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Waste of time

Today I have spent nearly 1 1/2 hours at office just to activate again all #Micro$oft products on my desktop. Last Monday the main BIOS was corrupted, but the dual BIOS mainboard recovered from the backup BIOS, but then Windows wanted a system recovery and now everything had to be activated again. I did not install anything, I did not change any hardware, nothing! Why does it need to get activated again? The online activation was not working for the system of course and so I used the telephone activation, but it got rejected after entering 54!!! numbers through the phone! After waiting for some minutes to get a human I hang up and repeat all this again. As a result I got this time another shitload of numbers I had to enter in the computer. M$ Windows was activated at least, but M$ Office needed to get activated also. šŸ™ Oh yes of course I forgot that M$ Word must for sure access the BIOS to work. šŸ¤’ The automatic phone activation with entering 54 numbers did not work this time also and so I had to wait to get a human. This time I stayed in the line, but then they asked me about a serial number. How should I know these stupid serial numbers? I installed it months ago! They could not help me and I have to search the serial first before they can activate it. After I found the serial I called again and of course the automatic telephone activation was not working again after entering 54 numbers, so I had to wait for a human again quite long and when I got a human they just activated it without asking for the fucking damn serial or anything!!! WTF?!?! o_O Just had to enter another shitload of numbers in the computer and also M$ Office was useable again.
Thank you! :facepalm

Haakon Meland Eriksen doesn't like this.

in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

And this kind of behaviour isn't limited to Microsoft. During my time I've come across other pieces of software which had a similarly inflexible and arm-twisting business model. It's at that point that the Stallman narrative about developers having dictatorial control over users becomes an observable reality rather than just a theoretical possibility.
in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

My daughter has an iPhone.
RMS's theories about vendor control should be painfully crystal clear to anyone who has one of them and uses iTunes, etc.

eBay fail

When did #eBay actually start changing saved searches? So annoyed about all these SPAM mails with products that I am not searching for. I made a search that worked well for months, but then they just dropped the categories and now I only get SPAM. Getting the urge to close my eBay account every day I get another message with totally useless offers. No I am not interested in dental drills and all the other things! #fail

Christmas terror begins

Last week I was already annoyed when I saw the first christmas cookies in a supermarket. And today I saw in another shop that they are buidling up already the christmas stuff area! o_O October, November and December!? What a wonderful three month christmas torture. :-!

obfuscate everything

Oh I hate all this stupid #OXID #PayPal et al. #ZendOptimizer source code #obfuscation and #PHP version incompatible bullshit! o.O

If you are so afraid that someone will laugh about your source code, better stop programming! :-P
