
Results for: tablet

Carol Chen
7 years ago
#LastuCase collection. Nature x technology. #Lastu #JollaTablet #HuaweiP10
Free Software Foundation Europe
7 years ago from GNU social
Matthias Kirschner will participate at a panel discussion how data, code, and algorithms are influencing our live and the economy. What will happen if just a few companies control who can change source code, modify, or share it? This will be discussed from 11:00 to 12:30 at the Church Day at Festung Mark, Kulturwerkstatt, Hohepfortewall 1, Magdeburg. #fellowship - #event #fsfe EKiR-News - Mai 2017 - Kirchentag - Im Twittergottesdienst mit Handy und Tablet - Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland - (Ralf Peter Reimann)

7 years ago
the android sdk methods look just way too complicated to me
and the requirent to use enormopus and frustratingly slow ide's make it pretty much unusable.

but if you can find an android device that you can have root on (these days that seems to hard here in AU),
the maybe debiankit might be worth looking at?

its basically debian in android and you can install things with apt-get,etc too

not sure if you can compile full android apps with it, and probably not if you want to distribute binaries,
and I still haven't figured out if theres a way for linux software to use the screen on the device without needing to do that via a vnc app. (though I can use X via vnc to see the debian desktop running on it)

that worked for a minipc where I have root.

but to find a phone or tablet locally where I can have root seems nearly impossible

locally is a MUST becaese I refuse to use credit cards for payment - that was always crazy and unsafe and these days with pretty much ALL hardware looking so unsafe and opaque to the user I can't trust any of it with credit card info.
Leszek Lesner
7 years ago
Jolla did make an announcement at the beginning of the year regarding the second half of the tablet contributions. Why should they need to repeat itself ?
Especially on the show floor of MWC
7 years ago
Same thing again and again with the jolla tablet refund. Move on
Birne Helene
7 years ago
But Jolla does not fulfil their promise to refund the second half of the tablet contributions. They tacitly buried the question.
(((Arthur Schiwon)))
7 years ago
Das sind ja schöne Neuigkeiten von #Jolla

Jolla und Sony bringen Sailfish OS auf Xperia-Smartphones

Nach dem Tablet-Desaster und Umstrukturierung geht es dem Startup Jolla offenbar wieder besser. In Barcelona präsentieren die Finnen unter anderem Sony als neuen Partner – und auch ein paar Smartphones.
(((Arthur Schiwon)))
8 years ago
Jolla wrote the following post:
2nd Release of #SailfishOS early access is now available for Jolla smartphone, Jolla C and Jolla Tablet. New bug fixes including fixed memory leaks in Tracker and call creation with Bluetooth car kit are now bundled with the update. The public version of Fiskarsinjoki will be available after the final round of testing is done on this latest early access version.
8 years ago
2nd Release of #SailfishOS early access is now available for Jolla smartphone, Jolla C and Jolla Tablet. New bug fixes including fixed memory leaks in Tracker and call creation with Bluetooth car kit are now bundled with the update. The public version of Fiskarsinjoki will be available after the final round of testing is done on this latest early access version.
8 years ago from Diaspora

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#SailfishOS update Aurajoki early access release is now available via OTA for #Jolla, #JollaC and #JollaTablet.
Read more about the update here:
Alexander Ross
8 years ago from Diaspora
At last! The crowdfund, i‘ve been waiting for my next laptop. I want to buy all, if not, most of my future devices from this company/brand/standard. There goodies are going to be #earth and #freesoftware friendly, made by an #indie . With #ethical design at its heart. #EOMA68 is here:

Whitepaper: with story examples to help illustrate what this means:

#ilovemyeoma #eomaidea an #eomadevice Had some ideas for devices and added them to the idea page. i like the #projector one and the ravox - #rave boom box- too :) or what about a FOX, a file server box for non-raid file storage or a MOX for a media centre or a camera or a guitar effects box arr heck if i list any more ideas this will become a great big list, just have a look at the wiki page ;)

Tons of info buried on the website:

Yea the website isn’t super sparkly, they work as hard as they can and put most of there efforts into the product. if you can help with managing the website, smarting it up,etc then feel free to join the mailing list and get an account on the wiki :) . so don't be dishearten and think failed or struggling project, cus your wrong hes been at it working towards this point for ages. Laying the ground work, developing a standard that is to last for around the next 10years. So its taken his time in getting it right initially but after this crowdfund things can ramp up and speed up :D ill looking forward to the quad core 2x faster new future brain/cpu card and i look forward to getting the tablet, heck even games console too heh :)

#ethicaldesign #foss #computer #hardware #laptop #crowdfund #libre #eco #environment #solutions #product #ecoproduct #moneywhereyourmouthis #hacker #freehardware #copylefthardware #openhardware #opensource #tech #gadget #earthfriendly #earthday #oshw #allwinner #sunxi #education #alternative #lawyer #cyberpunk #innovation #zeitgeist

Earth-friendly EOMA68 Computing Devices

Easily Upgrade and Fix Your Own Computer
8 years ago from Diaspora
#JollaTablet refund round 1 is closing. If you had issues pls read the update in the blog.
Pablo Navarro
8 years ago
Hi pimvandereijk, I think they amied to cheer up the app ecosystem, and that's why they did it with zero revenue. Of course there is no guarantee all this handsets are going to end only on hands of developers, but it was anounced before on devel mail-list so those most of them were aware of this program a bit before it was totally disclosed. Also, I understand that since they're not making money with this movement (even when after the tablet, they're focusing only on software) they're not going to dedicate the same effort that they put when they released the Jolla phone or the tablet. 1000 is a good number taking into account that they have some partnerships ongoing (Intex, for example) and they announced that because of the great success they're going to study the possibility of make another round. All this is IMO :)
8 years ago from Diaspora

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Well over 80% of the refunds are now dealt with, the rest are on their way. We are on schedule for announcing a new program soon as well! Read more at our blog. Link:
8 years ago
You should technically wait for the next community port to be available for Fairphone 2. Since this update was dedicated to Jolla smartphone and Jolla tablet.
8 years ago from Diaspora

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#SailfishOS Taalojärvi is now available for all Jolla phone and Tablet users to download!

8 years ago from Diaspora

‪#‎SailfishOS‬ Taalojärvi is now released to all ‪#‎Jolla‬ smartphone and tablet users.

Read the changelog here:
Carol Chen
8 years ago from mobile

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Talking to myself on the #Jollatablet while testing notifications.

#Jolla #sailfishos #irc
Carol Chen
8 years ago from Diaspora

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It's been a long wait, I know not everyone will get one and I'm not trying to rub it in anyone's face, but... FINALLY my precious is in my hands!

#JollaTablet #SailfishOS #Jolla
Sailfish OS Reviews
8 years ago
@Benjamin as a personal opinion, the latest Jolla blog on the issue included the information on the delay, ok, but it wasn't easy to undestand between the lines. I guess people who have been following the earlier posts and comments closely might have gotten it somehow.

However, in my understanding Jolla has recently sent emails to contributors guiding them to request refund or finalize their order (for those who could get one). Even those have been somewhat confusing for the people who had requested a refund and got an invitation afterwards, as it wasn't clear in the beginning who will get a tablet. Then a mess in the DB mixed up even more... Really not nice.

In overall the communication has been a huge mess (or even missing) in the past months but seems to be getting clearer. People asking (like you here) have been helped by both Jolla and the community sailors. Doing it together I guess we can all be happy in the end when the #tabletgate is finally passed :) But do keep asking on whatever bothers you.
Carol Chen
8 years ago from Diaspora
Glad to see @Jolla being revived by @Sepehr (James) Noori on Diaspora*! Maybe now I can post less #Jolla news and more about what I'm working on at #RedHat :)

Went to an #OpenStack event today in #Helsinki, got a free book on #SDN. There's still much for me to learn in this area.

Of course, I'm not disappearing from the Jolla/SailfishOS community. Far from it. For a start, I should be finally receiving my #JollaTablet tomorrow! (missed the delivery today)

And speaking of Helsinki, there's a new #SailfishOS hackclub Meetup group. Check it out if you're in the area:

Carol Chen on Twitter

“Nice meetup on #OpenStack and #SDN. Thanks to all #OpenStackFin sponsors (tagged) + presenters. Got a free book too!”
8 years ago from Diaspora

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Reminder for #Jollatablet's refund program and update on final deliveries:

Click here to read the full post:
Carol Chen
8 years ago
yeah saw a couple on twitter:

as for me I haven't heard anything about refund or tablet. still waiting... (hoping for tablet)
Carol Chen
8 years ago from Diaspora

SailfishOS, open source, collaboration meeting 11.02.2016

Minutes from today's #SailfishOS #community meeting:

Some highlights: - #Jolla is working on #JollaTablet refund program, which will include all the perks - Public release of is pending on one critical issue - #Intex phone will be presented in #MWC2016 in Barcelona (Feb 22-25), and it will be available in India only - #Turing CEO announced their intentions last week, and Jolla can confirm the partnership - Planning for Documentation of SailfishOS components, platform, tools, processes etc.

Next meeting will be in 3 weeks (after MWC):

[SailfishDevel]Next meeting on SailfishOS, open source, collaboration: 11-February @ 14:30 UTC

Krutor alias Simon
8 years ago from Diaspora
Cryptoparty in der Stadtbibliothek
17:00 Uhr
Bibliothek am Mailänder Platz
Mailänder Platz 1 70173 Stuttgart N48.790324 E9.183079

Cryptopartys sind öffentliche Treffen für Kryptographie-Interessierte. Ziel ist es, sich gegenseitig grundlegende Verschlüsselungs- und Verschleierungstechniken beizubringen. Bei dieser #Cryptoparty haben die Teilnehmer die Möglichkeit, sich mit Mitgliedern des Chaos Computer Clubs Stuttgart über Kryptographie im Alltag – wie E-Mail Verschlüsselung und sicheres Surfen -– auszutauschen. An mehreren Stationen können praktische Erfahrungen im Verschlüsseln gesammelt werden. Vorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich.

Bitte bringt euren Laptop, euer Tablet oder euer Smartphone mit.

Werde da sein :)

#CCC #CCCS #Stuttgart #Verschlüsselung #Überwachung

Cryptoparty in der Stadtbibliothek

9 years ago from Diaspora
@Jolla enabled official app store for ported devices running their operating system Sailfish OS. Currently #Android #smartphones like #Nexus 4, #Nexus 5 and #Xperia #Pro are running #SailfishOS pretty nicely, lot's of other devices are under work.

If you have an Android phone laying around, and some #Linux skills on device/system level, go on and join the porters. Start with reading #Jolla's HADK documentation, and visit #IRC channel sailfishos-porters to get any advice while you go. They are most helpful there!

I wrote a ste-by-step for XPeria Pro, and for other devices (>20 phones or tablets under work) already ported you can visit this merproject wiki

Hope to see this operating system running all over! The #UI has reached quite a positive word out there at least. Sailfish OS was delivered to audience 2013 running on Jolla Phone. After 14 update releases, Sailfish OS 2.0 is expected to be delivered in few weeks on Jolla Tablet. Jolla has shared that they are announcing the scale of open sourcing plans in close future, aiming to maximize #OpenSource excluding only commercial parts (proprietary device drivers, certain software bought from partners like Myriad, etc...) Looking forward to share this scale to you later.

By the way, Diaspora rocks :) some of you might know what I mean... looking forward for the #API and after that a #SailfishOS #Diaspora #app. Thanks for reading!
Andrea Scarpino
9 years ago from Diaspora
Great news about next #SailfishOS update! #Jolla

Sailfishos: [SailfishDevel]Update on SailfishOS roadmap

Hello all, It's been a while since the last update from us. The development of the new UI framework and adaptation work for the Tablet have been our priority for some time and will continue to be until we are ready with the sales release for the Tablet.
Matt Jordan
9 years ago from Diaspora

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Anybody have any ideas why #Kubuntu 15.04 thinks my #wacom tablet is a joystick and how to fix it?
Klaus Weidenbach
10 years ago from Red Matrix
Why Jolla reaches it's crowd funding tablet goal, but #Vivaldi and #Improv failed. :confused

Jolla Tablet - world's first crowdsourced tablet

Be a part of making the world’s first people powered tablet, running Sailfish OS 2.0.
Klaus Weidenbach
10 years ago from Red Matrix
Very sad news from the #Improv and KDE tablet front today. :'(
Klaus Weidenbach
10 years ago from Red Matrix
Piwik 2.2.0
The new Event Tracking is really interesting. You can track uncaught JavaScript errors on your site for example.

Device detection is now an external library. :-)

GitHub: piwik/device-detector

device-detector - The Universal Device Detection library will parse any User Agent and detect the browser, operating system, device used (desktop, tablet, mobile, tv, cars, console, etc.), brand and model.
Klaus Weidenbach
10 years ago from Red Matrix
I like the idea of a wooden tablet! \o/

PiPad Build
Two weeks before I had to leave for Maker Faire Bay Area 2013, I decided it was time I built an enclosure for the PiPad. I'd been helping a guy in the Shed Tech Support queue that needed some help ...
But I think I would replace the Raspberry Pi with an Improv board.
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
Someone in the room?
Just came back from breakfast in the hotel. Before I went down I plug my tablet on the power to recharge. When I came back the power was not connected anymore. Did I get a visit from the #NSA, #GCHQ or #DGSE? o_O
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago from Red Matrix
kde-connect and Jolla
Just tried #kde-connect with my #Jolla and the native Android app. Haven't tried it yet with Android itself, because my tablet is at the repair. Not all functions seem to work, but it is a really nice feature and interesting integration. I get a notice on my desktop when I receive a call and also the control of amaroK is working nicely. Sharing clipboard and files I haven't found out yet how it works, or maybe it is not working with Jolla, like also the battery status seems not to be available. The shared notice module get's not loaded on the Jolla because of incompatible Android version. ;-) Would really love to see this as a native Jolla app!
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
modulare IT

Phonebloks: Phonebloks

Support Phonebloks! A phone worth keeping by Dave Hakkens
Somehow this #phonebloks reminds me bit on the #Jolla phone where you can at least exchange a part of the phone or even more on the KDE tablet. They create their own PCBs and processing units (EOMA-68) and can easily swap parts or the customer can buy an upgrade for the tablet.
The last news already look really impressive:

Rhombus-tech: news

Thanks to Joe (of GPL-squared) for helping to spot some schematics errors swapping the LCD-HSYNC and VSYNC in one area and LCD-DE with HSYNC in yet another: removing one of the bank of 4 resistors and replacing it with 0.5mm wires in a tiny tangled cross-over mess allowed the picture below to be taken, which demonstrates several things: So that is ...
Klaus Weidenbach
10 years ago from Red Matrix
Ein interessantes Interview mit dem ehemaligen Opera CEO.

Jon von Tetzchner: "Opera hätte viel mehr erreichen können"

c't sprach mit Ex-Opera-Chef Jon von Tetzchner über seine alte und seine neue Firma. Er kritisiert, Opera habe die Interessen der Nutzer aus den Augen verloren und denke zu kurzfristig.
Ist es nur Zufall, dass das neue Projekt genau so heisst wie das KDE Vivaldi tablet? o_O
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
Vivaldi with new hardware
Some news about the #Vivaldi tablet. Looking forward to the official announcement and hopefully they will ship it soon. Really waiting for this tablet and Plasma Active.

YouTube: The Luminosity of Free Software E2 (Aaron Seigo)

At around 30minutes Aaron also mentions ~friendica ~friendica and Red, but not talking more about it.
Categories: Plasma Active [remove] , tablet [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
What a totally broken page on a tablet. o_O #esc2013 #fail

The official website of the Eurovision Song Contest (Malmö 2013), featuring the latest news, photos, videos, information about the contestants, the show, the contest's rich history and more.
Categories: Webdesign [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
What a nice video projection. #esc2013

Aliona Moon - O Mie (Moldova) - LIVE - 2013 Semi-Final (1)

Moldova: Aliona Moon - O Mie live at the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 Semi-Final (1)
Okay, but now I am scared! I just had a rant on my ~friendica ~friendica site about how bad the website worked on a tablet and now I see on that page a commercial in this video from T3N with webdesign job offers! o_O
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
Nice to see that the #Vivaldi tablet will also build upon open hardware. An upgradeable tablet. Can this work? Every other producer is going to the opposite direction.
Can't wait to hold it in my hands. It should ship with Plasma Active 4.

Elinux: Embedded Open Modular Architecture/EOMA-68 -

This page describes the specification of EOMA-68. The number of pins on the interface is 68; the physical form-factor is the legacy PCMCIA. Re-purposing of the PCMCIA interface and form-factor has been chosen to create portable mass-volume (100 million units and above) Embedded Computing Modules (Computer on Module). Mass-volume "Lowest Common Deno...
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
Looking forward to hear some news about #Vivaldi.
Friday, 12. April 2013 20:00UTC

Aseigo: aseigo: The Luminosity of Free Software, episode 10

Vivaldi's open hardware: I'll share some photos of the silicon we've developed for the upcoming Vivaldi that is just now coming out of the factories along with some descriptions of the technologies we've decided to use, including how we've created what will probably be the first upgradable tablet to hit the market.
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago

Vivaldi Tablet: Erste Prototypen fertig » Linux-Magazin

Aaron Seigo hat in einem Video-Podcast erste Versionen der Hauptplatine seines mit KDE betriebenen Tablet-PCs gezeigt. Die Spezifikation der Hardware liegt offen, zudem sollen die einzelnen Komponenten teilweise austauschbar sein.
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
News from the Vivaldi
Finally there was something new today from the #Vivaldi on Aaron's blog. Looking forward to the Plasma Active 3 release soon and then I really need to get a device! :-)

Aseigo: aseigo: a small update on Vivaldi

What a crazy year it's been for our little Vivaldi tablet project. Lots of ups with Plasma Active developing by leaps and bounds, with version 3 coming out this month and many of our efforts starting to improve our other form factors such as Desktop, and so much learning with regards to the state of the hardware world in Asia.
Categories: tablet [remove] , Plasma Active [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago

YouTube: Sailfish Mobile OS - Jolla Revives MeeGo for Phones (NixieDoesLinux)

Noch'n Smartphone-System: Geräte mit Sailfish OS ab Mai

Der Nachfolger des Nokia-Betriebssystems MeeGo wird im Mai zusammen mit einem ersten Smartphone präsentiert. Eine Pre-Sales-Kampagne soll Geld für die Massenfertigung sammeln.

Ich hoffe ja immer noch, dass ich dieses Jahr endlich mein erstes Smartphone (#Jolla) und ein neues Tablet (#Vivaldi) bekomme.
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Tim Berners-Lee auf Campus Party
Man kann nur hoffen, dass die Entwickler und vor allem die Auftraggeber dies auch mal so sehen werden.

Campus Party: Tim Berners-Lee schwört Programmierer auf Offenheit ein

Der Erfinder des World Wide Web sagte geschlossenen Apps auf Smartphones oder Tablets den Kampf an und warb stattdessen für eine offene Web-Plattform für Anwendungen auf Basis von HTML5.
@Open Web
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
K-9 Mail
Why K-9 Mail for Android is loosing so many eMails? Sometimes drafts just disappear, sent eMails do not appear in sent Mails folder and so on.
Very dissatisfied with Android in general. It's allright if you don't rely on it, but it is not satisfying my needs on a tablet.
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Polaris Office is VERY incompatible and pestilent
On my tablet there was Polaris Office pre-installed. Of course it can only create 97-2003 Word doc-files. Just tried to open one of these documents on my Linux machine, but it is not working. LibreOffice 3.5.5 and Calligra 2.4.3 both crash directly when I try to open such a file.
Congratulations for being even more incompatible than Micro$oft Word itself. o_O
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