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Icinga 2 v0.0.4

Are they kidding?!?!

Icinga 2 v0.0.4 is our drop-in replacement to Nagios and Icinga 1.x

very impressive!

Icinga 2 v0.0.4 released!

Yes. We have been incredibly fast with our Icinga 2 releases of late – but this time we present our 4th and most significant milestone to date. Icinga 2 v0.0.4 is our drop-in replacement to Nagios and Icinga 1.x and is now fully compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL databases, all plugins, the usual web interfaces...

open-source multi-protocol distributed load testing tool

Several protocols are supported, looks like I can use it to test my XMPP server when I migrated it to new server.

It can be used to stress HTTP, WebDAV, SOAP, PostgreSQL, MySQL, LDAP and Jabber/XMPP servers. Tsung is a free software released under the GPLv2 license. The purpose of Tsung is to simulate users in order to test the scalability and performance of IP based client/server applications. You can use it to do load and stress testing of your servers. Many...

Backups that bite you

Oh yes, I already had these moments ;-)

The problem with packrat backups is that you never know when or where they're going to pop up

Why you should be using rsync

Rsync doesn't get the credit it deserves. Here's what you might be missing

mobile shell

Sounds quite interesting.

Mobile shell that supports roaming and intelligent local echo. Like SSH secure shell, but allows mobility and more responsive and robust.

Von der Verantwortung eines Admins

Heute ist der SysAdmin Day. Kekse und Küsschen für all jene, die Digitalien zu einem angenehmeren Ort machen. Doch heute muss der SysAdmin Appreciation Day etwas ernsthafter angegangen werden.


Toller Artikel über SPAM-Quarantäne und Echtzeit Filterung.

Die Spam-Quarantäne des Münchener Landgerichts verschluckte wichtige E-Mails der Journalisten. Einem modernen Spam-Filter wäre das nicht passiert.

IMAP protocol extensions

Interesting article about #IMAP protocol extensions.

A set of protocol extensions keeps the legacy IMAP 4 protocol usable, which also helps mobile clients. We present a healthful mix of useful extensions.

Great comparison of IMAP features #Dovecot vs. M$ Exchange 😉

IMAP4 Access Control List (ACL) Extension IMAP4 Access Control List (ACL) Extension IMAP Extension for Conditional STORE Operation or Quick Flag Changes Resynchronization IMAP4 Extension to SEARCH Command for Controlling What Kind of Information Is Returned IMAP Extension for Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) Initial Client Response W...
in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

That brings back some memories... I was one of about a dozen IMAP developers on the planet back in the early 90s.


Manchmal komme ich mir ziemlich blöd vor. Wie konnte ich all die Jahre ohne diese Tastenkombinationen arbeiten?!? 🤒

So kommt es beispielsweise häufig vor, dass man ein Verzeichnis erstellt, eine Datei dort hineinkopiert und dann in dieses Verzeichnis wechseln will. Jedesmal den Verzeichnispfad neu zu tippen ist dabei unnötig, denn[Meta]+. kopiert das letzte Argument...


An interesting new web based UI has the new release of ntop: ntopng

ntopng High-Speed Web-based Traffic Analysis and Flow Collection. ntopng is the next generation version of the original ntop, a network traffic probe that shows the network usage, similar to wha...

Can the I.T. staff be trusted?

Edward J. Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor who leaked details about American surveillance, personifies a debate at the heart of technology systems in government and industry: can the I.T. staff be trusted?


The feature list sounds very intersting.


MultiTail allows you to monitor logfiles and command output in multiple windows in a terminal, colorize, filter and merge.

Sometimes more is more

Virtualization has revolutionized the data center, but less isn't always more when it comes to the number of server virtualization hosts

a labeling system

Great article by Dan Walsh about #SELinux and using labels.

On the SELinux mail list today, someone asked: I want to store the logs from openswan into a different file ( /var/log/ipsec ) than the default. For this purpose I added plutostderrlog=/var/log/ipsec to ipsec.conf. As long as I keep the server in permissive mode, openswan…


Lokale Domäne? » Linux-Magazin

(...)If I could just connect all these dots, the truth would tumble like a Cynic vexed by love And yet the people keep saying I'm miles from my home, miles from my home(Cowboy Junkies, "Miles from Our Home", 1998)Manchmal bürgern sich Standa...

Icinga 1.9

This release really wants me to update it asap.

Icinga 1.9 released!

What could be better to celebrate Icinga’s 4th birthday with a new Icinga release? We’ve resolved the last release-critical issues and are happy to announce the release of Icinga 1.9! Icinga IDOUtils now uses a socket queue and transactions for large object dumps by default. With asynchronous data processing, the core is not only freed...

Netdot VM

Tried the Netdot v1.0.4 VM today. Looking for an #IPAM solution.

Network Documentation Tool project

Netdot is an open source tool designed to help network administrators collect, organize and maintain network documentation.

IP Multicasting

In IPv6 this concept even replaced broadcasts completely, but unfortunately this part is completely missing in this article. But it is a good introduction in how it is implemented in IPv4.

IP multi-casting is a communication mechanism in which data is communicated from server to a set of clients who are interested in receiving that data. Any


Has someone experiences with Open-AudIT? Sounds interesting, but haven't heard about it before.

The network inventory, audit, documentation and management tool.

Mental models explained for sysadmins

Very important for every sysadmin who needs to talk to customers.

Humans think in terms of mental models. In IT it is our responsibility to help them form accurate models as well as deal with inaccurate models that exist. Humans use mental models of how things work to fill in context. If we are not given the model, we make one up. This made-up model may be unrelated to how things actually work, but if it is suffi...

Design Patterns for Sysadmins

Great tutorial by Tom Limoncelli about what design patterns could provide for system administration.

Too bad these last two videos have broken audio

A wonderful story

This is a really great story about how to debug network hardware problems.
@Lazy Admin

This is a technical article chronicling one of the most interesting bug hunts I’ve had the pleasure of chasing down. At AdGear Technologies Inc. where I work, ssh is king. We use it for management, monitoring, deployments, log file harvesting, even real-time event streaming. It’s solid, reliable, has all the predictability of a native unix tool...

M$ System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Client for Linux and UNIX

Oh I want to see how this is working in practice. ;-) Hope we will deploy this soon at office so I can play with it.

Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager supports the management of Linux and UNIX clients. The Configuration Manager client for Linux and UNIX extends the scope of your Configuration Manager environment to collect inventory, deploy software, and run reports about Linux and UNIX servers in your enterprise. The client operates as a workgroup client that is managed by Configuration Manager.


I should use it more often!

mkfifo und script

Das kannte ich ja noch gar nicht. Ist ja lustig.

Manchmal ist es hilfreich, einem Kollegen bei der Arbeit über die Schulter zu sehen. Arbeitet man zusamnmen an einem multiuserfähigen Rechner, bietet sich dafür Fernwartungssoftware wie beispielsweise Teamviewer an. Unter Linux gibt es aber für Terminalsitzungen auch eine sehr einfache und kostenlose Variante mit Bordmitteln.

Pacemaker article in Linux Journal

Interesting article about #Pacemaker in Linux Journal. #cluster #Corosync #KVM

A high-availability stack serves one purpose: through a redundant setup of two or more nodes, ensure service availability and recover services automatically in case of a problem. Florian Haas explores Pacemaker, the state-of-the-art high-availabilit...