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Living in the wrong country?

Damn, I think we need to move to another country with our kids.

We're reading today that Estonia is implementing a new education program that will have 100 percent of publicly educated students learning to write code.

The same topic by a german magazine.
Fortschrittlich: Estland führt Programmieren als Schulfach ab der ersten Klasse ein

Estland zeigt sich – wieder einmal – als progressives Technikland und etabliert Programmieren als Schulfach ab der ersten Klasse. Der kleine Staat will sich seine Zukunft als technikorientiertes Land sichern und geht dafür neue Wege, die anderen Staaten als Vorbild dienen könnten.
in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

Also reminds me on the #FrOSCon7 keynote by Selena Deckelmann "Mistakes were made: Education Edition". I really liked the expression "Computational thinking".

What we really need to teach students has nothing to do with keyboards, the office suite or motherboards. In the words of the the "Exploring computer science" curriculum, we need to teach "computational thinking practices of algorithm development, problem solving and programming within the context of problems that are relevant to student's lives."

The video is not yet online but you can find her transcript here: