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Good to have already a note taking program for #jolla that syncs with my #ownCloud.

Benoît HERVIER : ownNotes 1.0.3

Benoît HERVIER (Khertan) Developer Web Site : Maemo/Harmattan/Debian addict, Open Source Advocate, Python Qt fan and developper

Stadt Jena setzt auf OwnCloud

Interessnater Artikel über einen Einsatz von #ownCloud in einer öffentlichen Verwaltung.

Storage in der Cloud ist aus Sicherheits- und Compliance-Gründen ein delikates Thema. Die Stadt Jena setzt auf einen Private-Cloud-Ansatz mit der Open-Source-Lösung OwnCloud, um bestimmte Daten zugänglich zu machen, dabei aber unter Kontrolle zu behalten.
in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

Ich nutze SOGo zusammen mit Postfix und Dovecot. Clientseitig sind es Android-Geräte, Linux, Windows und Mac-Endgeräte (Thunderbird mit SOGo-Connector, aber auch die nativen Mac-Anwendungen)

Es läuft bei mir extrem stabil und zuverlässig.

Roudncube nutze ich als weiteres Mailfrontend (Ohne Kalender). Kolab scheint mir mittlerweile sehr weit zu sein, aber ich konnte es nicht testen, da es keine fertigen Pakete für mein System gab.

Hast Du schon Zarafa getestet?

Ich teste übrigens gerade eine Variante von Z-Push, um Mail, CalDAV und CardDAV per EAS zur Verfügung zu stellen:

in reply to Michael Vogel

Postfix mit Zarafa/Z-Push kann ich nur empfehlen - läuft bei mir seit 3 Jahren "stressfrei". EAS mit PHP braucht aber halt bissel Dampf im Kessel (bzw. sollte man auf Latenzmessungen verzichten ;o).

Everyone updated their #owncloud installation? 
When reading such commit diffs I actually want to switch off my server. o_O
in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

my last update went bogus, since then my ownCloud lies infunctunal so I may delete it just as well.

Installing #ownCloud 4.5 was very smooth. #Mediagoblin is still not configured correctly. 🙁 Problems with the db connection when accessed through #FastCGI and #SELinux needs some adjustments, too.
in reply to Klaus Weidenbach

At least I can register users at my #Mediagoblin instance now. 😀
Just had to add one line to the Apache2 vHost-configuration of Mediagoblin:SuexecUserGroup [i]mediagoblinuser mediagoblingroup[/i]
But after that it got really messy, because of all the requirements of suEXEC in #CentOS that need to be met, like UID > 500, document root must be under /var/www/, etc. Everything that was not met of course. o_O

Still have not looked closer on the SELinux problem and processing of pictures is also not working yet. I get a success message of the upload, but nothing gets displayed or processed as far as I can see.

MediaGoblin is a free software media publishing platform that anyone can run.

But it is a lot of hard work to get there. I haven't tried their official deployment with Debian and nginx. Maybe that is easier.

KDE SC 4.9rc1

I have just updated #Slackware current that will become soon Slackware 14.0 and updated #KDE SC 4.9rc1 from Alien's ktown-repository.

Just had a small problem that plasma-desktop was crashing when logging in with my user. Other users had no problems. After deleting all ~/.kde/share/config/plasma* files I could login without a problem. All my sessions have been still there, so everything was allright. Just had to customize the desktop widgets a bit again.

KDE SC 4.9 really rocks! Activities work really amazing now and you have much more control over it. Also contact synchronisation with #ownCloud works again. Had some problems since the ownCloud 4.0 update. The desktop feels really responsive, quick and smooth. I ❤ it!

Too bad Slackware 14 won't ship KDE SC 4.9. 🙁