
Items tagged with: windows

(((Arthur Schiwon)))
7 years ago
#Security in companies is a big joke if you're using #Windows. If you really cared, Windows would be disallowed. No control whatsoever.

Mark Burnett on Twitter

“I have this Win10 Enterprise vm that I was using to test out various privacy settings. Here's some of the stuff I found out so far...”
Jason Robinson
7 years ago
#Security in companies is a big joke if you're using #Windows. If you really cared, Windows would be disallowed. No control whatsoever.

Mark Burnett on Twitter

“I have this Win10 Enterprise vm that I was using to test out various privacy settings. Here's some of the stuff I found out so far...”
8 years ago from Diaspora
Das Freie Software Fotobuch

Das Ziel dieses Projekts ist es, das Thema Freie Software zu verbreiten. Im Fotobuch werden Menschen portraitiert, die Freie Software in ihrem Alltag nutzen. Das Fotobuch ist zusätzlich in gedruckter Form wie auch als PDF verfügbar. #linux, #fsfe, #gnu, #windows, #apple, #android, #schweiz, #

Das Freie Software Fotobuch

Fotobuch - Das Freie Software Fotobuch
Jason Robinson
9 years ago from Diaspora

High barrier to entry? Busting this and 6 more myths about Linux

#linux #windows #mac
  • New users aren't smart enough for Linux False. False. And yet again, false. New users today are accustomed to technology. They use smartphones, navigate an endless amount of complicated websites, and so much more. And, surprisingly enough, the Linux UI is just as point and clicky as is Windows. There are so many more "myths" that can be busted with Linux... but I think you get the point. For those that haven't tried Linux (yet still, oddly enough, complain about it), I highly recommend you give it a whirl. Download an ISO, burn it onto a disk, and boot it up. You'll be pleasantly surprised at just how user-friendly the platform is.

High barrier to entry? Busting this and 6 more myths about Linux

Jack Wallen finishes up his "barrier to entry" series for the Linux operating system by busting a few remaining myths surrounding the platform.
Klaus Weidenbach
12 years ago
Malware Hunting with the Sysinternals Tools
There is a really interesting presentation by Mark Russinovich about how to hunt #malware like Stuxnet or Flame with #sysinternals tools on M$ #Windows.
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