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quick update on vivaldi hardware

the triumphs and travails of a shift-key-challenged KDE hacker You are not the only one eagerly waiting. Me too! BTW, with the start of the FairPhone i would like to know, how "fair" the Vivaldi hardware is. Have you plans on this? It would be great, if after a while, it would be as fair as the software allready is. Does it go into desktop mode whe...

Vivaldi Tablet: Erste Prototypen fertig » Linux-Magazin

Aaron Seigo hat in einem Video-Podcast erste Versionen der Hauptplatine seines mit KDE betriebenen Tablet-PCs gezeigt. Die Spezifikation der Hardware liegt offen, zudem sollen die einzelnen Komponenten teilweise austauschbar sein.
in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

The 7in tablet's codename is now "Flying Squirrel". Many thanks to specing for the random conversation which resulted in this name being chosen....


Nice to see that the #Vivaldi tablet will also build upon open hardware. An upgradeable tablet. Can this work? Every other producer is going to the opposite direction.
Can't wait to hold it in my hands. It should ship with Plasma Active 4.

This page describes the specification of EOMA-68. The number of pins on the interface is 68; the physical form-factor is the legacy PCMCIA. Re-purposing of the PCMCIA interface and form-factor has been chosen to create portable mass-volume (100 million units and above) Embedded Computing Modules (Computer on Module). Mass-volume "Lowest Common Deno...