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What a day of wonderful releases...

#KDE SC 4.10 and #Openfire 3.8.0 got released today!

Was already wondering the last days if the HTTP 500 for the Openfire Roadmap site was a sign. Quite surprised to see this release today.

KDE's improvements are really impressive. Nice work on Nepomuk and PIM.

A new virtual life?

This evening I have reactivated my first and so much loved mobile computer as a virtual machine. Impressive how easy this is with some tools and #VirtualBox. It's a HP omnibook xe4500 ❤ and I got it from my parents around 2003. It is a really amazing machine and I have learned a lot about Linux and OpenSource with it and spent really A LOT of time with it! I have compiled and experienced so many and some of the most amazing free and opensource software on this machine. It never had any failures, very solid and I really treated it bad and used it very intensively. Working every day on it for programming, entertainment, communication, studying, gaming, running 29days 8h8min with Linux 2.6.12-rc2 since Fri May 13 16:11:41 2005, transport in a bag while running, I took it two years to Norway and traveling to Indonesia and Norway, completely disassembled and setting it together again several times, etc. Only the battery died after some years and it only survived few minutes, but then the final death was a problem with the power jack that got more and more unreliable. 😢 Damn I really need to disassemble it completely again and fix that! There must be a shrine in our new house for it. :sigh The only bad thing about this notebook was that the fan was terrible loud.

Some quick notes how to recover an old PC, for sure I will need this again:
Plug the HDD into an external USB connector for ATA and SATA HDDs.
$ ddrescue /dev/sdX /tmp/hp.img /tmp/hp_ddrescue.log
No read error at all after 10years! IBM Travelstar (Model: IC25N030ATCS04-0) 30GB from JUN-02. Man I have already recovered so many HDDs and machines that did not get treated that hard over such a long time.
$ VBoxManage convertfromraw /tmp/hp.img /opt/VirtualBoxHDDs/hd.vdi --format VDI --variant Standard
Create a new virtual machine and use this VDI HDD and power it up. That's it basically.

It boots directly into runlevel 4 after run fsck after 629 days without being checked. Only had to delete my xorg.conf that I put together in many sleepless nights and I had my full desktop back. #Slackware 12.2 and the great #KDE 3.5.10 and my desktop was loaded with a nice green KDE wallpaper. It presented me all my open browser tabs, konsole and kwrite sessions and even opened eMails again that I was still writing! I love this feature from KDE!!! And I got greated from hundreds of reminders from KOrganizer.

There is still bit work left, like cleaning up some omnibook kernel modules and hdparm settings, changing the network and sound drivers, installing the VirtualBox guest additions, but that should be no big deal anymore.

Too bad no #KDE SC 4.9.1 tonight for my desktop. rsync is just telling me after 1 1/2 hour to-check=332/601. Something is way too slow tonight.


Getting impressed by KDE again and again. The upcoming KDE SC 4.9 will be a real amazing release. I would love to attend #Akademy next time and meet the people from the community.

Btw, someone interested from #Indonesia to organise a #KDE SC 4.9 release party? I should be in Indonesia around that time and would love to meet other KDE enthusiasts.

This page is for KDE SC 4.9 release party listings. Please follow the following template for readability and keep it sorted. ...

KDE SC 4.9rc1

I have just updated #Slackware current that will become soon Slackware 14.0 and updated #KDE SC 4.9rc1 from Alien's ktown-repository.

Just had a small problem that plasma-desktop was crashing when logging in with my user. Other users had no problems. After deleting all ~/.kde/share/config/plasma* files I could login without a problem. All my sessions have been still there, so everything was allright. Just had to customize the desktop widgets a bit again.

KDE SC 4.9 really rocks! Activities work really amazing now and you have much more control over it. Also contact synchronisation with #ownCloud works again. Had some problems since the ownCloud 4.0 update. The desktop feels really responsive, quick and smooth. I ❤ it!

Too bad Slackware 14 won't ship KDE SC 4.9. 🙁

KDE Plasma Netbook

Nice article about #KDE #Plasma Netbook in Linux Magazine. It is great to see how all the ideas from KDE4 getting into shape and how modular and flexible it is. Just take a look also on Plasma Active for tablets. 😀

With Unity, Cinnamon, and Gnome 3 getting all the buzz, it's easy to overlook other interesting projects that attempt to rethink the traditional desktop metaphor. Case in point, the KDE Plasma Netbook interface. Despite its moniker, the KDE's alterna...

Encrypted and password protected activities will be a really amazing feature. #vivaldi #kde #tablet

♲ Aaron J. Seigo
vivaldi ordering delay
We had expected to be able to pull the lever on orders for Vivaldi by a couple of days ago. Last month there were some developments that have consequently pushed back the project by about a month. I'll be sending out emails tomorrow to individuals catching them up with this, but thought I'd let people know via my blog as well.

We are still on track to deliver, however a number of things in our supply chain through to retail have ended up taking longer than expected. When I look back at the delays I can see a good reason and ways we will have benefited in the near term from each of them, but that does not make them any more fun to endure.

In more happy news, development of the Plasma Active Mer OS that will appear on the device is progressing nicely with things like hardware buttons, file management and more starting to really slot in. Thanks to the extended timeline to delivery, we will also likely be shipping from day one with the ability to set activities as private and have them locked with encryption behind a password.