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development and deployment

Yesterday I made the first change with our new web development and deployment system. It is not yet finished, but it looks already great and makes fun. Really looking forward to improve it further and add more features.
#git #vagrant #puppet #gerrit #jenkins

How to ignore local changes in Git

This is a really nice solution that I was looking for. I use this to make configuration file changes on my staging system without the need to ignore the whole config file.

Add your config file in .git/info/exclude and then use git's update-index:
$ git update-index --assume-unchanged path/to/file 

For a better explanation take a look at this blog article:
Ignoring local changes with Git

If you have configuration files or any other files in the local repository that you would like to keep as they are without the danger of adding them by mistake in a commit, you can specify that using the local git exclude file and update-index....
#git git

#Git + #Gerrit + #Jenkins are an amazing and powerful combination. Need to finish that implementation also for work. And the integration into #Eclipse works nice, too.

♲ Twitter / befreax
befreax: The New = Gerrit + Jenkins + GitHub
This entry was edited (12 years ago)