
Results for: OSM

7 years ago
Noch ein Projekt, basierend auf den #OpenStreetMap Daten. Ich persönlich würde ja eine Guinnes Karte sinnvoller finden 😉


Diese Karte stellt alle auf OpenStreetMap eingetragenen Orte, in denen man Club-Mate käuflich erwerben kann, dar. Die in der Karte verwendeten Symbole haben die folgende Bedeutung: Es gibt hier Club-Mate. Da OpenStreetMap ein Projekt ist, bei dem jeder mitmachen kann, ist es natürlich auch möglich, weitere Punkte, an denen Cub-Mate gekauft werde...
7 years ago
OpenStreetMap ascii
Auch ein interessantes Projekt mit den #OpenStreetMap Daten, eine Karte in der Konsole.

asciinema: MapSCII - the whole world in your console! (rastapasta)

#osm #ascii #konsole
Thanatos Muschelantos
7 years ago
Und noch eine Anwendung auf Grundlage der OpenStreetMap Daten. - Hier findet man Vegetarisches und Veganes

Auf findest du alle in OpenStreetMap eingetragenen veganen und vegetarischen Restaurants, Eisdielen, Cafes etc. Benutze einfach das Suchfeld um nach deinem Ort oder deiner Straße zu suchen. Alle großen grünen Icons sind Lokalitäten in denen es vegane Optionen gibt. Icons die nicht grün sind, bieten vegetarische aber keine vegane...
#osm #vegan #vegetarisch #openstreetmap
7 years ago
Und noch eine Anwendung auf Grundlage der OpenStreetMap Daten. - Hier findet man Vegetarisches und Veganes

Auf findest du alle in OpenStreetMap eingetragenen veganen und vegetarischen Restaurants, Eisdielen, Cafes etc. Benutze einfach das Suchfeld um nach deinem Ort oder deiner Straße zu suchen. Alle großen grünen Icons sind Lokalitäten in denen es vegane Optionen gibt. Icons die nicht grün sind, bieten vegetarische aber keine vegane...
#osm #vegan #vegetarisch #openstreetmap
7 years ago
Noch eine interessante Anwendung auf Grundlage der OpenStreetMap Daten. Eine Karte zum suchen und finden Rollstuhlgerechter Orte. ist eine Onlinekarte zum Finden, Suchen und Markieren von rollstuhlgerechten Orten. Mach mit, indem du z.B. Bars, Restaurants, Kinos und Supermärkte markierst!
#osm #openstreetmap #wheelchair #rollstuhl
Guido Arnold
7 years ago
:) Yeah, osmand has been mentioned several times in the original post already
7 years ago
Das OpenStreetMap Projekt ist schon spannend, hier mal eine Unterkunftskarte, filterbar nach Campingplätze, Hotels, Hostels, Ferienwohnungen, Pensionen, Motels und Wohnwagenstellplätzen.

Unterkunftskarte - Hotels, Campingplätze, Ferienwohnungen und Pensionen auf einer Karte

Auf der Unterkunftskarte finden Sie Unterkünfte auf einer Karte. Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten für Ferien, Urlaub und Montage. Die Daten für die Unterkünfte kommen aus der Openstreetmap...
#osm #openstreetmap #karte
@Wandern und Trekking @OpenStreetMap
7 years ago
Das OpenStreetMap Projekt ist schon spannend, hier mal eine Unterkunftskarte, filterbar nach Campingplätze, Hotels, Hostels, Ferienwohnungen, Pensionen, Motels und Wohnwagenstellplätzen.

Unterkunftskarte - Hotels, Campingplätze, Ferienwohnungen und Pensionen auf einer Karte

Auf der Unterkunftskarte finden Sie Unterkünfte auf einer Karte. Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten für Ferien, Urlaub und Montage. Die Daten für die Unterkünfte kommen aus der Openstreetmap...
#osm #openstreetmap #karte
@Wandern und Trekking @OpenStreetMap
7 years ago
We have a lot of hydrants in PL 170k :)
Pavithran S
7 years ago
You can use OSMand for POIs.

I know and I love OSMAnd for all its features.

My issue here is I want something light weight and does only one job which is to add POI. I dont want a complex map rendering engine or something huge running in the background.
Guido Arnold
7 years ago
You can use OSMand for POIs.
7 years ago
osm and for cellphones is really good!
Guido Arnold
7 years ago
@Pavithran S
I have seen trees and park benches also finished in some places. 😆

Yes, but there are still some kerbs without height tag and not every dog-poop-bag dispenser has been mapped yet. ;)

I'm currently in Spain and noticed some tracks missing in OSMand which I happend to walk on.
Pavithran S
7 years ago
OSM editors are so weird and unintuitive though.

Take some time to learn #JOSM . It has a steep learning curve but once you get the basics you will love it and the genius effort behind it for editing.
I had a similar idea a few days ago. OSM editors are so weird and unintuitive though.
Pavithran S
7 years ago
Any one interested in contributing to #OSM please take the tasks at #HOT - Humanitarian OSM
7 years ago
Scheint ganz gut zu funktionieren und ist einfach in der Bedienung.

Mit der #Android #App #StreetComplete kannst du sehr einfach helfen, die Daten von #OpenStreetMap zu ergänzen #foss

via @natenom

Mit der Android App StreetComplete kannst du sehr einfach helfen, die Daten von OpenStreetMap zu ergänzen

Ähnliche Themen...Android App Suntimes zeigt Zeiten von Sonnenaufgang und Sonnenuntergang anFlugmodus auf Android automatisch aktivieren/deaktivieren mit „Auto Airplaine Mode“Fahrradreisen/Fahrradtouren planen … mit OpenRouteService.orgGasflow – Open Source Speedmeter for the Statusbar on AndroidRemove privacy related information from images on Android before sharing them…Routen aus Marble in OsmAnd auf Android nutzenSyncthing mit inotify statt Rescan aller Verzeichnisse … Mit der Android App StreetComplete kannst du sehr einfach helfen, die Daten von OpenStreetMap zu ergänzen weiterlesen →

#osm #openstreetmap
Dennis Schubert
7 years ago
in case you didn't know: today (11th jan) at 8pm CET, in the "WestGermany", Skalitzer Straße 133, #Berlin ( spontaneous #diaspora #meetup.

OpenStreetMap | Node: 775717210

OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.
Jan Montag
8 years ago
Habe ich gerade gefunden, finde ich ziemlich cool.


Shared bikes availability in your city

#osm #map #bike #fahrrad
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago from Diaspora
ch3 wrote the following post:
Normally, I don't like posting jobs in this context. But with this one I have no bad feelings:

#osmocom #sysmocom #job #haraldwelte #berlin #freesoftware #gsm

Developers wanted for Osmocom GSM related work

Right now I'm feeling sad. I really shouldn't, but I still do.
Many years ago I started OpenBSC and Osmocom in order to bring Free
Software into an area where it barely existed before: Cellular
8 years ago from Diaspora
Normally, I don't like posting jobs in this context. But with this one I have no bad feelings:

#osmocom #sysmocom #job #haraldwelte #berlin #freesoftware #gsm

Developers wanted for Osmocom GSM related work

Right now I'm feeling sad. I really shouldn't, but I still do.
Many years ago I started OpenBSC and Osmocom in order to bring Free
Software into an area where it barely existed before: Cellular
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago from Diaspora

#Kosmodrom #Wostotschny #Russland #Raumfahrt

Russlands Fenster zu den Sternen: Erste Rakete soll in Wostotschny starten

Russland eröffnet einen hochmodernen Weltraumbahnhof. Von Wostotschny im Osten des Riesenreichs soll in einigen Jahren der erste Kosmonaut zum Mond fliegen. Doch Pleiten, Pech und Pannen überschatten das von Präsident Putin zur Chefsache erklärte Projekt.
Arthur Schiwon
8 years ago from Diaspora

Hallo zusammen! Am Montag gibt’s eine weitere Ausgabe unseres kleinen Meetups. (Achtung neuer Wochentag!) Kommt vorbei und trefft nette Menschen! Internetzugang sowie Getränke & Snacks sind vor Ort gegen Spende erhältlich!

Wann: Montag, den 25. April um 19:00 Uhr Wo: IN-Berlin e.V., Lehrter Str. 53, 10557 Berlin

Unsere Website | Unser Verhaltenskodex

#diasporatreffen #diasporaBerlin #diaspora #community #berlin #dber


OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.
8 years ago from Diaspora

Hallo zusammen! Am Montag gibt’s eine weitere Ausgabe unseres kleinen Meetups. (Achtung neuer Wochentag!) Kommt vorbei und trefft nette Menschen! Internetzugang sowie Getränke & Snacks sind vor Ort gegen Spende erhältlich!

Wann: Montag, den 25. April um 19:00 Uhr Wo: IN-Berlin e.V., Lehrter Str. 53, 10557 Berlin

Unsere Website | Unser Verhaltenskodex

#diasporatreffen #diasporaBerlin #diaspora #community #berlin #dber


OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.
Malte Dik
9 years ago from Diaspora

CryptoParty im Computersaal der JuristInnen der HU (schräg gegenüber vom HU-Hauptgebäude). 19:00 Uhr gehen die Türen auf, aber man kann auch später noch dazustoßen.

Es werden vermutlich relativ viele interessierte Menschen ohne besonderes Vorwissen da sein, d.h. für sehr spezielle Fragen ist vielleicht nur sehr wenig Raumzeit verfügbar, dafür umso mehr um das eigene Wissen zu vermehren, indem man es mit anderen teilt!

#cryptoparty #berlin #germany #10-dec-2015

OpenStreetMap | Way: 24247420

OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use under an open license.
Karl-Josef Adler
9 years ago
Hallo, ich bin der Neue :-)

Gibt es eine OSM-Map mit den Servern von Friendica?
Mit den Servern der anderen "Freien" (redredmatrix, diaspora*, ...) in verschiedenen Marker-Farben?
atom jack
9 years ago from Diaspora
communists develop lung cancer vaccine...

Cuba Quietly Developed a Lung Cancer Vaccine That America Desperately Wants

Thanks to Cuba, a revolutionary treatment for lung cancer, the second most common cancer, could potentially stop the disease from being fatal.

On April 20, during New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's visit to Cuba, the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in New York and the Center of Molecular Immunology in Havana struck a deal in which Cuba will give the U.S. the secret recipe for the drug, Cimavax, so RPCI can begin an application to the Food and Drug Administration.

Cimavax doesn't prevent lung cancer. However, it stops the disease's spread by attacking a protein involved in the cancer's growth. This has the potential to transform advanced-stage lung cancer into a chronic, treatable condition rather than a fatal one.

The medication is the first of its kind, a big enough innovation that an economic superpower like the United States is turning to its longtime adversary in order to get it.

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What is Cuba doing right? It effectively allocates its resources, at least where medicine is concerned. The country has invested a considerable amount in biotechnology since the 1980s, when it established its Biological Front for rigorous immunology research. "Despite decades of economic sanctions, Fidel and Raul Castro made biotechnology and medical research, particularly preventative medicine, a priority," _Wired _explains.

The country has been strategic in allocating resources to the highest-impact causes. Cuba "has some of the best and most inventive biotech and medical research in the world," according to Wired. "That's especially notable for a country where the average worker earns $20 a month."

The focus of that research has been on disease prevention via vaccine development, which handily results in lower medication costs, according to the Center for Research on Globalization. Cuba has also devoted resources to a vaccine for HIV, and Sky News reports clinical trials began in 2012. In contrast, CRG argues, the American pharmaceutical industry invests millions of dollars in medication which manages symptoms rather than treating the root cause.

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**A stark contrast: **Cuba spends significantly less than America on healthcare: According to 2013 World Bank data Cuba spent $603 per capita on healthcare between 2010 and 2014, while the US spent $9,146. Yet major indicators put Cuba on par with the U.S. The country has one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world, and the nations have equal life expectancies of 79 years old.

Cuba's commitment to healthcare extends beyond the physical. It has even informed foreign policy. Cuba set up a literacy program for adults in Venezuela, only to discover many people had difficulty reading because of impaired vision from treatable conditions like cataracts. In 2004, Fidel Castro launched Operation Miracle, a medical program for vision restoration, with then-Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Operation Miracle has provided vision care to up to 3.4 million people across Latin America to date.

view full size

Universal health care has been coupled with health and sexual education in Cuba (including free contraceptives) to create an effective confluence of social programs. Despite these successes, it still faces a number of other serious problems. Infrastructure, fcrumbling buildings and. But the nation's healthcare system could serve as a model for other countries. "According to Margaret Chan [Director-General of the World Health Organization], the world should follow the example of the island in this arena and replace the curative model, inefficient and more expensive, with a prevention-based system," reports the Huffington Post.

Cuba has shown that a model for fixing the U.S.'s broken healthcare system, or any country's for that matter, doesn't have to be that costly or complicated. However, given how controversial Obamacare was, Castrocare would likely ruffle even more feathers.


#cuba #socialism #communism #lungcancer #vaccine

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*freie funken*
10 years ago
Yesterday I proudly recorded my first gpx track of a walk missing in @OpenStreetMap Just to learn that I cannot just upload it to be added to the general map. :( I'll have to find out how to draw it or whatever...
*freie funken*
10 years ago
Dear other @OpenStreetMap folks! Belfast needs our love. #openstreetmap
10 years ago
#OpenStreetMap : the Next Truly Indispensable Open Project (Glyn Moody)

OpenStreetMap: the Next Truly Indispensable Open Project

Last year, I described OpenStreetMap (OSM) as the "open source of maps". On the occasion of the project's tenth anniversary, I'd like to explore this important example of open collaboration in a little more detail, and explain why I think it is destined to become the next absolutely key open project.
#osm @OpenStreetMap @Floss People
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
War eben auf zwei ganz unterschiedlichen Seiten, aber die eingebettete Karte hat mich dann doch etwas verwundert:

Wieso Google Maps?!? Die #OSM Karte ist so viel genauer.
Why the World Needs OpenStreetMap

Why the world needs OpenStreetMap -

Every time I tell someone about OpenStreetMap, they inevitably ask
“Why not use Google Maps?”. From a practical standpoint, it’s a …

Auszug: "With all these companies, why do we need a project like OpenStreetMap? The answer is simply that as a society, no one company should have a monopoly on place, just as no one company had a monopoly on time in the 1800s. Place is a shared resource, and when you give all that power to a single entity, you are giving them the power not only to tell you about your location, but to shape it. In summary, there are three concerns- who decides what gets shown on the map, who decides where you are and where you should go, and personal privacy."
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
An interesting research about where volunteers work and comparison of contributions in different areas.

MDPI: Comparison of Volunteered Geographic Information Data Contributions and Community Development for Selected World Regions (Pascal Neis)

Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) projects and their crowdsourced data have been the focus of a number of scientific analyses and investigations in recent years. Oftentimes the results show that the collaboratively collected geodata of one of the most popular VGI projects, OpenStreetMap (OSM), provides good coverage in urban areas when considering particular completeness factors. However, results can potentially vary significantly for different world regions. In this article, we conduct an analysis to determine similarities and differences in data contributions and community development in OSM between 12 selected urban areas of the world. Our findings showed significantly different results in data collection efforts and local OSM community sizes. European cities provide quantitatively larger amounts of geodata and number of contributors in OSM, resulting in a better representation of the real world in the dataset. Although the number of volunteers does not necessarily correlate with the general population density of the urban areas, similarities could be detected while comparing the percentage of different contributor groups and the number of changes they made to the OSM project. Further analyses show that socio-economic factors, such as income, can have an impact on the number of active contributors and the data provided in the analyzed areas. Furthermore, the results showed significant data contributions by members whose main territory of interest lies more than one thousand kilometers from the tested areas.
Klaus Weidenbach
11 years ago
I just need to read source code I wrote 4 weeks ago to feel the same. o_O

Cyanide & Happiness @
Categories: programming [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
10 years ago from Red Matrix
Tolles Beispiel für #OpenData. Erinnert mich auch wieder da dran, dass ich noch zwei Hydranten überprüfen und in #OSM korrigieren wollte.

Wasserkarten für Feuerwehren
Mit können Wasserkarten und Hydrantenpläne für Feuerwehren ganz einfach und schnell online erstellt werden. Durch die leicht verständliche Oberfläche ist keine aufwendige Schulung notwendig.
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
New aerial images
165TB new aerial images for Bing. That is quite impressive. Until now they had only 129TB. Was already surprised yesterday that there were more high resolution images when mapping @OpenStreetMap.

Bing 165TB of New Imagery Added to Bing Maps - Bing Maps Blog -

Today we’re thrilled to announce the publication of our largest satellite release to date. In fact, this release is larger than all of our past Aerial releases combined!...
Categories: OpenStreetMap [remove]
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Tracking in North Sumatra
Collected so many GPS tracks and POIs in north Sumatra in the last days. Can't wait start mapping after holidays with JOSM.
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Some detail work at GBK stadion in Jakarta.


Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Finally GPS on my tablet :-)
I have finally received the free TF201 #GPS Extension Kit for #ASUS Eee Pad Transformer Prime today.
First of all I have to say, it is really working! I really got a quite good GPS position. :-D But I have only tested in the garden yet. Needs some real use testing soon when geo mapping #OSM again. I think #OSMTracker on tablet can be a quite useful tool for making annotations, notes, pictures, etc. for your GPS tracks.

Now to the other side. It is a really light piece of plastic and of course you can not use your cover anymore if you use the GPS extension kit. Don't know how to transport it all the time. Also so many ugly stickers on it. It consumes 0,41W extra.
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
KDE Mirrors on an OpenStreetMap map
This is a really interesting visualization of KDE's mirror servers I think.


#KDE #mirror #OSM
Categories: KDE [remove]
Andreas Hannusch
10 years ago

Hallo Leute,

es geht ! Man kann mit OSM einen Stadtplan erstellen.
Im vorigen Sommer habe ich auf der Basis von OSM einen Stadtplan für unsere Stadt erstellt. Da sich durch den entstehenden Zwenkauer See die Landschaft auch in nächster Zeit sehr verändern wird, ist der Bedarf nach einem kurzfristig aktualisierbaren Plan sehr groß.
Nach dem Erscheinen des Stadtplans berichtete auch unsere Zeitung:

Welche Tools habe ich verwendet ?
1. JOSM zur Verarbeitung und Ergänzung der OSM-Daten
2. Maperitive zur Herstellung der Grundkarte
3. Photoshop CS zur Weiterverarbeitung
4. CorelDraw X5 für die Druckvorlage

<span>@OpenStreetMap </span>
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
OSM Stammtisch in Bonn
After a long time I have been at the #OSM meeting in #Bonn again this evening. It was really close to my home this time, so it was good opportunity to go there again. ;-)
And it was absolutely worth it. I have heard about a really interesting project I would like to try. Wanted to do something like that for a long time.

MaZderMind/osm-history-renderer · GitHub

an experimental, work-in-progress history renderer (including supplementary tools like an importer, some test-styles and a parially rewrite of the style)
— Read more
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Need to extend #Icinga #monitoring notifications. This is a nice article how to do it.

Pimping Nagios/Icinga e-mail notifications II | censhare

In my last blog I talked about cosmetics which can be applied to notification e-mails sent out by the Nagios/Icinga monitoring system. Cosmetics might be helpful, but sometimes a complete make-over will do wonders for usability....
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Mapping OSM is pure relaxation for me. ;-)
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