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I take green tea

After Marc Dillon gave us a brief glimpse of a new orange coloured Jolla handset on stage at GMIC, a tweet from new CEO Tomi Pienimaki earlier this week might have hinted towards some more 'colour'...

#unlike 😀

Lost without a mobile phone

People are totally lost nowadays without a handphone. Also when you made an appointment it seems even not possible anymore to meet when no handphone is available. o_O How did this work in the last hundreds or thousand years? Also being in restaurant most people seem to be busy with their phones while waiting for the food only.

So nice todays Dilbert Daily Strip:
Dilbert comic strip for 05/09/2013 from the official Dilbert comic strips archive.

The more time I spent without a mobile phone the more I enjoy and like it this way.

*DAV support in upcoming Horde

Oh this is great! The current beta for the next Horde release have #CardDAV and #CalDAV support! Looking forward to replace ActiveSync and better integration into KDEPIM.

I see nothing. 😀 Eleven more days until the full #Jolla reveal date.

As predicted in an earlier post, we are getting reports that during Marc Dillon's keynote @ GMIC 2013, he cleverly teased the audience with what looked like the back of the new Jolla branded handse...
This entry was edited (11 years ago)

Why the Web worked and Gopher didn’t

The document CERN signed that made the technology behind the World Wide Web available without restrictions to everyone in the world showed up recently as part of CERN's celebration of 20 years of t...
in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

I was a gopher developer (you can probably find me as an attendee at gophercon).

Gopher and WWW existed side-by-side for a couple of years. The advantage of gopher is that you could just point it at a directory and it would serve up the contents. WWW had hyperlinks withing the content - but it was harder to create HTML files with links in them. Most people couldn't be bothered to edit files for little perceived gain.

The reason gopher died was the day Mosaic was released with Marc Andreesen's new <img> tag and images were rendered by Mosaic inline. Gopher and the CERN linemode browser needed to spawn an external process to view images in another window. Mosaic showed them on the same page with the text - the first TCP/IP application to do so. It was like reading a magazine with glossy photos, except it was online. This was the game changer. Within *one week* traffic on our gopher server went from thousands of hits per day to a handful. The WWW server went from a handful of hits a day to thousands. The change was that dramatic. Gopher literally died overnight. It wasn't due to WWW. It was due to one little tag, and a dev team that knew the Motif toolkit and the Windows API inside out - to be able to show you inline images cross platform. In my office, jaws dropped.

VPS Upgrade

Oh this is a nice announcement. My VPS hosting at JiffyBox got an upgrade: I have now 3 instead of 2 CPU cores, 25GB more HDD and the RAM has doubled to 2GB now! The price stayed the same.
What should I do with all these extra ressources? 😉

Icinga 1.9

This release really wants me to update it asap.

Icinga 1.9 released!

What could be better to celebrate Icinga’s 4th birthday with a new Icinga release? We’ve resolved the last release-critical issues and are happy to announce the release of Icinga 1.9! Icinga IDOUtils now uses a socket queue and transactions for large object dumps by default. With asynchronous data processing, the core is not only freed...

obsolete hgroup

Just eliminated hgroup. Not sure yet about the right alternatives. At least my page validates as valid #HTML5 again.

If you don’t already know, the hgroup element is obsolete in HTML5. Advice is now provided in the HTML spec on how to mark up subheadings, subtitles, alternative titles and taglines using existing and implemented HTML features. The important question for developers is: How do I mark up these buggers??? To answer this advice has been added to the ...

Das Ende des Zufalls

Das Buch hört sich ganz interessant an:

Das Ende des Zufalls - Wie Big Data uns und unser Leben vorhersagbar macht. Ein Buch von Rudolf Klausnitzer.
Unknown parent

Kommt Hari Seldons Psychohistorik jetzt also doch?


Alle bisherigen Festnetz-Kunden, die künftig einen Flatrate-Tarif hinzubuchen, würden "als Neukunden behandelt", berichtet das Magazin "Focus".

Wollt ihr mich jetzt total verarschen?!? Wenn ich jetzt also einen Tarif wechsle bin ich Neukunde? Bekomme ich dann auch ENDLICH #IPv6, oder gibt es das immer noch nur für Neu-Neukunden?!?! o_O
Man weiss ja nie, bei der Telekom scheinen die selben Sachen ja nicht immer die gleichen Sachen zu sein. o_O


Bin ich in einem schlechtem Traum, oder was habe ich eigentlich verpasst?

Die Länderkammer hat das umstrittene Gesetz zur Reform der Bestandsdatenauskunft abgesegnet. Ermittler von Bundesbehörden dürfen demnach zahlreiche Informationen über Anschlussinhaber von Providern abfragen.

Sind Telekommunikationsdienste jetzt eigentlich verpflichtet Passwörter im Klartext zu speichern? Das wird lustig.


Kinderbetreuung beim Sport eingestellt *grrrrr*

Wollte heute Morgen mit meinen Kindern wieder ins Fitnessstudio und musste dann feststellen, dass es gar keine Kinderbetreuung mehr gibt! 🙁
Davon stand in dem Schreiben zum neuen tollen Kursangebot aber nichts drin. Sauerei! Dabei war die jedesmal gut besucht wenn wir da waren und ich glaub es ist auch eins der teuersten Studios schon die ich gesehen habe.

Kennt jemand in Bonn noch andere Fitnessstudios die Kinderbetreuung haben?

BlackTrax is the turnkey tracking solution that will revolutionize our industry by enabling realtime spontaneous creativity + artistry + technology! BlackTrax is an affordable comprehensive tracking technology solution that delivers precise 3D & 6D positioning in realtime to controllers for automated/robotic technologies. Its ease-of-use means BT...

Rhein in Flammen

Heute Abend ist es wieder so weit. Grosses Feuerwerk in der Rheinaue.

Unter dem Motto "Götterfunken und Rheingold - Beethoven meets Wagner" steht das traditionelle Feuerwerksspektakel zu Rhein in Flammen am Samstag, 4. Mai, ganz im Zeichen des Richard-Wagner-Festjahres anlässlich des 200. Geburtstages des Komponisten.

Hätte mal gestern Abend hingehen sollen. War ja ein lustiges Programm.

Jamendo and ogg files?

Did Jamendo drop ogg support? Seems I cannot download any ogg files from Jamendo anymore. 🙁 Did they change something? This is really bad. My Amarok stopped playing MP3s some time back. My collection is ogg anyway, but now I cannot get new music from Jamendo.
in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

Looks like albums are MP3 only.

audioformat enum: {mp32} The audio format you wish to use on the fileurl returned field. At the moment mp32 (mp3 192kbps) is the only existing format.

Netdot VM

Tried the Netdot v1.0.4 VM today. Looking for an #IPAM solution.

Network Documentation Tool project

Netdot is an open source tool designed to help network administrators collect, organize and maintain network documentation.

The Cicada Principle and Why It Matters to Web Designers

Very impressive work! Using CSS and prime numbers to generate appealing random patterns.

A few weeks ago we looked at the process of making seamless tiles. As super-​​useful as seamless tiles are, it can be tough to get the balance just right.

IP Multicasting

In IPv6 this concept even replaced broadcasts completely, but unfortunately this part is completely missing in this article. But it is a good introduction in how it is implemented in IPv4.

IP multi-casting is a communication mechanism in which data is communicated from server to a set of clients who are interested in receiving that data. Any

Next Generation Networks vs. Internet

Sehr ausführlicher Artikel über NGNs.

Fast zwei Jahrzehnte lang hat sich das Internet zur Plattform für die Massenkommunikation entwickelt – weitgehend ohne die klassischen Telekommunikationsunternehmen. Die streben nun mit dem Next Generation Network in eine Führungsrolle und nach Gewinn.

Sehr schön auf den Punkt gebracht!

Wo im Internet bislang Selbstorganisation, Ad-hoc-Vernetzung und Innovationen am Rand des Netzes die Treiber der Entwicklung waren, dreht sich im NGN alles um Steuerung, Kontrolle und mehr Intelligenz im Netz selbst.

Könnte man ja fast glauben, das käme der Politik nur Recht. Daher gab es also keine Mehrheit für gesetzliche Vorgaben zur Netzneutralität. o_O

ActiveSync improvements for Horde

Horde_ActiveSync 2.4.0beta1 will bring support for EAS 14.0 and 14.1.

Actually I would prefer working *DAV support much more, because ActiveSync as a protocol and it's implementation in devices it totally broken. Syncing birthdays in contacts between two devices is a guarentee to make them complete unreliable.

in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

Mal sehen welches ca-bundle ich noch nicht geupdated habe.

Das ganze Zertifikatssystem ist doch am Arsch.


Vapiano is from Bonn, but I still don't get what people like on it and why it is so popular. I even saw one in Dubai last time. For me eating there is pure stress and when you are in a group the first are already finished eating when the last just have their food. Everything so noisy and hectic. Can anybody explain me the concept of this? Am I too old?

Piwik Plugin Marketplace

Nice to find #Piwik Plugins at one place, but all I was interested in seem not to work with current 1.12 beta.

Plugin Marketplace

Download, install and update Piwik plugins from the Plugin Marketplace


Has someone experiences with Open-AudIT? Sounds interesting, but haven't heard about it before.

The network inventory, audit, documentation and management tool.

Fair Phone

After Fair Mouse now Fair Phone.

A seriously cool smartphone. Putting social values first

You will also have root access so you can choose your OS. Looking forward how this project will develop.

Lorem Ipsum Alternatives

I didn't knew there exist so many Lorem Ipsum alternatives.

Du bist auf der Suche nach Fülltext, hast aber keine Lust auf Lorem Ipsum? Ob Bacon oder Veggie Ipsum, wir haben die perfekten Fülltext-Variationen für jeden Webdesigner. Sogar Charly Sheen, Samuel L. Jackson und Barack Obama sind dabei.

The stage looks nice. A great blog!

April 29

M & M Production Management is a global entertainment production resource company.

I also want 800 Clay Pakys in my livingroom! 😁

Lessons to learn

1. RAID1 without monitoring is nothing better than having no RAID1 at all.
2. Configuration of M$ Windows IIS 6 is really, really scary.

Auf dem Gelände der Uni Klinik Bonn zu parken ist echt verdammt teuer. Die lezten zwei Tage über €15 da gelassen. Erinnert mich daran mein Fahrrad wieder flott zu machen, wäre so viel günstiger und schneller gewesen.

Oh no... the notebook hdd starts making scrape sounds. 🙁

I don't think this has an impact on the the code quality, maybe on the commit messages. 😉

gitdown - Don't commit when you're drunk

6hours too boot a Ubuntu Linux on a 8bit CPU, not bad 😀

Apr 16, 2012, 2am PDT: Small schematic fix (SD card's SCK & VDD were switched) Apr 3, 2012, 1am PDT: new source code archive uploaded. Sped up emulator (6.5KHz->10KHz) using FPM mode on RAM & changed icache config, updated porting guide, included kernel image & new smaller ramdisk, new full image Mar 29, 2012, 7pm PDT: new source code archive uploa...

Good article about Akonadi and Nepomuk and the changes in the last releases.

Praised, cursed, often misunderstood, what are KDE's semantic desktop tools for anyway?

La sécurité c’est moi

Ein klasse Text von Jürgen Seeger zum aktuellen Thema De-Mail.

Wie ein Bundesministerium auf die Idee kommen kann, IT-.Sicherheit per Gesetz dekretieren zu können, fragt sich iX-Chefredakteur Jürgen Seeger

Standard eMail per Gesetz genau so sicher wie De-Mail. 😉

Creating sieve scripts with KMail

These improvements look really nice to create sieve scripts. Still need to port several local filters to sieve.

When we want to create a script sieve, we need to know Sieve language, and we don’t use all days this language so it’s easier to create typo and error. So I decided for 4.11 to create an assistant to generate sieve code. By default end user prefers to use GUI to create filters (as sieve script is using for filter mainly). In KMail filter GUI is...

Immer diese kriminelle Kleinbauern

War da noch zu viel Kokain an den Geldscheinen welche die da schon wieder geraucht haben?!?!?
Das darf doch nicht wahr sein!!! o_O Noch nie etwas von Biodiversität gehört.
:headbang :headbang :headbang

Die Europäische Kommission will den Landwirten und Gärtnern in Zukunft die Verwendung von Einheits-Saatgut vorschreiben. Alte und seltene Sorten haben kaum Chancen auf eine Zulassung, ihr Anbau wird strafbar - auch wenn er im privaten Garten erfolgt.

So fängt es dann, kurz darauf wird man als Bioterrorist eingestuft und ich freue mich schon auf die erste Razzia in meinem Gemüsebeet.

Welcher EU-Bürger braucht so eine Regelung? Jeder Abgeordnete der für so etwas stimmt gehört sein Mandat entzogen und müsste mit lebenslager Zwangsernährung durch Monsanto und Co bestraft werden.