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Items tagged with: nextcloud

Open Source und die Update-Resistenz | OSB – Open Source Business Alliance

Die Grünen erklärten beispielsweise, dass es sei nur ein unwichtiger Server mit altem Wahlkampfmaterial betroffen. Das zeigt offenkundige Unwissenheit darüber, wie solche Angriffe ablaufen. Und eine sträflich nachlässige Haltung gegenüber der IT-Sicherheit. Organisationen und Privatleute verwenden Nextcloud und Owncloud, weil sie den Public-Cloud-Speicherangeboten misstrauen, Datenverluste oder ein Ausschnüffeln ihrer Privatsphäre befürchten. Daraus sollte eigentlich selbstverständlich folgen, dass Anwender auch Maßnahmen treffen, um solche Angriffe auf ihre eigenen Cloud-Speicher zu verhindern. Updates sind dafür unverzichtbar. Allerdings sind da nicht nur die Anwender in der Pflicht.

#foss #security #it #nextcloud

Parteien, Ministerien und Uno ließen Daten ungeschützt im Netz - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Wenn Verwahrlosung eine IT Strategie ist.

Zusammengefasst: AfD, Grüne und die Uno nutzen völlig veraltete Cloud-Server zum Speichern bestimmter Daten. Warnungen durch das Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) haben sie bislang ignoriert und die Sicherheitslücken immer noch nicht geschlossen.

Das Notfallteam Cert des BSI wurde von Nextcloud selbst auf die Sicherheitslücken aufmerksam gemacht und verschickte daraufhin seit Ende Januar Sicherheitswarnungen.

#nextcloud #cloud #bsi #it

Report from Nextcloud hackathon in Thessaloniki-Greece, Feb 12 | iBlog Efstathios Iosifidis

Progress on #Greek translations for #Nextcloud

We joined about 6 people (Alexandros, Salih, Argiris, Helen, Dimitris and Me) and had a small one on one session on how to use transifex (session meaning 1 minute only and if the translator had a question how to use, just ask the more expirienced).
Translators who used is transifex for the first time, had only the untranslated strings. More expirienced translators reviewed strings one by one for specific files. The result was that we finished about 3 big and core files for the server and about 300 untranslated strings.
We have 1250 untranslated strings left. We plan to organize another meetup either in Thessaoniki or Athens to translate the rest of the strings.

Kudos to Greece ❤

#Nextcloud will be at #FOSSASIA, at least by Frank Karlitschek giving the keynote. Enough volunteers given, there will be a booth, too. If someone wants to help out a bit, ping @jospoortvliet Poortvliet .)

Registration Open for Nextcloud Conference 2017! – Nextcloud

Save the date! The #Nextcloud #Conference happens from August 22 to 29, in Berlin! All contributors (and who wanna become such) come here 😀 And I heard travel support can be arranged, case by case, if necessary.

#berlin #open-source

Du bist ein #Nextcloud User in oder um #Chemnitz? Auf dem Chemnitzer LinuxTag wird es einen Nextcloud-Stand geben. Man kann vorbei kommen – oder gleich am Stand mit dabei sein. #clt

Help test Nextcloud 11.0.1! - News - Nextcloud community

#Nextcloud 11.0.1 RC is knocking and asks for some testing 👍

The Licensing and Compliance Lab interviews Björn Schießle of Nextcloud — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software

Björn was interviewed by the #FSF on #Nextcloud:

More than 30 years ago Richard Stallman founded the GNU Project to enable people to continue to use their computers without giving up their freedom. Today, Nextcloud tries to do the same, we want to enable people to continue to sync and share their data without losing their freedom and privacy. Providing such a solution based on free software is a challenging but also extremely motivating task.

#foss #opensource

Join our Hackathon January 23-27! – Nextcloud

This year, we had dozens of face to face events with monthly meetups, a very successful first conference and of course a handful of hackathons in Stuttgart. We plan to continue these great traditions in 2017, kicking it off with a Hackathon from January 23 to 27.

…in #Stuttgart again – everybody is welcome! #Nextcloud

I published v0.9.1 of the #bookmarks app for #Nextcloud, so it won't be missing when you are testing Nextcloud 11 RC 😀


Frank Karlitschek_ » 6 months of Nextcloud

Last Friday was the 6 month anniversary of Nextcloud, a good opportunity to look back and reflect on what we have achieved since we started. I also have some interesting news to share, including that Nextcloud GmbH is a profitable company already!

#nextcloud #foss #opensource

Nextcloud: the most active open source file sync and share project!* – Nextcloud

#Nextcloud has been making steady progress, with our Windows Mobile client and the CalDAV Outlook Synchronizer merely the last in a long list of great things coming from our community. Nextcloud 11 Beta is ready for testing, introducing many great features, showing how active our development is.

Running #Nextcloud 11 beta on MySQL? Try the 4-byte Migration to use 🙊 emojis in file names and calendar events:

MariaDB Warning: It does not work with MariaDB. Tested it on my dev machine. MariaDB has a drop-in replacement for InnoDB. The conversion to Barracuda file format must be done manually, but it failed for some tables. Thus indexex grew too big, and everything explodes. Perhaps it can be made work with more fiddling around… if anyone is bored 😀

#nextcloud #mysql #emoji

I'm using #Nextcloud thanks to #JollaIt community. How about you?

"Introducing #Jolla Community Cloud"

#SailfishOS #opensource #securedata

Perhaps you know that #Nextcloud is taking part at Ladies that FOSS, this weekend in #Berlin. I intended to mentor, now I am missing sick, unfortunately.

In case anyone with some #PHP knowledge and an idea of the Nextcloud code structure wants to step in: awesome! Drop me a line! In worst case, we have still three people there, but this should not be an excuse 😀 Friday evening would be a mentor meetup for preperation.


Welcoming new team members – #Nextcloud

Andreas has been leading sales teams at large organizations including EMC, Oracle and Google. He noted that he’s excited to join us to help build up long-term relationships with our major enterprise customers. We’ve already added a number of large customers like DeiC, the organization servicing the Danish universities, which we reported on a few weeks ago.

We migrated to Nextcloud 10.0.1 – Tech and Me

As the headline says, we migrated to Nextcloud today, mostly because of the above reasons and that we felt that the time was right. Nextcloud has matured very much in just a few months.
There are bugs in the ownCloud tracker that are several years old, and suggestions of enhancements that never happen, it just feels like it kind of died when Nextcloud arrived.

#nextcloud #foss

Gibt es Interesse an einem @Nextclouders (Entwickler) Treffen/Stammtisch in #Rostock? #Nextcloud

“Gibt es Interesse an einem @Nextclouders (Entwickler) Treffen/Stammtisch in #Rostock?

Hands on with the Nextcloud Box | Jason Bayton

Another review of the #Nextcloud Box

The Nextcloud Box is a big step forward for the IoT (Internet of Things) arena and I’m really impressed with the first iteration of what I anticipate to be a very popular product.
Nextcloud are all about empowering people to take back their data. With the Nextcloud Box being simple to build, simple to setup and most importantly, simple to use, they’re taking this vision to the next level.

#ubuntu #snappy #wdl

If you’ve been here before you’ll have no doubt seen any one of several mentions I’ve made of Nextcloud; it’s a fantastic self-hosted platform and my go-to when recommending…

Operation OwnedCloud: Exploitation and Post-exploitation Persistence - Rhino Security Labs

At the time of writing this, NextCloud has patched the authentication bypass vulnerability, while OwnCloud has chosen not to.

#nextcloud #owncloud

Security advisory at Nextcloud:

ownCloud -> Nextcloud – NOVATREND Blog

Wenn du, so wie ich, eine ownCloud Installation betreibst, stellt sich natürlich die Frage: „Was nun?“ Die meiner Meinung nach genauso einfache Antwort heisst: „Ruhe bewahren und auf Nextcloud updaten“.


Du kennt ja bestimmt das Projekt ownCloud. Es ist eine freie Software zum Speichern von Dateien auf dem eigenen Server. Im Prinzip eine Art Dropbox Ersatz, über den ich hier im Blog auch bereits ge…

On the flexibility of the Nextcloud Box

#nextcloud #nextcloudbox #ubuntu #snap

I took a circular saw to the Nextcloud box and you won’t believe what happened next!Image/photo

Ok, ok.. sorry for the click-bait headline – but It is mainly true.. I recently got a Nextcloud box , it was pretty easy to set up and here are some great instructions. But this box is not ju…

First setup of my Nextcloud Box - Hagen Graf

Last Saturday at Nextcloud conference in Berlin the Nextcloud Box was announced. [..] It gives you the possibility to store your data (files, documents, photos, calendars, notes, newsfeed, contacts, music files, video files and everything the can be stored in a file) in your own Nextcloud Box. [..] The complete Nextcloud Box contains a hard disk, an operating system, and open source software. [..]

#nextcloud #nextcloudbox #wd #ubuntu
First setup of my Nextcloud Box - Hagen GrafImage/photo

Last Saturday at Nextcloud conference in Berlin the Nextcloud Box was announced. Frank said it’s a part of his promise/desire to make the world a better place by bringing your data home. How can the world be a better place with Nextcloud Box? What is Nextcloud Box? Nextcloud Box is a project between Western Digital Labs, … Continue reading "First setup of my Nextcloud Box"