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ESC Equipment List

#esc2013 sound and light equipment list

May 18 part II - Equipment List

M & M Production Management is a global entertainment production resource company.

in reply to Tobias

Thanks :) Looks Sailfish OS looks really good.

a labeling system

Great article by Dan Walsh about #SELinux and using labels.

On the SELinux mail list today, someone asked: I want to store the logs from openswan into a different file ( /var/log/ipsec ) than the default. For this purpose I added plutostderrlog=/var/log/ipsec to ipsec.conf. As long as I keep the server in permissive mode, openswan…

The new Hangouts is designed to put an end to the proliferation of Google chat services and promises to provide interesting features - but its missing XMPP support potentially means that numerous Google Talk contacts could be irretrievably lost

Seems to be too late for #dontbeevil

XMPP is the latest in the range of well-established open protocols to be dropped by Google.

Windows Server vs RHEL by Micro$oft

Compare Windows Server to Red Hat Enterprise Linux | Microsoft Windows Server

Compare Windows Server to Red Hat Enterprise Linux side by side on TCO, reliability, interoperability and manageability.

I like this one:

Microsoft approaches interoperability by design
in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

Nothing but lies about RH support here:

Especially, I note, they allege that RH gets not free udpates and patches. Bullshite.

in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

Of course it is a lot of FUD, but the biggest problem is that they compare two completely different models. Also all the advantages that come with OpenSource and Linux are not mentioned.

But it is true that you only get ready to install patches for RHEL when you have a subscription, and when you just buy once a M$ license and CALs all further updates and patches you could call them "free" maybe.
The funny point is just, that M$ urges to get to a subscription model for all of their products, too.

What a great single-page design. Nice scrolling effects.

They want to ship at the end of 2013 for €399.

Jolla Love Day

Looking forward. #IamTheOtherHalf #unlike

Jolla - Love Day - I Am the Other Half

The live stream will start at approximately 16:30 GMT/UTC+0 (19:30 Finnish Time).
The show will last approximately for 30 minutes.

Wondering when companies start not just publishing Twitter, FB and G+ links, but a ~friendica ~friendica link. 😀

Conversation -

Yes, seems that Friendica is favored, maybe switch from here to that.
in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

Just realised Jolla links to their profile on their page. But ~friendica ~friendica is still missing.
in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

They mentioned they might taggle that when then survived today 😀

What a nice video projection. #esc2013

Aliona Moon - O Mie (Moldova) - LIVE - 2013 Semi-Final (1)

Moldova: Aliona Moon - O Mie live at the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 Semi-Final (1)

Okay, but now I am scared! I just had a rant on my ~friendica ~friendica site about how bad the website worked on a tablet and now I see on that page a commercial in this video from T3N with webdesign job offers! o_O

What a totally broken page on a tablet. o_O #esc2013 #fail

The official website of the Eurovision Song Contest (Malmö 2013), featuring the latest news, photos, videos, information about the contestants, the show, the contest's rich history and more.

Das Fernbusexperiment

Habe jetzt mal diese neuen Fernbusse ausprobiert. Auf der Hinfahrt waren wir gut 40Minuten zu spät und mit der Anreise zum Abfahrtsort erst in die andere Richtung, waren wir auch erst eine Stunde nach Abfahrt wieder näher am Ziel, als von unserem Ausgangspunkt aus. Die schnellste Verbindung ist es auf jeden Fall nicht. Da ich aber auch schon Abschlussfahrten hatte wo ich 2Tage mit Reisebussen unterwegs war ist dies nicht unbedingt ein Problem.
Der Preis ist dafür schon ziemlich attraktiv. Ich frage mich noch immer wie die Anreise zum Abfahrtsort mit dem ÖPNV €7,40 kosten kann und dann die Fahrt mit dem Fernbus nur €18,00!?! o_O Das steht doch in überhaupt keiner Relation.

Ein überraschend gut funktionierndes und dazu noch kostenloses WLAN ist schon ein ziemlich gutes und starkes Argument für mich.

Die Fahrer waren total unterschiedlich. Einer hat beim Fahren mehr telefoniert als alle Mitreisende zusammen, die anderen überhaupt nicht. Einer hat auf die Gurtpflicht aufmerksam gemacht, bei den anderen gab es gar keine Informationen. War aber auch ganz interessant zu lauschen worüber sich die Busfahrer so unterhalten haben. Scheinen nicht unbedingt die besten Arbeitsbedingungen da zu sein und die Zufriedenheit der Mitarbeiter auch nicht die beste, so dass es da nicht unbedingt konstante und zuverlässliche Verhältnisse immer gibt.

Interessant war es auf jeden Fall, ob ich es wiederholen werde wird sich wohl erst zeigen.

Das ist ja besser als früher ein ping of death. o_O

Chaos im Stromnetz durch verirrte Zählerabfrage

Eine einfache Zählerabfrage geriet aus einem süddeutschen Gasleitungsnetz in die Steuerung der europäischen Stromnetze. Was dann passierte, ist mit einen DDoS-Attacke zu vegleichen: Österreich stand kurz vor dem Blackout.


Another Contributor Agreement. Inspired by Sun Microsystem's Contributor Agreement.

OXID Contribution and Contributor Agreement FAQ - OXIDwiki

We recommend that you take a few simple steps before you spent time extending the OXID eShop Community Edition Yes. You must sign the OXID eSales Contributor Agreement (OXID-CA) and then fax, mail or scan and email a signed copy to us using the postal address, email address or fax number listed in the OXID-CA. Download the most recent version of OX...

Dropping XMPP will not fix their messaging mess. It will just lock the doors. #dontbeevil

Exclusive: Inside Hangouts, Google's big fix for its messaging mess

By Ellis Hamburger and Dieter Bohn

Skydivers equipped with futuristic glasses live-broadcasted their descent into the Moscone Center in downtown San Francisco during last year’s Google I/O....

in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

Just get the update notice on my Android tablet to replace Google Talk with Hangouts.

What happens actually with my tablet when I delete my Google account?

Hope I get soon a #Vivaldi tablet.

Rainy in Freiburg

breakfast at OXID unconference. This looks even better than in the hotel.

BDD tools

Mink and Behat, two tools I need to try when back from #oxcom13. I tried cucumber two years ago, but couldn't get it running. This looks really promising.

bye DynDNS

Das ist dann wohl auch das Ende meiner StatusNet Installation und ich muss mich auch etwas beeilen meine Groupware auf die neu VPS neu aufzusetzen. Und meinen Jabber-Server muss ich dann auch zügig migrieren. So viel zu tun.

Während es bislang reichte, seinen kostenlosen DynDNS-Namen bei per Update-Client am Leben zu erhalten, muss man sich dafür nun direkt an der Betreiber-Webseite anmelden.

don't like this

in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

Since I'm on dyndns this could be a big problem for me. Are there any alternative free DNS host services?
in reply to Bob Mottram

Unfortunately this article is german, but in the last paragraph they link to some alternatives. I haven't checked them yet, because you will loose your URL anyway. 🙁
So I will move to my own domain that I have anyway on my VPS with static IPs.

Ein paar neue Daten zu den technischen Eigenschaften des #Fairphone:

Die Macher des "faireren Smartphones" geben immer wieder neue Informationsbrocken bekannt. Diesmal sind die technischen Daten an der Reihe.

ownCloud 5.0.6

Download: MD5: Download: MD5: Download:

Everytime surprised how many of these problems they fix:

Version 5.0.6 May 14th 2013
SECURITY: SQL Injection (oC-SA-2013-019)
SECURITY: Multiple directory traversals (oC-SA-2013-020)
SECURITY: Multiple XSS vulnerabilities (oC-SA-2013-021)
SECURITY: Open redirector (oC-SA-2013-022)
SECURITY: Password autocompletion (oC-SA-2013-023)
SECURITY: Privilege escalation in the calendar application (oC-SA-2013-024)
SECURITY: Privilege escalation and CSRF in the API (oC-SA-2013-025)
SECURITY: Incomplete blacklist vulnerability (oC-SA-2013-026)
SECURITY: Information disclosure: CSRF token + username (oC-SA-2013-027)

Pelzig hält sich

Interessantes Konzept dieser Sendung.

Wände könnte ich auch so einige eintreten.

Punkte für DE-Mail

Ohje... jetzt gibt es sogar schon Payback Punkte für die Registrierung eines DE-Mail Kontos. o_O

Stellungnahmen zu "Patentierung von Computerprogrammen" im Bundestag

Da bin ich ja mal gespannt was da noch raus kommt. #softwarepatente

Deutscher Bundestag: Stellungnahmen der Sachverständigen

Navigationspfad: Startseite > Der Bundestag > Ausschüsse > Recht > Anhörungen > Montag, 13. Mai 2013, 16.00 Uhr - Patentierung von Computerprogrammen > Stellungnahmen der Sachverständigen Seitenanfang ...


Lokale Domäne? » Linux-Magazin

(...)If I could just connect all these dots, the truth would tumble like a Cynic vexed by love And yet the people keep saying I'm miles from my home, miles from my home(Cowboy Junkies, "Miles from Our Home", 1998)Manchmal bürgern sich Standa...

This sounds very interesting.

The government of Spain's autonomous region of Extremadura has begun the switch to open source of it desktop PCs. The government expects the majority of its 40,000 PCs to be migrated this year, the region's CIO Theodomir Cayetano announced on 18 April. Extremadura estimates that the move to open source will help save 30 million euro per year.

HTML5 download attribute

For a long time it has been standard practice to ask visitors to "right click and save as" when downloading a file that the browser itself is capable of rendering, but where doing so is not desirable. One reason for doing this is to spare people from the annoying expe...

I have bought two hardcopy books by Tom Limoncelli already and they are really great. So this blog post was quite interesting to read.

Today is the International Day Against DRM. As an author, and one that is currently living on unemployment insurance payments, DRM-free scares the shit out of me. Every book I've ever published has been pirated. Some I have even found in the "/tmp" directory of open HTTP servers. Every time I see my books pirated I die a little inside. Writing is v...


Water makes Money

Seit Jahren kämpft Jean-Luc Touly gegen die Privatisierung des Wassers. Wegen Vorwürfen gegen seinen Arbeitgeber Veolia steht er vor Gericht.

DRM made by W3C

The HTML Working Group has announced their decision to release a First Public Working Draft of the Encrypted Media Extension (EME) specification. A preliminary version of the document has been public for some time, prompting the Free Software Foundation...


Ob das so alles stimmt?

Microsoft verliert immer mehr an Boden bei der Entwicklung seines Kernels, weil es an guten Programmierern fehlt. Interne Strukturen verhindern zudem kleine, aber signifikante Leistungsverbesserungen.

Am Donnerstag Diesel für €1,38 an einer Markentankstelle getankt. Als ich von der Kasse zurück zum Auto bin war es schon €1,44! Im nächsten Dorf gab es eine freie Trankstelle und den Liter Diesel für €1,32!!! o_O

We need more war machines

This is a really bad move of the german government. Germany's attitude towards worldwide trading of war machines is so hypocritical. #GermanWeaponsForTheWorld

What will a country - that has somewhat of 17000 islands - do with such huge and heavy tanks? How should these get used to defend the country? o_O This is so ridiculous! So either it is for the sake of wasting money or to use it for purposes that other governments were already concerned about and rejected to deliver tanks for.

The German government has approved plans to export 104 main battle tanks to Indonesia along with dozens of other armored vehicles — drawing ...

The Nederland rejected to sell tanks because of questionable human rights conditions and concerns.

An opposition politician has told DW that the German government has approved the sale of 164 tanks to Indonesia. The country joins Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates on a contentious new export list.

Another interesting article by DW from last year already

With Indonesia set to invest in a major tank deal with German suppliers, concerns over human rights abuses refuse to go away. There are also questions as to whether the archipelago nation needs such equipment.