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MediaGoblin v0.4.0

Should try again if I get this release work on my server. Always failed to get everything working together.

MediaGoblin's newest release is here, 0.4.0! We've got a whole lot of cool things, most excitingly document support and an improved plugin infrastructure. Now more than ever before MediaGoblin has the tooling to become a real library of knowledge. Sounds exciting? Read on! Cory Doctorow's Little Brother being shown in MediaGoblin First of all, let'...

But do I understand it right that MediaGoblin wants to use for federation?

in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

yes, they switch the protocol to be compatible with I think.

Die Zeiten ändern sich...

Manchmal kommt es mir so vor als ob die Geheimdienste mittlerweile meine eMails öfters lesen als ich selber. Während meiner Schulzeit hatte ich mal gefordert, dass man mindestens einmal am Tag sein Postfach zu lesen hat. Wer hätte damals ahnen können das DE-Mail diesen Vorschlag tatsächlich übernimmt einmal und ich selber mittlerweile nur noch 1-2x pro Woche es schaffe mein Postfach zu öffnen. Meine Güte, was hat sich doch alles verändert. So viel zu #früherwarallesbesser.

Was man so alles erfährt...

Es gibt ein Gesetz, das dem Geheimdienst erlaubt bis zu 20 Prozent der Kommunikation zwischen der Bundesrepublik und dem Ausland auf verdächtige Inhalte zu prüfen? Wo lebe ich denn?

Der BND liest mit: Nicht nur die amerikanische NSA, auch der deutsche Auslandsgeheimdienst kundschaftet internationalen Mailverkehr aus. Nun soll die Netzüberwachung sogar ausgebaut werden.

Na was für ein Zufall:

Die Regierung müsse mehr in die IT-Sicherheit "Made in Germany" investieren. "Das wird dreistellige Millionenbeträge kosten."

Die Regierung müsse mehr in die IT-Sicherheit investieren, sagt CSU-Politiker Hans-Peter Uhl. Auch Dieter Wiefelspütz (SPD) fordert angesichts des US-Datenskandals "angemessene Alternativen".
This entry was edited (11 years ago)

Der Bundesüberwachungsminister informiert

Wenn die NSA flächendeckend das Netz überwacht, dann muss man sie einfach vor Kritik in Schutz nehmen, dachte sich wohl unser Bundesüberwachungsminister Hans-Peter Friedrich und dankte zugleich für die “gute Zusammenarbeitâ€: Bundesinnenminister Hans-Peter Friedrich (CSU) hat die USA im NSA-Ãœberwachungsskandal verteidigt und vor deutscher K...
in reply to Haakon Meland Eriksen

I think Friedrichs goal is to produce as many :headdesk and :facepalm moments as possible so that we fall off guard 😕

Mal sehen was daraus wird

Parteien wollen Rechtsunsicherheit bei Softwarepatenten beenden » Linux-Magazin

Nach der Anhörung von Experten zur Patentierbarkeit von Computerprogrammen im Bundestag gibt es seit Freitag einen ersten, fraktionsübergreifenden Antrag, der Softwarepatenten Grenzen setzen möchte.

Das wird noch heisser Sommer

Na das wird ja noch bestimmt eine heisser Sommer...

Microsoft gibt US-Behörden vorab Lücken bekannt | Netzpolitik | Technology-News

Laut einem Bericht der Nachrichtenagentur Bloomberg arbeiten zahlreiche Privat-Unternehmen mit US-Nachrichtendiensten zusammen. So soll Microsoft Daten über Sicherheitslücken bereits vorab an NSA, CIA und FBI weitergeben. Im Gegenzug sollen die Unternehmen mit vertraulichen Informationen versorgt werden.

Google has too much power. Now they can force website operators to create mobile optimized websites. o_O
I think that is good for the user, but it is the totally wrong reason why you should do it.

Smartphone users are a significant and fast growing segment of Internet users, and at Google we want them to experience the full richness of the web. As part of our efforts to improve the mobile web, we published our recommendations and the most common configuration mistakes. Avoiding these mistakes helps your smartphone users engage with your site...

A new bestseller?

Sales of George Orwell’s ’1984′ up 69 percent on Amazon |

Sales of George Orwell’s 1984 are up 69 percent on Amazon, according to a list on the website.
The book marked its 60th anniversary on June 6 amid a flurry of real-world news stories on secret government surveillance.
Amazon lists the paperback version of the sci-fi classic as the 19th biggest book on its Movers and Shakers list. The current sales rank is 110.
The list identifies the biggest gainers in sales rank compared to 24 hours ago.
Update: As of 3:22 p.m. EDT, sales of Orwell's 1984 are up 91 percent on the Amazon Movers and Shakers list.
Update II: As of 10:16 p.m. EDT, sales of Orwell's 1984 are up 126 percent on the Amazon list. The sales rank is now at 71 - up from 161.


Link Hover Effects with CSS | Web Tutorial Plus
Links are the integral part of internet. The World Wide Web exists because of hyperlinks. So, while designing our websites, it’s important to give high priority to links styling. How do we style our links? I have seen that in many websites, the links are styled with distinct colors and background other than normal text. Surely, the basic design c...

Focal Point

What a nice solution to get the right focal point when cropping images in #RWD. #CSS

focal-point - A small set of CSS classnames to help keep images cropped on the focal point for responsive designs. Using only HTML/CSS, web authors can specify an image's focal point, which stays as the image's primary focus, while the image's available width changes on responsive webpages. Crop and re-size images depending on available width and let CSS to do all of the work, and without any JavaScript.

An intersting article that shows it in action:

Reading an article entitled Focal Point: Intelligent Cropping of Responsive Images on Design Shack.

Just need to get this into my CMS somehow.

A very intersting video presenting a great idea for the other half.

Finland’s Jolla Phone Aims to Compete With Apple, Samsung

In the world of tech giants Apple and Samsung, tiny upstarts make small waves. Finland’s smartphone maker Jolla hopes to change that with security innovations in its new phone.

Being able to switch the security level and applications from work phone to private phone would be really interesting.

Collegium Leoninum Bonn, up to 80 participants
This Demo Camp will be sponsored by itemis AG, Eclipse strategic member and the leading company for model-driven software development. If your company is willing to co-sponsor this event, please contac...

The alternatives look quite disappointing. 🙁

Opt out of PRISM, the NSA's global data surveillance program. Stop reporting your online activities to the American government with these free alternatives to proprietary software.
in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

Indeed, their list of alternatives is woefully inadequate.
For instance, there are definitely secure e-mail alternatives, like, admittedly, some more technologically complex ones, like running your own mail server, using SSL and GPG encryption, or using a platform like friendica or red where you can send private messages that are, likewise, protected by both, SSL and encryption.
Of course, their list of social alternatives is very lacking, and fails to mention friendica, redmatrix,, and libertree (plus options such as running your own server with forum software, like phpbb or smartmachines, or other platforms for, say, local groups, personal friends, family, as one friend of mine does).
What's funny is, while completely ignoring these options, they only thing they offer for media sharing is mediagoblin, which is a complex solution requiring that one run their own server (or have a friend who does). And, honestly, redmatrix and friendica can be used well to share media, privately, as well (although they aren't structured as media galleries, so lack some of the media organization that mediagoblin has). Plus there are other FLOSS media gallery platforms, like piwigo or gallery(2,3), etc.
Another failure is their list of search options. is okay, offering google results over a secure proxy, thus, without the tracking, but the same provider offers, plus, they completely ignore, and decentralized search indexes, like yacy and seeks.

This needs addressed.

JURI workshop on 9 July: Legal aspects of free and open source software

There will be a workshop in the European Parliament about "Legal aspects of free and open source software"

The attending speakers sounds very interesting, Jutta Kreyss from the LiMux project and also Eben Moglen

Okay, come on, speak up! Whose idea was this for the worlds biggest marketing campaign for decentralised networks?!? Someone from ~friendica ~friendica or redred#matrix? Someone from the new merged StatusNet/GNU social? Or is it a campaign for Whoever you are you are genious.

If not we really screwed it up in the last 10years to let this happen! o_O


NSA Whistleblower

Can this story be true?

Source for the Guardian's NSA files on why he carried out the biggest intelligence leak in a generation – and what happens next

#prism #whistleblow

This entry was edited (11 years ago)

Von der Kunst der Kommunikation

Ich glaube die Chancen auf immer weniger zueinander kompatiblen Protokollen ist grösser als geringer geworden. Das Problem mit echten Multimessengern kann ich mir gut vorstellen, auch wenn ich solche nicht einsetze. Ich hatte eigentlich alle relevanten Dienste für mich über Gateways mit meinem XMPP-Server realisiert. Davon klappen aber immer weniger und viele Kontakte sind auch zu Diensten gewechselt wofür es gar kein Gateway mehr gibt.

Von der Kunst der Kommunikation » Linux-Magazin
Ich gebe zu, für mein Alter bin ich schon ziemlich lang online. Meine erste Verbindung, damals noch unter dem Begriff DFÜ, führte mich 1991 in die wunderbare Welt der Mailboxen, ihrer ANSI-Grafiken auf schwarzem Hintergrund, und modernen Protokollen wi...

Netzneutralität für Joe Average

Ein paar interessante Ideen wie man die Konsequenzen für eine breitere Masse verständlich machen sollte. Vergisst man wohl leider viel zu häufig.

Eure T-Netzneutralität versteht kein Mensch!

Die Wikipedia Deutschland kennt Netzneutralität seit dem 2. Juni 2006. Kurz vor dem deutschen Sommermärchen legte der Nutzer Gibro den etwas mageren Artikel mit dem folgenden Wortlaut an: Unter Netzneutralität wird eine in den USA geführte Diskussion verstanden, bei der es um einen Gesetzesentwurf zur Nutzung der Bandbreiten für Internetanwe...

#netzneutralität #drosselkom

Security by Obscurity

Ein wunderschönes Beispiel, vor allem wie versucht wird mit völlig unbrauchbaren Lösungen etwas zu "reparieren". #fail

Gastbeitrag: Security by Obscurity bei Netgear-Switches » Linux-Magazin

Im Linux-Magazin 10/2012 beschrieb der Autor Sven Anders seine Erlebnisse mit dem Netgear-Switch GS108E, einem relativ preisgünstigen Modell des Herstellers. Das Gerät bietet aber die Möglichkeit, VLANs zu verwenden oder auch einen Port zu spiegeln. Da...


This project makes a quite interesting impression. Especially the multi-project features sounds good. But not sure if it will fit so good into an agile development process.

LibrePlan: The open source web application for project planning, monitoring and control

The open source web application for project planning, monitoring and control

The automatic audio post production webservice, using signal processing and machine learning techniques.

GNU social merges with StatusNet

Was there any big difference between these ever? Thought they are all StatusNet anyway.

On June 8th, 2013 the developers of GNU social are pleased to announce a merger with both the Free Social project and the StatusNet project. Free Social developer and founder, Mikael Nordfeldth and GNU social founder, Matt Lee will co-manage the project. StatusNet founder and Federated Web pioneer Evan Prodromou, will remain active on the project a...

Funny logo of GNU social, btw.

The disappointments about app stores

There is quite much development in the bodega repositories. Really looking forward to see how well this new concept will work.

the triumphs and travails of a shift-key-challenged KDE hacker The biggest thing that I dislike about "app stores" (when did they stop being applications by the way?) is that it changes me from being an end user to a customer. It's really more of an overall philosophy. So rather than focus on quality, a focus on getting money from the customer is a...

quick update on vivaldi hardware

the triumphs and travails of a shift-key-challenged KDE hacker You are not the only one eagerly waiting. Me too! BTW, with the start of the FairPhone i would like to know, how "fair" the Vivaldi hardware is. Have you plans on this? It would be great, if after a while, it would be as fair as the software allready is. Does it go into desktop mode whe...

PHP Version Adoption

I also have to still run one server with PHP5.2 because of proprietary and PHP versions incompatible applications. 🙁

PHP runs over 75% of all websites whose technologies are known (source: w3techs), which makes for a really REALLY long tail of users who once installed wordpress, phpmyadmin, or some other open source project that helped their business needs at the time. What they don't do is upgrade. PHP's current usage statistics look like this (source and raw nu...


Is this JavaScript only? Seriously? o_O

Seriously.js - A real-time, node-based video effects compositor for the web built with HTML5, Javascript and WebGL

Welcome to our next Hacker Challenge! Each week, we issue a new challenge. You get until Sunday to prepare your submission and send it to us. That gives you a few days to think about it and a whole weekend to work it up. Our editors pick the best submissions and our favorite will win a copy of the Lifehacker book!

State communication surveillance undermines freedom of expression, warns UN expert

GENEVA (4 June 2013) – “Freedom of expression cannot be ensured without respect to privacy in communications,†United Nations Special Rapporteur Frank La Rue said today, calling for more global attention to the widespread use of surveillance technologies by States in violation of the human rights to privacy and freedom of expression.

To all the admins out there, have a peacful sleep. o_O

A vulnerability in all versions of Windows can be exploited by ordinary users to obtain system privileges. The vulnerability was discovered by Google's Tavis Ormandy, who posted his discovery online without first informing Microsoft

Rangy not supported

Looks like is not compatible with my browser. When I go to I only get this JavaScript error message and get presented the start page.

Rangy not supported in your browser. Reason: Neither Range nor TextRange are implemented

Welcome to the new open web, now I will even never get to know why the move from to was postponed. o_O

Babies are supposed to like high-contrast mobiles, but I didn’t like any of the high modernist alternatives out there, so I made my own. Carbon fiber band, lots of black and white animals, and of course Tux the GNU/Linux penguin ...

No webarchive in Konqueror with WebKit

When you use the WebKit webbrowser module in #Konqueror some of the nice features under extra are gone. Like the webarchive tool which I use often. Took me quite long to figure this out. :-/

Creative Commons beim NDR

Letztens total überrascht, als ich einen Beitrag vom NDR gesehen habe, der unter einer CC-Lizenz BY-NC-ND 3.0 Deutschland stand. Sollte ruhig öfters gemacht werden!

Aserbaidschanischer Exilsender in Berlin

Ein Jahr nach dem ESC in Baku ist Aserbaidschan autoritärer geworden, sagt Emin Milli. Mit Meydan TV informiert der Blogger als unabhängige Stimme - aus einem Keller in Berlin.

Immer wieder ein interessanter Vortrag. #Antifeatures

Linuxtag 2013 Einige Hard- und Softwarehersteller betreiben enormen Aufwand, um Funktionen auf ihren Geräten einzuschränken. MIT-Forscher Benjamin Mako Hill bezeichnet diese als "Antifeatures" -


It was a great technical behind the scenes blog diary about #ESC2013.

May 20

M & M Production Management is a global entertainment production resource company.

Sometimes more is more

Virtualization has revolutionized the data center, but less isn't always more when it comes to the number of server virtualization hosts

Gerade eine Werbung von Micro$oft im Fernsehen gesehen über Windows8 und den IE10 und den tollen neuen Privatsphärenschutz für den sich Micro$oft stark macht. Unglaublich!