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Installing #ownCloud 4.5 was very smooth. #Mediagoblin is still not configured correctly. 🙁 Problems with the db connection when accessed through #FastCGI and #SELinux needs some adjustments, too.
in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

At least I can register users at my #Mediagoblin instance now. 😀
Just had to add one line to the Apache2 vHost-configuration of Mediagoblin:SuexecUserGroup [i]mediagoblinuser mediagoblingroup[/i]
But after that it got really messy, because of all the requirements of suEXEC in #CentOS that need to be met, like UID > 500, document root must be under /var/www/, etc. Everything that was not met of course. o_O

Still have not looked closer on the SELinux problem and processing of pictures is also not working yet. I get a success message of the upload, but nothing gets displayed or processed as far as I can see.

MediaGoblin is a free software media publishing platform that anyone can run.

But it is a lot of hard work to get there. I haven't tried their official deployment with Debian and nginx. Maybe that is easier.

Linux Magazin about MediaGoblin and Federation

In this Linux Magazine article about #MediaGoblin they also mention ~friendica ~friendica, but they are linking only to

A new project for sharing media files might be as important for its philosophy as its features.

@Open Web

in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

Is it just me, or are all 7,000 intelligent people on the planet already here?
in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

Articles like that really make me wonder what these FSW summits actually accomplish? I mean, how many will it take before people even get on the same page?

Whenever I examine the progress of other projects, I genuinely try to figure out what's going on. The last thing I ever wanna do is totally misunderstand what developers are up to. In fact, AFAIC, that's the only way to cut through any/all BS. :-)

This entry was edited (12 years ago)