those to people who purchase devices and they pick which content (apps, etc) should be awarded those points which results in the content creators being rewarded financially based on those user choices. What's intriguing to me is that this all happens really without anyone knowing that they are part of that process: to the device owner as well as the content creator is looks like business as usual .. except the device owner may perceive it as having received some free value in the store.

In Other News

Work continues on our corporate partner network (which I wish to make a little more generic as we work on this side of it to include non-corporate members more seamlessly) and we're in the "letter of understanding" signing phase. I'm really excited to be able to share this with the world as it will demonstrate nicely the dynamic nature of the ecosystem that is developing around the Make Play Live devices.

Oh .. and we've also chosen our 10" hardware for release later in the year. But more on that another time. ;)
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
A New Hope: Open KDE Devices
Aaron Seigo at #Akademy 2012 about the problems to get open devices. Very interesting talk and also the explanation to the delays again for the #Vivaldi.
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Oh too bad there is still no KDE SC 4.9 release party in #Indonesia.
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