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This will be an interesting keynote at #Akademy. Too bad I will not make it there. #Jolla #QT #Sailfish

This Akademy keynote talk is based on Jolla and their Sailfish OS. It will cover project history, software architecture and collaboration between Jolla and various open source projects such as Qt, Mer, and Nemo Mobile. It will address the user interface concepts used in Sailfish OS and highlight the benefits of using Qt Quick to build the user experience in Sailfish OS.

A Phone For The People - An Interview With Marc Dillon, CEO of Jolla

Following the launch at Slush, that we covered earlier, we had a nice interview with Marc Dillon, CEO of Jolla. Marc is formerly the COO of Jolla and in the recent restructuring of the company, replaced Jussi Hurmola as the CEO. With all the people talking about Jolla, I wanted to figure out what exactly is Jolla. The short answer, according to Mar...

Are there some instructions how to do this?

“Enabling Sailfish for a device such as Galaxy S3 is something that any community member could already do.â€
