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Wie muss sich ein IT Verantwortlicher vorkommen der so etwas liest? Micro$oft will mich in ein Abo-Model reinpressen damit ich mehr Geld für meine Software zahlen muss. o_O

Microsoft ist mitten im Umbruch. Es geht weg von Softwarelizenzen hin zu Geräten und Dienstleistungen, und auch an der Spitze ist ein Wechsel angekündigt. Selbst bei Windows mache sich der Wandel bemerkbar: Die Zahl der XP-User nimmt schnell ab.

Microsoft will bei Windows 8 den neuen Trusted-Computing-Standard nutzen. Experten der Bundesregierung haben darin ein Sicherheitsproblem für Behörden gesehen.

Und musste noch jemand schmunzeln?

Windows 7 immerhin könne "bis 2020 sicher betrieben werden". Danach müssten Lösungen für die IT-Systeme der Bundesverwaltung gefunden werden.


in reply to Tobias

Aber Hauptsache man hat schon mal die Rahmenverträge und Lizenzen bestimmt.
in reply to Klaus Weidenbach


Wobei in dem speziellen Fall ist es tatsächlich eher das seit Jahren gewachsene Ökosystem und die Faulheit/Vorsicht sich von einem funktionierenden System wegzubewegen.


OWA from M$ Exchange 2013 looks terrible! Is this the new flat design? I don't understand this.

Sogar besser als Masterkey

Microsofts Hintertür

Was macht Windows, wenn es auf ein Verschlüsselungszertifikat trifft, dessen Echtheit es nicht überprüfen kann? Es schlägt nicht etwa Alarm, sondern fragt bei Microsoft nach, ob man dort zufällig jemanden kennt, der das Zertifikat für echt erklären möchte.

Sollten IT-Verantwortliche und Geschäftsführer nicht mal so langsam anfangen ernsthaft über Alternativen nachzudenken und dies umsetzen?!?

It's 2013 and still not able to support IMAP

M$ Outlook 2013 really fucked up #IMAP support. They removed the possibility to set sent and trash folders and only rely on Outlook to figure them out automatically. Also some eMails are just missing that are available through webmail and iOS. #fail

Extending a subscription at Micro$oft

It is always fun when you have to deal with Micro$oft.
First of all reading the contract is amusing. People should do this much more often, it is very interesting! Then having a short course and finishing it with taking a test with 10 questions. They ask if this feature is incuded or not in their products and you just have to say yes or all of them all the time. And last but not least they ask me for their opinion afterwards and the page requires IE 5 or 6 or Netscape Navigator!!! o_O
This really made my day!

I passed with 100%, seems I am a real M$-expert now. ;-)

This entry was edited (11 years ago)

Gerade eine Werbung von Micro$oft im Fernsehen gesehen über Windows8 und den IE10 und den tollen neuen Privatsphärenschutz für den sich Micro$oft stark macht. Unglaublich!

Windows Server vs RHEL by Micro$oft

Compare Windows Server to Red Hat Enterprise Linux | Microsoft Windows Server

Compare Windows Server to Red Hat Enterprise Linux side by side on TCO, reliability, interoperability and manageability.

I like this one:

Microsoft approaches interoperability by design
in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

Nothing but lies about RH support here:

Especially, I note, they allege that RH gets not free udpates and patches. Bullshite.

in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

Of course it is a lot of FUD, but the biggest problem is that they compare two completely different models. Also all the advantages that come with OpenSource and Linux are not mentioned.

But it is true that you only get ready to install patches for RHEL when you have a subscription, and when you just buy once a M$ license and CALs all further updates and patches you could call them "free" maybe.
The funny point is just, that M$ urges to get to a subscription model for all of their products, too.

Ob das so alles stimmt?

Microsoft verliert immer mehr an Boden bei der Entwicklung seines Kernels, weil es an guten Programmierern fehlt. Interne Strukturen verhindern zudem kleine, aber signifikante Leistungsverbesserungen.

Waste of time

Today I have spent nearly 1 1/2 hours at office just to activate again all #Micro$oft products on my desktop. Last Monday the main BIOS was corrupted, but the dual BIOS mainboard recovered from the backup BIOS, but then Windows wanted a system recovery and now everything had to be activated again. I did not install anything, I did not change any hardware, nothing! Why does it need to get activated again? The online activation was not working for the system of course and so I used the telephone activation, but it got rejected after entering 54!!! numbers through the phone! After waiting for some minutes to get a human I hang up and repeat all this again. As a result I got this time another shitload of numbers I had to enter in the computer. M$ Windows was activated at least, but M$ Office needed to get activated also. 🙁 Oh yes of course I forgot that M$ Word must for sure access the BIOS to work. 🤒 The automatic phone activation with entering 54 numbers did not work this time also and so I had to wait to get a human. This time I stayed in the line, but then they asked me about a serial number. How should I know these stupid serial numbers? I installed it months ago! They could not help me and I have to search the serial first before they can activate it. After I found the serial I called again and of course the automatic telephone activation was not working again after entering 54 numbers, so I had to wait for a human again quite long and when I got a human they just activated it without asking for the fucking damn serial or anything!!! WTF?!?! o_O Just had to enter another shitload of numbers in the computer and also M$ Office was useable again.
Thank you! :facepalm

Haakon Meland Eriksen doesn't like this.

in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

And this kind of behaviour isn't limited to Microsoft. During my time I've come across other pieces of software which had a similarly inflexible and arm-twisting business model. It's at that point that the Stallman narrative about developers having dictatorial control over users becomes an observable reality rather than just a theoretical possibility.
in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

My daughter has an iPhone.
RMS's theories about vendor control should be painfully crystal clear to anyone who has one of them and uses iTunes, etc.

Today is a good day to remember why you should not use Micro$oft products. This is just annoying and there is no reason why this is not working still. The provided solution works, but only for some minutes, then it stops working again. #fail

All, I'm piloting our Office 2010 deploy. We have a number of generic accounts people use to send email "from.&quo... | 6 replies | Microsoft Exchange

Also somewhat embarrassing when you search for help online and most of the results are only available when you register or pay. No wonder why these products stay damaged and limited as they are.

M$ Outlook and M$ Exchange is really the worst eMail combination ever!!! It took me 2h to send a valid plain-text us-ascii eMail.

38% Aufschlag auf die SharePoint Lizenzen. Nicht schlecht, aber langsam wird es klarer wohin Micro$oft will.

Microsofts Serveranwendungen wie SharePoint und Lync tauchen üblicherweise nicht in den Preislisten für Jedermann auf. Trotzdem ist jetzt durchgesickert, dass die Lizenzgebühren im Dezember massiv steigen könnten.

Which customers is M$ actually targeting?

When I look at Windows Server 2012 it is completely enterprise and cloud centric, where one admin is responsible for hundreds or thousands of servers. But on the client side M$ Windows [8|RT] seem to be totally private consumer centric and not for any business or powerusers. :confused
in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

When I compare my desktop and organisation of tasks between office and home I must say #KDE SC has outperformed M$ Windows a long time ago in #usability, Joy of Use and features.