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Items tagged with: openSource

Exciting news! Our first #purismgamejam just went into the voting round. Check out the amazing 'symbiotic' themed games created by our community. These free software games showcase the power of open-source gaming. Play them now at #OpenSource #Gaming #Purism

"I always say: people come for the technology, and they stay for the people."

Jos Poortvliet, Director of Communications at Nextcloud, shares a rich history with #Linux and #opensource: from @kde to @opensuse, @gnome & why Nextcloud's community is essential.

Open source: $9 trillion resource companies take for granted 😱

At Nextcloud, we truly ❤️ open source! Everything we dream of, collaborate on, and create together relies on our open source ideals and amazing community members.

Thank you #opensource!

Read more:

This fairy tale that Pipewire is not yet a replacement for jack is still running and still in Ubuntustudio.

That is sad, that one message of a guy with a very exotic requirement, that doesn't come in place in 99,99% of the cases, is still the reason why people with standard requirements keep frickeling (german word for "massive tinkering") with the very frustrating configurations and the necessary and risky operating system tweaks for jack.

Use Pipewire until you run into problems, that aren't solvable with Pipewire!

But i can't think there are still real modern usecases that this could happen. Running myself Pipewire in a production environment since the late 2021.

#Pipewire #Jack #ModernMyths #Opensource #Linux #Musicproduction

"I always say: people come for the technology, and they stay for the people."

Jos Poortvliet, Director of Communications at Nextcloud, shares a rich history with Linux and #opensource: from @kde to @opensuse, @gnome & why Nextcloud's community is essential.

I see lots of people on #Jolla blog complaining that Jolla is announcing stuff too early, then has to step back because reasons and by doing that it hurts its own credibility. I say that's the very spirit of being open instead, and I'd hate to lose this aspect of Jolla. Closed companies take all decisions behind closed doors and piles of NDAs that sometimes prevent even employees from talking to each other (I'm looking at you #Microsoft), then after several internal failed iterations you get presented to the final product and all you can do is open your wallet or shut up. More often than not they just scrap products midway and you'll never even hear about those.

Imo, that's not how it works in the #OpenSource world. Failed iterations are part of the development of the final product, and I believe that getting feedback from the wide public at that stage is the brave thing that Jolla is trying to do. Yet years of closed development spoiled users into thinking that either a company (or person, like myself with my home projects) gets something right immediately or they suck, no matter how much you try to explain that's an early release. Version 0.1? Who cares, it's glitchy, u suck. Prototype? Omg so slow u suck plz refund. Early access? But play mode XYZ is missing, u suck scammer!

The very same people criticizing Jolla for "not keeping promises" are also seen complaining about Jolla not being more open. To that, I say WTF. Stand back a second and ask yourself what being open even means. Is the codebase of 2mil bug-free lines of code magically appearing overnight what you'd call open development? Or is it you being involved in chats and being presented with options at early stages of development?

ManageIQ: a fine Fine release

Announcing the GA of #ManageIQ Fine: Automation with #Ansible, Public Cloud Improvements, Physical Infra support & more

#opensource #cloudmanagement #hybridclouds

Recap of Foss-North in #Gothenburg couple weeks ago: great talks (recordings available in the link), interesting discussions with fascinating people, amazing organization at an excellent venue with yummy food! And catching up with @Sepehr (James) Noori is always cool 😀

More pics can be found here and here, and with hashtag #fossnorth2017 on twitter.

#AsteroidOS #systemd #nextcloud #manageiq #sailfishos #opensource

German City of Göppingen builds on Free Software

"Contrary to common belief, free availability and low costs are not the main arguments for choosing open source," Rettberg said. "For me, the reliability of the software comes first. I can set up a Linux proxy server in half an hour and I won't have to come back to it for the next ten years."

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #Politics #Germany #Göppingen #pmpc

GitHub | Translate

dandelion* - v0.2.5 update released

We are happy to announce the release of the v0.2.5 update of #dandelion!图像/照片


This is an unofficial webview based client for the community-run, distributed social network diaspora*. It's currently under development and should be used with that in mind. Please submit any bugs you might find.

  • Introduce minimalistic Markdown Parser
  • Show LICENSE at first start
  • Show CHANGELOG after update
  • Convert existing Markup files to Markdown
  • Update existing markdown files
  • Update AboutActivity to use new Parser
  • Added Korean and Danish as translation options
What’s next?

Visit to see whats planned for the next update.


If you want to contribute translations to the project, visit: If the language you want to translate into isn’t listed, please contact us. Currently our core team consists of 2 developers, and we do most stuff on GitHub and Telegram.

You can help us, even if you don't know how to code: * Artwork * Design ideas * Infrastructure/Hosting/Services * Translations * Share this post or create a new one * Blog about your experience
* We'd like to know what you think

We are also happy about any other kind of contributions, visit our GitHub Page for more informations.


(posted by @gsantner)


Sharing welcome!

Tags: #diaspora #android #app #android-dev #DiasporaForAndroid #dfa #diasporaAndroid #diasporawebapp #foss #freie-software #freesoftware #opensource #translation #translator #release #diasporaapp #mobile

A study by the European Commission concludes that Free Software is a driving force for innovation in Europe:
The argument that established revenue models of the software industry were being eroded by open source software being available for free can no longer be upheld. Instead, there are many examples of successful OSS applications that are generally viewed as innovation drivers. Furthermore, working business models have been developed and have proved to be successful.

Read the whole study: The economic and social impact of software & services on competitiveness and innovation

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #EU #Europe #innovation #economy

Blog post by FSFE's Executive Director :

Policy, why's that?

"... but as Schneier puts it: it's no longer a question of it, it's a question of when. As free and open source software gets into health care, automotive and other safety critical areas, it's getting further into areas of software regulation, and those areas will only expand over time.

To meet this need for regulation, we must ensure regulatory agencies and governments are getting the support and knowledge they need to create good policies and regulation, rather than bad ones.

Advertisement: This is something the FSFE is already doing, but we could use your support to do more."

#FSFE #Policy #FreeSoftware #OpenSource

Blog post by FSFE's Executive Director :

Policy, why's that?

"... but as Schneier puts it: it's no longer a question of it, it's a question of when. As free and open source software gets into health care, automotive and other safety critical areas, it's getting further into areas of software regulation, and those areas will only expand over time.

To meet this need for regulation, we must ensure regulatory agencies and governments are getting the support and knowledge they need to create good policies and regulation, rather than bad ones.

Advertisement: This is something the FSFE is already doing, but we could use your support to do more."

#FSFE #Policy #FreeSoftware #OpenSource

Hey! We are happy to announce that Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) starts to use Diaspora more actively. We will forward all our News and posts from other social networks to Diaspora. But we will also actively share content and are happy to engage with people at Diaspora.

Here you can learn more about FSFE. We are charity that empowers users to control technology. Software is deeply involved in all aspects of our lives; and it is important that this technology empowers rather than restricts us. Free Software gives everybody the rights to use, understand, adapt and share software. These rights help support other fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, press and privacy.

At the moment this account is maintained by @Björn Schießle and @Guido Arnold

#newhere #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #Europe #Policy #Advocacy #FOSS #FLOSS #OpenSource

Mit Open Source gegen Landminen - - Ihr Link zu Deutschland

Höchsten Respekt gegenüber meinem alten Mitschüler. Supersache.

Als Forscher können wir selbst kein fertiges Produkt herstellen, aber wir möchten die Basis für einen Detektor bereitstellen – sowohl Hardware-Prototypen als auch die Algorithmen, um die Signale auszuwerten. Wir müssen zum Beispiel die Bewegungen des Nutzers berücksichtigen, wenn er das Gerät über den Boden führt. Unsere Arbeit wird als Open Source und somit patentfrei veröffentlicht. Wir wollen humanitär arbeiten und nicht auf Profit zielen.

#opensource #peace #rub #bochum #kolumbien

#dandelion announcement

GitHub | Translate (posted by @[url=]gsantner (diaspora)[/url])

Thanks for your feedback on the previous post regarding app download source. The results are obvious - 100% of votes for F-Droid. Well, we expected a high percentage for F-Droid, but this is very clear.


Based on the results:

  • We won't publish releases of dandelion* signed by our key anymore
  • We will wait for F-Droid to build dandelion* and attach the app signed by them to our GitHub page
  • This way there will be just one signing key used - for you users - this means you can update your dandelion* installation regardless if downloaded from us, or from F-Droid store
  • If you download an *.apk telling a wrong key error at installation, you can be sure it's not done by F-Droid - so don't install
  • In the last versions, there was an "secondlion*" apk attached on our GitHub Release page. This one has a different package id and can be installed beside dandelion*. In future updates this won't serve the only purpose - to just allow a second account - anymore. secondlion* will be our dandelion*-fresh/beta version from now on, signed by us, which can be installed alongside dandelion*.
  • This will affect all future releases - we won't update or change previous releases
  • It's up to you - you can go for the F-Droid release, the faster published secondlion* - or install both

Does this mean the project is dead?Absolutely not.

What if my current installation came from the GitHub page?Just uninstall the app, and install the latest build from F-Droid:

Who has access to future used signing keys

  • dandelion*: Just F-Droid has access to the key
  • secondlion*: Maintainers (@[url=]gsantner (diaspora)[/url], @vanitasvitae)
Support the project
  • Leave us a star on GitHub
  • Provide Translations
  • Send some Bitcoin to keep us motivated - contact us
  • Report or fix bugs, send PR's



Sharing welcome!

Tags: #dandelion #dandeliondev #diaspora #diasporaforandroid #diasporaandroid #diasporaapp #app #fdroid #freesoftware #opensource #app #android-dev #foss #freie-software #freesoftware #opensource #translation #translator #release #mobile

The Licensing and Compliance Lab interviews Björn Schießle of Nextcloud — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software

Björn was interviewed by the #FSF on #Nextcloud:

More than 30 years ago Richard Stallman founded the GNU Project to enable people to continue to use their computers without giving up their freedom. Today, Nextcloud tries to do the same, we want to enable people to continue to sync and share their data without losing their freedom and privacy. Providing such a solution based on free software is a challenging but also extremely motivating task.

#foss #opensource

#ManageIQ has released Euwe for GA! Lots of improvements for #Containers Management, Public #Cloud Providers, #OpenStack, Service UI, and much more.

We also have a very interesting edition of "Last Week in ManageIQ" journeying through #middleearth

In the land of ManageIQ where the heisenbugs lie. One blog post to rule them all, One blog post to find them, One blog post to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. In the land of ManageIQ where the heisenbugs lie

Next year there'll be a Fine release, I'm sure ;)

#opensource #community #redhat #euwe

Frank Karlitschek_ » 6 months of Nextcloud

Last Friday was the 6 month anniversary of Nextcloud, a good opportunity to look back and reflect on what we have achieved since we started. I also have some interesting news to share, including that Nextcloud GmbH is a profitable company already!

#nextcloud #foss #opensource

#AsteroidOS kicks off this list. The proof-of-concept #SailfishOS #smartwatch spotted at Slush is done in cooperation with AsteroidOS. Fitbit is reportedly buying Pebble. Interesting times for #wearables!


Some cool #holiday gift ideas for #opensource enthusiasts! Mostly hardware, but donations and swag are good ideas too 😀

Kick off the holiday shopping season by checking out these 10 great gifts for open source enthusiasts.

Spreading Thankfulness in #OpenSource


Several #ManageIQ blogposts this week: 1. Sprint 49 review2. Last Week in ManageIQ3. Name of F release4. Euwe Release Candidate 2

Very productive for such a short week! (US colleagues are off Thurs/Fri for Thanksgiving)

The new website went live last month, and now I'm working on #Euwe GA readiness and prepping for some upcoming events. More info to come.

#opensource #community #redhat