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Must be secure enough...

Screw you M$! I followed your guidelines and instructions, I checked the permissions myself, I used Bing, just to give a fucking damn reporting user db_owner rights in the end to get it working at all.

Missing permission on DPM Report

>An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
>Query execution failed for dataset 'DataSet1'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)
>The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'ufn_MM_GetPgLabels', database 'DPMDB_DKODPM01', schema 'dbo'.

I solved it by adding the local "DPMR$Servername" account to the local security Group "DPMDBAdministrators$Servername".

Is this part of your NSA contract? Hope you rot in security hell!

Erst war es nur ein Switch, jetzt eine ganze Vermittlungsstelle... sind jetzt schon einige Stunden wo das Telefon kaum geht. Nicht gut NetCologne.

NetCologne Homepage wrote:

Eilmeldung: Störung unserer Vermittlungsstelle auf der Stollberger Straße
Durch eine Störung in unserer Vermittlungsstelle auf der Stollberger Straße sind aktuell die Telefonie Dienste für mehrere tausend Kunden nur eingeschränkt verfügbar. Eingehende Telefonate können entgegen genommen werden, abgehende Telefonate sind derzeit nicht möglich. Internet- und TV-Dienste sind davon nicht betroffen. Unsere Techniker sind vor Ort und arbeiten mit Hochdruck an der Problemlösung! Wir halten Sie auf dem Laufenden.

OpenPGP-Schlüssel im DNS

Kenne leider noch zu viele Hoster deren Standpunkt ist, dass DNSSEC keine Prio für sie hat einzuführen. 🙁

Pretty Good Privacy soll das DNS zur Schlüsselpropagierung nutzen. Auf der Liste der Entwickler der Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) steht als nächstes die Zulassung eigenen Schlüsselmaterials.

weisungsgemäß ausgeschlossen

Soziale Medien sind offene Quellen. Als solche werden sie beim Zentrum Operative Kommunikation der Bundeswehr ausgewertet, um das "Informationsumfeld" bei Auslandseinsätzen bestimmen zu können.

Na dann bin ich ja beruhigt...

Einzelne Nutzer seien überhaupt nicht von Interesse und Analysen außerhalb der "Einsatz- und Interessensgebiete", etwa in Deutschland, seien weisungsgemäß ausgeschlossen.


DAPI? (Dovecot REST API)

Dovecot launches a Gmail API compatible REST API to enable third-party developers to join its global email ecosystem | The world's most popular IMAP server!

Open-source IMAP server with 57% world market share announces the its support of the next generation email-integrated applications  HELSINKI, Finland, July 23, 2014 – Dovecot OY, developer of the #1leading open source IMAP server software, has announced the release of a new REST API which will help third-party developers to more closely integrat...

Dovecot REST API FAQ | The world's most popular IMAP server!

1.What benefits will the Dovecot REST API bring to Developers? The Dovecot REST API helps developers to create, access, modify, list and send Emails including threads, tags and attachments programmatically out of their applications. The rights what the 3rd party apps are allowed to do, are controlled by the owner of the Email account, the User. 2. ...

i-doit 1.4


re:opening i-doit 1.4 on 07.08.14 | Open Source CMDB

On 07/08/2014 we will publish v1.4 of the new i-doit open software.
Important for all users of earlier versions:
i-doit open 1.4 is NOT an update of earlier open versions, but can ONLY be run as a new installation.

freifunk statt Angst


Freien, anonymen und für jeden offenen Zugang zum Internet sehen Freifunker als Grundrecht an.

Eigentlich sollte jeder sein WLAN einfach teilen können. Aufgrund der unklaren Rechtslage im Bezug auf die Störerhaftung sind jedoch viele Menschen verunsichert. Deshalb
wurde von Freifunk spezielle Software für WLAN-Router entwickelt, die den Internetverkehr per VPN Tunnel aus dem offenen WLAN ü ...


gifwall - gif demo
A little app demonstrating the use of WebRTC + Animated_GIF to generate small animations with your faces.

graph it...

Creating suitable templates for your performance data in pnp4nagios is really worth the effort. Should have worked with the pnp4nagios templates much earlier! Still so many ideas how to improve it and add more features. Just realized today how long I haven't really worked with our monitoring system anymore. Had to delegate this task some years ago to others, but now I see how much more you could do with it and somehow I regret it.


Small tool with a clear overview. The hints for a small test server were reasonable.

MySQLTuner-perl by major

MySQLTuner is a script written in Perl that will assist you with your MySQL configuration and make recommendations for increased performance and stability. View the Project on GitHub major/MySQLTuner-perl MySQLTuner is a script written in Perl that allows you to review a MySQL installation quickly and make adjustments to increase performance and st...

Testing OTRS in a container

This was a long evening with OTRS and Docker. :yawn Used Docker more as a test&trash environment today, but my notes I always make should be nearly complete do write a Dockerfile to get an image that will let me continue from this point without all the manual steps. But for production it still needs a lot of work, like separating database, installing missing optional packages and I need to see what is the intended way to run cronjobs in Docker.

At least, both tools I will use more often in the future!

Kernel panic with Docker

Already had several Kernel panics while playing with Docker. 🙁 Until now I only tried it on one machine, so not sure if something else is maybe wrong here.

This one appeared right after a docker run:

World Cup Trophy in Bonn

Nice gallery of the light installation at the Posttower in Bonn after the match last week


In Bonn erstrahlt der Posttower als WM-Pokal

Sachfremde Einzelmeinungen

Das Vorhaben wird wohl noch etwas teurer für Micro$oft. 😁

Trotz Gegenwind von der Rathausspitze: CSU, SPD und Grünen im Münchner Stadtrat schließen einen Wechsel von LiMux zurück zu Microsoft derzeit aus. Selbst CSU-Stadtverordnete bezeichnen LiMux-Kritik als "sachfremde Einzelmeinungen".

old cars and petticoats

Die Rheinbach Classics sind ein überregionales Oldtimerfestival, welches jährlich über 30.000 Zuschauer aus ganz Deutschland und den Nachbarländern anzieht. Die Veranstaltung findet immer am dritten Wochenende im Juli in Rheinbach (bei Bonn) statt.

Always got to hear there is no CPU stats for DELL switches, also the monitoring plugins I saw had fans, temp, psu, ports, etc. but no CPU. So I was bit excited when I found CPU stats in SNMP today for a DELL PowerConnect 2848. But then again in other places the SNMP implementation is just broken. It is the most recent firmware from last year. :-!
$ snmpwalk -v2c -c public switchaddress .
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.674.10895.3000. = INTEGER: 67109249
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.674.10895.3000. = INTEGER: 67109249
Error: OID not increasing: SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.674.10895.3000.
 >= SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.674.10895.3000.

Is DELL a company that will fix such problems?

Bitly: Lessons Learned Building a Distributed System

Have you ever wondered how bitly makes money? A URL shortener can’t be that hard to write, right?

Da hat wohl noch jemand eine "Zuwendung" aus Redmond erhalten. :headdesk

Das Vorzeigeprojekt für Linux in der Verwaltung trifft vermehrt auf Kritik: Der neue Münchner Oberbürgermeister moniert, dass freie Software "gelegentlich den Microsoft-Anwendungen hinterherhinke", sein Vize hadert mit dem "ganzen Thema LiMux".

Hat das Peer Heinlein nicht schon seit Jahren gepredigt?

Ein Anwalt hat eine E-Mail der Gegenseite seiner Mandantin nicht rechtzeitig weitergeleitet. Für den dadurch entstandenen Schaden muss er nun geradestehen.

The SabreDAV online documentation is one of the worst mobile user experiences I have seen. 🤒

Irritating times

Interesting expressions "expressed their displeasure", "the US was annoyed".

US officials have expressed their displeasure a day after Germany expelled the CIA chief in Berlin amid a new spying scandal. Earlier, Germany's foreign minister called for a renewal of ties based "on mutual respect."

Interesting insights in the state of mind of intelligence agencies:

"Allies with sophisticated intelligence agencies like the United States and Germany understand with some degree of detail exactly what those intelligence relationships and activities entail," Earnest told a White House briefing on Friday.
"Any differences that we have are most effectively resolved through established private channels, not through the media," he added.
Meanwhile, Mike Rogers, chairman of the US House of Representatives intelligence committee accused Germany of throwing a "temper tantrum." Rogers told US news broadcaster CNN that US information had "saved German lives" and that Berlin was avoiding an "adult conversation" on the issue.

If they saved German lives by spying the german government I think the german public has a right to know more details. o_O


The discovery of US spies in Germany's intelligence service and Defense Ministry has sparked outrage. Now German spies are calling for a boost in funds and staff directed toward counterintelligence.


TYPO3 CMS 6.2.4

What a changelog 😀

This document contains information about TYPO3 CMS 6.2.4 which was released on July 8th, 2014. This is part of a combined release of TYPO3 CMS 4.5.35, 6.1.10 and 6.2.4. The usual upgrading procedure applies. No database updates are necessary. Here is a list of what was fixed since 6.2.3: If you have skipped one or more versions while upgrading to t...


Need to pull the new official Docker images 😀

Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS7 - CentOS Wiki
Hello and welcome to the first CentOS-7 release. CentOS is an Enterprise-class Linux Distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by Red Hat.
CentOS conforms fully with Red Hat's redistribution policy and aims to have full functional compatibility with the upstream product. CentOS mainly changes packages to remove Red Hat's branding and artwork.

Horde Groupware Webmail Edition 5.2.0

The Horde Team is pleased to announce the final release of the Horde Groupware Webmail Edition version 5.2.0.

Horde Groupware Webmail Edition is a free, enterprise ready, browser based communication suite. Users can read, send and organize email messages with four different webmail interfaces and manage and share calendars, contacts, tasks, notes, files, and bookmarks with the standards compliant components from the Horde Project.

Ein Micro$oft-Fan

Werden jetzt schon Bürgermeister von Micro$oft gesponsort? o_O #Limux

"Microsoft-Fan": Münchens neuer OB Re... » Linux-Magazin

In einem Interview mit der in Münchener Behörden verteilten "Stadtbild" rückt Münchens neuer OB Dieter Reiter spürbar vom Limux-Projekt ab.


Siegtal Pur

Siegtal Pur
Auf ungetrübten Fahrspaß dürfen sich unmotorisierte Verkehrsteilnehmer beim jährlich stattfindenden „Siegtal pur – Autofreies Siegtal“ freuen. Am ersten Sonntag im Juli wird das Siegtal auf rund 120 Kilometern für den gesamten Autoverkehr gesperrt. Dann ist zwischen 9.00 und 18.00 Uhr jede Menge Platz zum Radeln, Skaten und Wandern. Jahr...

Internet machine

Internet machine is a multi-screen film about the invisible infrastructures of the internet. The film reveals the hidden materiality of our data by exploring some of the machines through which ‘the cloud’ is transmitted and transformed.



BugJuggler is a 70ft tall robot that uses hydraulic cylinders to hurl cars into the sky and catch them in mid-air.

They should make it to pick tanks, not cars. That would be a statement.

Interesting what data you can find at the CIA.

The World Factbook - Costa Rica

Military branches:
no regular military forces; Ministry of Public Security, Government, and Police (2011)

Manpower available for military service:
males age 16-49: 1,255,798
females age 16-49: 1,230,202 (2010 est.)

Manpower fit for military service:
males age 16-49: 1,058,419
females age 16-49: 1,037,053 (2010 est.)

Manpower reaching militarily significant age annually:
male: 42,201
female: 40,444 (2010 est.)


Now you can make business with grass?!? O_o

grassland real grass
For business premises, trade shows or private living space, grassland creates unique, customised letters, company logos, wall art, lampshades and other objects made of genuine grass....

Opportunistic Security

This memo defines the term "opportunistic security". In contrast to the established approach of delivering strong protection some of the time, opportunistic security strives to deliver at least some protection most of the time. The primary goal is therefore broad interoperability, with security policy tailored to the capabilities of peer systems.


fingerprint('anonymizer/tor/torpoject_visit')=http_host('') and not(xff_cc('US' OR 'GB' OR 'CA' OR 'AU' OR 'NZ'));
I hope you don't click this link if you don't belong to one of the mentioned countries.
$TAILS_terms=word('tails' or 'Amnesiac Incognito Live System') and word('linux' or ' USB ' or ' CD ' or 'secure desktop' or ' IRC ' or 'truecrypt' or ' tor ');


Der Generalbundesanwalt hat einen BND-Mitarbeiter festgenommen, der den NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss für einen ausländischen Nachrichtendienst ausspioniert haben soll. Der hat inzwischen gestanden, für die USA gearbeitet zu haben.

NEIN! Schockierend!

Seibert habe lediglich eingestanden, "der Fall ist ernsthaft, das ist doch klar".

Nanana, bitte!!! Jetzt stellt man sich mal vor er hätte nicht an die NSA die Daten verkauft sondern wäre ein Whistleblower und hätte diese Informationen der Öffentlichkeit bekannt gegeben. Man was wäre das für ein Aufschrei gewesen.
:headdesk :headdesk

We did it again...

And a german weapon manufacturer did it again and is in the news. SIG SAUER is selling weapons to countries they are not allowed to do it. Just this time it looks like they tried to cheat the government and not included them. Hard to believe, most of the time the government was itself involved in such businesses. Heckler & Koch, FRITZ WERNER how can it be that their weapons are involved in all conflicts around the world when there are so strict regulations about their exports. The history of FRITZ WERNER is really interesting. It was even a 100% government owned company. Today they are not selling weapons anymore to shady states, but sells whole factories and licenses to produce weapons which is not controlled by export restrictions. :facepalm

Schon aufgegeben? 😉

BYOD-Risiken sind heute technisch nicht mehr in den Griff zu kriegen, sagt Gartner. Einzig mögliche Lösung sei, den Mitarbeitern mehr zu vertrauen.