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Items tagged with: OPENSOURCE

‼️ The Free Software Foundation Europe needs your help ‼️

The EU Commission aims to remove funding from free software projects which are crucial to our digital lives.

We spoke with the #FSFE to learn more.

Please share this post with your friends to spread the message and rally support for free software! 📣

#freesoftware #opensource #eu #europe #freedom

got it. Thank you for sharing!

Just one point, isn't AT Protocol open source?

#atprotocol #activitypub #OpenSource #BigTech

Last day at Open Source Summit Europe in Vienna - see you in Hall H at Booth P3. Come by, learn about #OpenSearch, watch demos, & learn about the community. #OSSummit #opensource

We are proud to support the launch of the OpenSearch Software Foundation, a community-driven initiative that will support OpenSearch and its search software, which is used by developers around the world to build search, analytics, observability, and vector database applications. Hosted by the Linux Foundation, the OpenSearch Software Foundation will work with community maintainers and developers, as well as founding member organizations, to support the continued growth of OpenSearch.

Established in 2021 and previously hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS), OpenSearch has recorded more than 700 million software downloads and participation from thousands of contributors and more than 200 project maintainers. With the launch of the OpenSearch Software Foundation, AWS has transitioned OpenSearch under the Linux Foundation. The OpenSearch Software Foundation will focus on supporting OpenSearch as it continues to be adopted by organizations around the world to power business-critical workloads.

View the announcement:
#opensource #opensearch #devs #cybersecurity

Hot off the Open Source Summit keynote:
The #OpenSearch project is joining the @linuxfoundation 🎉
I've advocated for @OpenSearchProject becoming a foundational #opensource from the project's early days, and I'm so happy to see it coming through.

Presenting the newest project at The Linux Foundation: The OpenSearch Software Foundation. A number of members have already joined!

@linuxfoundation @OpenSearchProject
#ossummit #opensource

🚀 Today! Join Anandhi Bumstead, Amazon; Peter Giese, SAP; Shanshan Song, Uber; Michelle Tabirao, Canonical for their Panel Discussion: Powering Innovation through #OpenSource: The #OpenSearch Story at #OSSummit Europe

The #OpenSearch Project is now part of the newly formed OpenSearch Software Foundation, a community-driven initiative under the Linux Foundation. This marks a major milestone in the history of the OpenSearch Project, & we couldn't be more excited to share our thoughts with the #opensource community.

Join us at Open Source Summit Europe in Vienna next week - we'll be in Hall H at Booth P3. Come by, learn about #OpenSearch, watch demos, & learn about the community. #OSSummit #opensource

Aswath Srinivasan of @OpenSearchProj will tell us about "Leveraging User Behavior Insights to Enhance Search Relevance" at Haystack EU on 30th September - an exciting new way to measure user behaviour and use this to improve search, #opensource of course!

In light of the recent €27 million cut in EU funding, which effects #FreeSoftware #OpenSource projects and organisations like

@fdroid @thunderbird
@matrix @davx5app @peertube
@postmarketOS @nixos_org @torproject @pixelfed @wireguard @libreoffice @xmpp @cryptpad

the need for long-term, sustainable support has become more evident than ever!

Raise your voice and take part in an ongoing consultation to safeguard EU funding for #softwarefreedom :

So watt machema mit MariaDB?

MariaDB goes private with new CEO as K1 closes acquisition

MariaDB‘s short-lived tenure as a public company is all but over, as the struggling database business is now fully under the auspices of K1 Investment Management.
#Mariadb #Database #Opensource

Ergänzung zum VIM Cheatsheet Blog Artikel - Navigation in Multilines

- j und k bei diesen runter und hoch “Movement” Bewegungs-Tasten ist noch wichtig zu wissen, dass sie immer Zeilenweise interpretiert werden.

Wenn also eine Multiline, also eine Zeile, die wegen ihrer Länge mehrfach umgebrochen wird, vorhanden ist, dann springt der Cursor visuell mehrere Zeilen runter oder hoch! Aber soll der Cursor visuell zwischen den Zeilen bewegt werden und damit im Prinzip innerhalb EINER Zeile, so geht das mit der zusätzlichen Taste g und damit mit gj und gk . Hier ist visuell nicht mit dem VISUAL Mode von vim zu verwechseln.

- gj / gk Zeilenweise runter oder Zeilenweise hoch bei umgebrochenen Zeilen.
#hyperblog #vim #opensource

Join Anandhi Bumstead, Amazon; Peter Giese, SAP; Shanshan Song, Uber; Michelle Tabirao, Canonical for their Panel Discussion: Powering Innovation through #OpenSource: The #OpenSearch Story at #OSSummit Europe

Join the Nextcloud developer community on GitHub!

We're building the future of open source collaboration and data sharing, and would love your ideas and contributions to make Nextcloud even better! 💡

#Nextcloud #DeveloperCommunity #OpenSource

🚀 Nextcloud Community Conference 2024 is coming to Berlin from September 14-20!

🔍 Highlights:
- #Nextcloud Hub 9 Release on Sep 14 at 10:00 AM CEST
- Keynotes by Dr. Constanze Kurz & Dr. Björn Lundell
- Panels, workshops, networking, and a Saturday night party! 🎊

📍 Venue: MotionLab.Berlin – Unique space for work and relaxation.

🎥 Can’t join us in Berlin? Watch the livestream!

See you in Berlin! 💙

#NextcloudConf24 #OpenSource #Community

We used to write good documentation... (w/The Taylor and Amy Show)

In this unscripted episode of Veronica Explains, I hang out with my good friends Taylor and Amy from @TaylorAmyShow and we rant/rave about documentation, and compare the (often sorry) state of today's Linux/FOSS docs against the (often fantastic) documentation we had when vintage computers were just called computers.

Videos and channels mentioned in the episode:
🖥️ The Computer Chronicles "Computers in Education" from 1983:
🫡 The late, great Jim Butterfield's classic C64 training tape:
🤩 The sequel to this episode, over on Taylor and Amy's channel:
👈 Robin from @8_Bit , a favorite YouTube channel of mine
🗃️ Eric from @EricsEdgeVideos who provided Taylor and Amy with Multiplan!

Lastly, if you want to help me make more videos, please consider joining my Ko-Fi or Patreon. Members over there get weekly update posts from me and help me decide what topics to cover. This channel's not sponsored by anyone but you, so thank you for your consideration!

0:00 Reading manuals with Taylor and Amy
2:13 The Commodore 64 User's Guide
8:00 By The Editors of Consumer Guide, The User's Guide to Texas Instruments TI-994A Computer, Software, & Peripherals
12:37 About my good friends Taylor and Amy!
13:05 Odyssey2 Computer Intro
16:52 Waxing poetic about generations and their needs
19:03 Look at this Multiplan manual!

I am somehow surprised that the actual Brazilian government still doesn't have an instance of some software compatible with activity pub.

Before leaving Brazil, I was part of a group engaged in open government data and civic hacking. I really hope these groups are still strong as they were a few years ago!

By the way, in 2011, I was advocating the City Council of São Paulo to have an server, instead of Twitter. This didn't work, but at least I could open up some government data.

#activitypub #OpenSource #softwarelivre #Brasil #opendata

The coming EU Cyber Resilience Act will affect all Open Source projects. The Eclipse Foundation has created the Open Regulatory Compliance working group together with a list of other Open Source organisations to jointly develop best current practises and have a continuous dialog with regulatory bodies.

Mikael Barbero will present this important workgroup at the NSSS24!

Register today for the conference -

@EclipseFdn @owasp @openssf

🎙️ An interview with Manuel Liesenfeld of Bechtle: digital sovereignty innovations in the European public sector

We explore how digital sovereignty is driving innovation and resilience in European public sector IT.

#opensource #digitalsovereignty

Switzerland goes all-in on open source!

Switzerland pioneers a decision mandating all government software be released as open source: enhancing transparency and security.w

Public money, public code 🚀

#OpenSource #DigitalSovereignty #GovernmentTech @fsfe

We're pleased to be featured again as one of the best open-source productivity tools! 🥳

@TechCrunch recommends Nextcloud "if you want to escape the proprietary clutches of Big Tech."

In human-first technology, all roads lead to #opensource 🎯

Ein Prozess, der Excel enthält ist kaputt.

So weit so klar…

Ein #OpenSource projekt das #Discord als discussionsplatform benutzt…

If #ActivityPub integrated #OpenStreetMap it would be an huge benefit to the #opensource #community 🌍🌎. Imagine wanting to see a place on openstreetmap and user photos appear (like google earth) or geolocate a photo or video on socials that supports ActivityPub. The possibilities are huge and would involve more people.

Ganz ehrlich .. das Programm Paperworks als Dokumentenverwaltung für kleine Betriebe zu empfehlen grenzt schon an passiv-aggressiv.

Das ist zwar nett, weil es Texterkennung und ein paar Sachen automatisch macht, aber sobald du über 50 Dokumente kommst, dann ist das Ding einfach komplett unübersichtlich. Als Spielerei oder als Proof of Concept für einen Nachmittag, um zu sehen, was damit gemacht werden kann = Super. Aber dann nimmt man eine Software die auch MENGEN in übersichtlicher Form darstellen kann. Aber niemals für den ernsthaften produktiven Einsatz. Das Ding skaliert Null!

#Opensource #Digitalisierung #Dokumentenverwaltung

Auf der diesjähirgen #FrOSCon habe ich zum Thema "Geld ist nicht alles! Neue Wege zur nachhaltigen Beschaffung Freier Software" gesprochen. Dank @c3voc ist der Talk nach kaum 20 Stunden schon online - tolle Arbeit!

Danke für viele gute Gedanken zum Thema während der Konferenz! Auf neuen Wegen mag mancher Fallstrick lauern, aber es lohnt sich, sie zu gehen.

Öffentliche Verwaltungen brauchen #FreieSoftware!

#PublicMoneyPublicCode #OpenSource #Openwashing @fsfe

🐸 📺 Live-Streams (+Re-Live) – FrOSCon 19 (Free and Open Source Software Conference)

@FOSS - Freie Software

[strong]Programm und "Thematische Schwerpunkte[/strong]

Froscon-Startseite - Maskottchen ist ein Frosch

Wir bieten Vorträge zu aktuellen Entwicklungen aus dem gesamten Bereich der Freien Software und Open Source. Regelmäßig mit dabei sind z.B. die folgenden Themen:

  • Betriebssysteme
  • Entwicklung
  • Administration
  • Sicherheit
  • Rechtliche Fragen
  • Desktop
  • Bildung
  • Cloud

Jedes Jahr haben wir auch besondere Schwerpunkte. Für 2024 sind das:

  • In Rust we trust – Memory safe languages
  • Grow your own – Open Source Pflanzenbau
  • SBOM – Lieferkettensicherheit in OSS
  • Thinking outside the stack – eBPF und Freunde
  • Bridging the Gap between politics and reality – Lobbying für freie Software
  • AI AI, captain – LLM, machine learning & Co."

If you're a hosting company or university running or planning to run a large Roundcube webmail instance, this is the news you've been waiting for! 🚀

We're launching the first-ever enterprise support offering for Roundcube, ensuring you get the most out of this super popular, lightweight webmail platform.

For more details, check out our blog below 👇

#hosting #opensource #Roundcube #webmail #Nextcloud

How do the supply chain security obligations under the EU #NIS2 affect those that develop the #opensource used by "essential providers" of digital infrastructure?
@fsfe @openssf and @nlnetlabs are concerned that the term 'supplier' includes economic actors publishing #FOSS that are not a suitable counterparty for the type of reqs the draft imposes on NIS2 entities in their relation with direct suppliers.
Analysis of feedback:

The @EUCommission wants to know if their Digital Europe funding programme is working. The consultation is open to the public. You may want to comment on their attitude to #OpenSource, to #Federated systems or other aspects of emergent digital culture that company lobbyists won't be mentioning.

#FreeSoftware #Policy #Europe

Ohne verpflichtende finanzielle Kompensation für Ausfälle oder schwerwiegende Sicherheitsvorfälle werden sie wie immer nur mit Marketing und minimal notwendigen Schritten reagieren. Das hatten wir bereits.

Wenn ihr wirklich mal etwas bewegen wollt, dann braucht es Lobbying für ein digital souveränes Europa, das massiv auf #FOSS (#opensource) setzt & entsprechende Gelder dort investiert.

Alles andere ist langfristig sinnlos, wie wir in Jahrzehnten gelernt haben.

#Sicherheit #Souveränität

I had an interesting conversation with some #Docker executives on Friday, in which they highlighted some changes to their terms of service / business model. TL;DR: enterprises are now expected to pay for a full Docker subscription for *any* access to any "Docker Platform" features, including Docker Hub, regardless of pull rate.

So, for example, if you're a company with > 250 employees or > $10M revenue, and you have a Linux box pulling one open source image a week from Docker Hub, you must buy a Docker subscription for that box. And any others.

Previously, their website verbiage was focused solely on usage of Docker Desktop by enterprises.

If you are an #OpenSource maintainer and you're publishing container images on Docker Hub, they are monetizing your images, and they're doing so via a flat monthly rate regardless of consumption level. (IMHO that rate is too high, but YMMV, I guess)

This is obviously their prerogative. Really my only request/suggestion to Open Source maintainers who publish container images would be to consider also publishing them on GitHub's container registry (aka GitHub Packages) or any other registry, rather than single-sourcing with Docker Hub.

Please join me in supporting the work of @thisismissem and become a recurring donor:

Emelia does an extraordinary amount of work to make the fediverse a better place for all of us, and basically contributes to all the top fedi projects. Let's help make that sustainable for her!

#Fediverse #Fundraising #IndieWeb #OpenSource #FOSS

I signed an open letter to the @EUCommission requesting continued funding of open source software innovation and maintenance via the @EC_NGI program.

Free and open source software is not free. Supporting it is vital to the EU economy and innovation competitiveness.

@nlnet and @NGIZero funded the development of many social web apps years before they were needed and likely much underlying software in the devices you depend on every day.

#FOSS #OpenSource