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It's 2013 and still not able to support IMAP

M$ Outlook 2013 really fucked up #IMAP support. They removed the possibility to set sent and trash folders and only rely on Outlook to figure them out automatically. Also some eMails are just missing that are available through webmail and iOS. #fail

IMAP protocol extensions

Interesting article about #IMAP protocol extensions.

A set of protocol extensions keeps the legacy IMAP 4 protocol usable, which also helps mobile clients. We present a healthful mix of useful extensions.

Great comparison of IMAP features #Dovecot vs. M$ Exchange 😉

IMAP4 Access Control List (ACL) Extension IMAP4 Access Control List (ACL) Extension IMAP Extension for Conditional STORE Operation or Quick Flag Changes Resynchronization IMAP4 Extension to SEARCH Command for Controlling What Kind of Information Is Returned IMAP Extension for Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) Initial Client Response W...
in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

That brings back some memories... I was one of about a dozen IMAP developers on the planet back in the early 90s.

Mail client for Android

Which mail client do you use on your #Android? It must handle two #IMAP servers and should handle offline mail somehow because I don't have WLAN connection all the time, but want to read and write mails also without connection. I tried K-9 Mail for some weeks now, but I have already lost so many mails. Sometimes drafts are not stored, sometimes sent messages do not appear anywhere. They get delivered, but will not appear anywhere in my folders. The bad thing about it is that it is totally unreliable. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.
Looking forward to the mail client on the #Vivaldi. 😉