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FrOSCon t-shirts

Nice seeing all the old shirts at the conference. This was my shirt today, from #FrOSCon2012
FrOSCon T-Shirt from 2012. A blue frog on a USB-A plug.
Damn time flies. And it got a bit tight, too. 😉 Well, it was already #froscon2024 this weekend.

#FrOSCon #froscon19

Indoor-Navigation at FrOSCon

Interesting indoor-navigation at #FrOSCon8.
FrOSCon-Indoor-Navigation - Android Apps auf Google Play


Herzlichen Glückwunsch, den ersten Schritt hast Du geschafft! Jetzt suche Mister F(rOSCon). Dazu musst Du Dich mit dem WLAN (z.B. FrOSCon) verbinden. Wenn Du ihn gefun...

FrOSCon 8 needs your help

Are you interested in Free and Open Source Software? Do you and want to support a great conference, get free entrance to the conference, free catering, a close look behind the scenes and a helper shirt. Register as a helper and come to #FrOSCon8 on 24th - 25th August 2013!

This year we need again your support. Like every freesoftware project, the FrOSCon lives on the volunteers.

in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

It was a very inspiring keynote. Some interesting ideas and a recommendation to watch. The videos should get available after the conference.


Fand diesmal waren sehr viele Kinder auch auf der #FrOSCon. Nicht nur beim Kids-Track FrogLabs, sondern auch Kleinere. Schöner erster Tag, habe aber nur einen Vortrag gesehen.
Werde mich auch bald mal auf den Weg nach Hause machen. Morgen wird auch noch mal ein langer Tag.
This entry was edited (12 years ago)

Plasma Active presentation

Expected a somewhat different presentation, but interesting about Plasma in generell. Not much new about the #Vivaldi. Maybe there will be completely new hardware? Before the end of the year.
This entry was edited (12 years ago)

Plasma Active

The world needs Free devices. KDE's Plasma team has set out to deliver a device that is Free, open and hackable, and which puts the user in full control of its hardware and software. Plasma Active is a Free software system built to support a spectrum of devices. It is based on a well-known Free software stack, and aims at providing a user experienc...