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War eben auf zwei ganz unterschiedlichen Seiten, aber die eingebettete Karte hat mich dann doch etwas verwundert:

Wieso Google Maps?!? Die #OSM Karte ist so viel genauer.

Finally GPS on my tablet :-)

I have finally received the free TF201 #GPS Extension Kit for #ASUS Eee Pad Transformer Prime today.
First of all I have to say, it is really working! I really got a quite good GPS position. :-D But I have only tested in the garden yet. Needs some real use testing soon when geo mapping #OSM again. I think #OSMTracker on tablet can be a quite useful tool for making annotations, notes, pictures, etc. for your GPS tracks.

Now to the other side. It is a really light piece of plastic and of course you can not use your cover anymore if you use the GPS extension kit. Don't know how to transport it all the time. Also so many ugly stickers on it. It consumes 0,41W extra.

OSM Stammtisch in Bonn

After a long time I have been at the #OSM meeting in #Bonn again this evening. It was really close to my home this time, so it was good opportunity to go there again. ;-)
And it was absolutely worth it. I have heard about a really interesting project I would like to try. Wanted to do something like that for a long time.

an experimental, work-in-progress history renderer (including supplementary tools like an importer, some test-styles and a parially rewrite of the style)
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